Quarkus 3.1.0.Final released - Programmatic creation of Reactive REST Clients, Kotlin 1.8.21 and more
It has been a month since we released Quarkus 3.0 and it is our pleasure to announce Quarkus 3.1.0.Final.
As usual, it comes with a lot of improvements all over the place.
Major changes are:
Provide new API to programmatically create Reactive REST Clients
Introduce a way to set headers and status code for streaming responses
Introduce a Hibernate Reactive variant of the Security Jakarta Persistence extension
Verify OIDC ID token audience by default
Bump Kotlin to 1.8.21
Upgrade Oracle JDBC driver to
Migration Guide
To migrate from 3.0, please refer to our migration guide.
If you are not already using 3.0, please refer to the 3.0 announcement for all the details. You can also refer to this blog post for additional details.
What’s new?
Programmatic API to create Reactive REST Clients
Until now, you could only create Reactive REST Clients by configuring them in the application.properties
which was enough in most cases but could be problematic if you wanted to create dynamic clients.
Starting with 3.1, you can create Reactive REST Clients programmatically via a new API.
Please refer to the documentation for more details.
More flexibility for streaming responses
RESTEasy Reactive offers more flexiblity for streaming responses: you can now customize the response headers and status code.
Reactive variant of Security Jakarta Persistence extension
The Security Jakarta Persistence extension,
which allows to store users in a database using Jakarta Persistence,
has now a reactive variant based on Hibernate Reactive: quarkus-security-jpa-reactive
Registro completo de cambios
You can get the full changelog of 3.1.0.CR1 and 3.1.0.Final on GitHub.
The Quarkus community is growing and has now 805 contributors. Many many thanks to each and everyone of them.
In particular for the 3.1 release, thanks to Ales Justin, Alex Martel, Alexey Loubyansky, Andres Almiray, Bill Burke, Bruno Baptista, Bruno Oliveira da Silva, Carles Arnal, Chris Pitman, Clement Escoffier, David Salter, Eric Deandrea, Erin Schnabel, Falko Modler, Felipe Henrique Gross Windmoller, Foivos Zakkak, Fouad Almalki, George Gastaldi, Georgios Andrianakis, Guillaume Smet, Hitesh C, Holly Cummins, humberto, Ioannis Canellos, Jan Martiska, Jose Carvajal, Julien Ponge, Katia Aresti, kdnakt, Kevin Dubois, Konstantin Gribov, Ladislav Thon, Laure Souche, Manyanda Chitimbo, Marc Nuri, Marco Collovati, Marco Zanghì, Marek Skacelik, Marko Bekhta, Martin Kouba, Matej Novotny, Mathias Holzer, Max Rydahl Andersen, Maximilian Zellhofer, Mazen Khalil, Melloware, Michael Edgar, Michael Hamburger, Michael Musgrove, Michal Karm Babacek, Michal Maléř, Michal Vavřík, Michelle Purcell, Moritz Heine, Nelson Osacky, Ozan Gunalp, Pavel.Vervenko, Pavol Liška, pernelkanic, Phillip Krüger, polarctos, Radovan Synek, Robert Stupp, Robert Toyonaga, Roberto Cortez, Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer, Romain Pelisse, Rostislav Svoboda, Sanne Grinovero, Sergey Beryozkin, Severin Gehwolf, Stuart Douglas, Sébastien Crocquesel, xstefank, Yoann Rodière, and Yoshikazu Nojima.
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