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Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ 1.14.0 released!

We are very pleased to announce the 1.14.0 release of Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ. This release adds support for CodeActions and Quick Fixes.

CodeActions / Quick Fixes

When an error is detected on one of your Quarkus project files, it is highlighted in the source editor (for instance when you define one property through @ConfigProperty but it is not defined.).

If this error can be fixed through an automatic action, it will be available from the More actions context menu or through the Alt+Enter key binding.

In this example, we will add a default value for a property defined with @ConfigProperty:

quarkus tools1

In this other example, a MicroProfile REST Client is defined and bound to a REST resource but the @RestClient annotation is missing from the binding:

quarkus tools2

Moving Forward

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, by all means please open an issue.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next release!