Quarkus 2.15.1.Final released - Maintenance release
It is the end of the year (again) and here comes our last release of the year, 2.15.1.Final. We had 9 minor releases this year (starting with 2.7 in February) and so many micros. We made tremendous progress on Quarkus itself and the activity in the ecosystem of extensions has been extremely prolific.
This version contains bugfixes and documentation improvements on top of our 2.15.0.Final release. It is a recommended upgrade for anyone already using 2.15.
If you are not already using 2.15, please refer to our migration guide.
Happy holidays and see you next year for more Quarkus goodness!
Registro completo de cambios
You can get the full changelog of 2.15.1.Final on GitHub.
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