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Using gRPC CLI

This page explains how to use gRPC CLI — a grpcurl-like tool.

See basic Quarkus CLI usage first:


Display gRPC CLI help:

quarkus grpc -h Usage: grpc [-h] [COMMAND] -h, --help Display this help message. Commands: list grpc list describe grpc describe invoke grpc invoke

List all available gRPC services:

quarkus grpc list localhost:8080 helloworld.Greeter

Describe a service:

quarkus grpc describe localhost:8080 helloworld.Greeter { "name": "helloworld.proto", "package": "helloworld", "dependency": ["google/protobuf/empty.proto"], "messageType": [{ "name": "HelloRequest", "field": [{ "name": "name", "number": 1, "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL", "type": "TYPE_STRING" }] }, { "name": "HelloReply", "field": [{ "name": "message", "number": 1, "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL", "type": "TYPE_STRING" }] }], "service": [{ "name": "Greeter", "method": [{ "name": "SayHello", "inputType": ".helloworld.HelloRequest", "outputType": ".helloworld.HelloReply", "options": { } }, { "name": "SayJo", "inputType": ".google.protobuf.Empty", "outputType": ".helloworld.HelloReply", "options": { } }, { "name": "ThreadName", "inputType": ".helloworld.HelloRequest", "outputType": ".helloworld.HelloReply", "options": { } }] }], "options": { "javaPackage": "examples", "javaOuterClassname": "HelloWorldProto", "javaMultipleFiles": true, "objcClassPrefix": "HLW" }, "syntax": "proto3" } { "name": "google/protobuf/empty.proto", "package": "google.protobuf", "messageType": [{ "name": "Empty" }], "options": { "javaPackage": "", "javaOuterClassname": "EmptyProto", "javaMultipleFiles": true, "goPackage": "", "ccEnableArenas": true, "objcClassPrefix": "GPB", "csharpNamespace": "Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes" }, "syntax": "proto3" }

Invoke a service method:

quarkus grpc invoke localhost:8080 helloworld.Greeter/SayHello -d '{"name" : "gRPC"}' { "message": "Hello gRPC" }

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