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Quarkus 2.6.2.Final released - Maintenance release

We just released Quarkus 2.6.2.Final, our second maintenance release for our 2.6 release train.

It is a safe upgrade for anyone already using 2.6 and contains small bugfixes, tweaks and documentation improvements. It also brings back a working Kogito stack. Due to some infrastructure problems, the Kogito team wasn’t able to deliver a Kogito version working with Quarkus 2.6 before the holiday break but that’s ancient history.

If you are not using 2.6 already, please refer to the 2.6 migration guide.


Working Kogito and OptaPlanner are back in Quarkus 2.6.2.Final.

There is one change though: if you aren’t doing so already, you will need to explicitly add the quarkus-resteasy-jackson extension to your Kogito and OptaPlanner applications.

We are working on supporting both RESTEasy Classic and RESTEasy Reactive with Kogito and OptaPlanner, this is the first step in this direction and this task will come to completion with Quarkus 2.7.

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