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Posts by Guillaume Smet

Posts by Guillaume Smet

Software Engineer at Red Hat on Quarkus and Hibernate Validator/Search/ORM.


Quarkus 2.16.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

This version marks a huge milestone: the Jakarta EE 10 work has been integrated into our main branch.

Quarkus 2.16.2.Final is the second maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

Quarkus 2.16.1.Final is the first maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

We released Quarkus 2.16.0.Final with improvements to the Redis and gRPC extensions, among other things.

Today, we released Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha3 which is based on our current main but targeting Jakarta EE 10. It also comes with some additional changes.

Quarkus 2.15.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 2.15 release train.

Quarkus 2.15.2.Final is the second maintenance release of our 2.15 release train.

Quarkus 2.15.1.Final is the first maintenance release of our 2.15 release train.

We released Quarkus 2.15.0.Final which introduces a lot of new features such as support for AWS Lambda SnapStart, a new Vert.x-based gRPC extension, federation support for SmallRye GraphQL...