Quarkus 0.21.2 released
We just released Quarkus 0.21.2.
What’s new?
This release is all about fixing bugs, usability and documentation issues. We are still working on our next big release which will be 0.22.0.
You can find the full changelog of 0.21.2 on GitHub.
We have a lot of interesting things in the works so stay tuned.
Quarkus has now 142 contributors. Many many thanks to each and everyone of them.
In particular for this release, thanks to Bertrand Rousseau, chaminnk, Clement Escoffier, Daniel Ribeiro, David M. Lloyd, Dennis Baerten, George Gastaldi, Georgios Andrianakis, Guillaume Smet, Gunnar Morling, Gwenneg Lepage, Maciej Swiderski, Manyanda Chitimbo, Martin Kouba, Matej Novotny, Matteo Mortari, Rostislav Svoboda, Sergey Beryozkin, Stéphane Epardaud and Stuart Douglas.
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proporcionar retroalimentación en GitHub;
escribir algo de código y enviar push a PR;
comentar con nosotros en Zulip y en nuestra lista de correo;
hacer tus preguntas en Stack Overflow.