Quarkus 3.14.4 - Maintenance release
We released Quarkus 3.14.4, a maintenance release for our 3.14 release train.
It contains several important bugfixes so we recommend the upgrade for anyone already using 3.14.
It is especially important if you are using the combination of Gradle and Kotlin as we reverted an enhancement that caused an important regression.
To update to Quarkus 3.14, we recommend updating to the latest version of the Quarkus CLI and run:
quarkus update
Note that quarkus update
can update your applications from any version of Quarkus (including 2.x) to Quarkus 3.14.
For more information about the adjustments you need to make to your applications, please refer to the Quarkus 3.14 migration guide.
Registro completo de cambios
You can get the full changelog of 3.14.4 on GitHub.
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