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Blog - page 28

Discover Camel, the swiss-knife of integration brought to Quarkus. The example encourages API best practices, with effortless coding effort showcasing AtlasMap for data transformation.

Quarkus Tools for Visual Studio Code version 1.10.0 introduces its brand new Qute Templating Engine support.

We take a look at some of the new features in the Quarkus Tools for VS Code release.

The latest curated online stories, articles, and videos in and around Quarkus.

2.7.5.Final is the fifth maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.

2.7.4.Final is the fourth maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.

This release adds support for Quarkus run/debug configurations

2.7.3.Final is the third maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.

The latest curated online stories, articles, and videos in and around Quarkus.

2.7.2.Final is the second maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.