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Blog - page 39

A handy guide to Quarkus sessions at Red Hat's free Quarkus Day virtual event.

The Quarkus project moves fast and when we prepare bugfix releases, we usually have several dozens of pull requests to backport. The number of pull requests to backport is enormous and doing it via the GitHub UI is inconvenient and takes a lot of time (click PR, copy/paste commit hashes to cherry-pick, remove label, assign milestone, assign milestone to all fixed issues, next) plus some limitation of the UI (it’s not possible to sort by...

Failures are an inherent part of any software. This post explains how you handle them with Mutiny

The idea is simple, you pick your extensions and they are able to provide example code to get you started.

Exploring some SmallRye OpenAPI features

Quarkus 1.7 has been released with new extensions for Elasticsearch and Redis clients. It also brings significant improvements to Reactive routes and the Funqy serverless framework.

1.6.1.Final fixes some regressions and bugs and also got some documentation improvements.

With the release of Quarkus 1.6 Quarkus now supports test profiles, allowing you to easily test multiple different configurations inside the same module. This post outlines what test profiles are and how you can use them. Recap on how @QuarkusTest works Before we talk about test profiles let’s talk briefly about how @QuarkusTest annotated tests actually work. The first time one of these tests is run the Quarkus test extension will start Quarkus. Quarkus will...

With the new Quarkus extension for Apache Cassandra® released in Quarkus 1.6, all it takes is a few lines of code to connect to and access your data stored in Cassandra and you get all of the benefits of Quarkus (fast-startup, low resource utilization, reactive programming).