Quarkus 2.16.12.Final released - Maintenance release
As mentioned in previous blog posts, we encourage all our community users to upgrade to Quarkus 3.
Most of the heavy lifting can be done with quarkus update
but be aware that some components were updated to new major versions
and that migrating might require some time and careful testing if you are using these components.
We will continue to maintain 2.16.x until the end of October so we recommend that you start your migration process very soon. Today, we released Quarkus 2.16.12.Final, the twelfth maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.
This release fixes several CVEs:
CVE-2023-44487 for Netty
CVE-2023-39410 for Apache Avro
CVE-2023-34454 for Snappy
It should be a safe upgrade for anyone already using 2.16.
If you are not already using 2.16, please refer to our migration guide.
Registro completo de cambios
You can get the full changelog of 2.16.12.Final on GitHub.
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