Servicios de desarrollo para Kubernetes
Dev Services for Kubernetes automatically starts a Kubernetes API server in dev mode and when running tests. So you don’t have to start a Kubernetes cluster manually. The application is configured automatically.
Activación y desactivación de los servicios de desarrollo para Kubernetes
Dev Services para Kubernetes se activa automáticamente a menos que:
se establece enfalse
está configurado -
se encuentra un archivo de configuración de Kube válido y
no está configurado comotrue
incluye la dependencia
Dev Services for Kubernetes relies on Docker to start the API server. If your environment does not support Docker, you will need to start the Kubernetes cluster manually, or connect to an already running Kubernetes cluster. You can configure the Kubernetes cluster access using either a Kube config file or the various properties available in the KubernetesClientBuildConfig class.
Clúster compartido
Most of the time you need to share the cluster between applications. Dev Services for Kubernetes implements a service discovery mechanism for your multiple Quarkus applications running in dev mode to share a single cluster.
Dev Services for Kubernetes inicia el contenedor con la etiqueta quarkus-dev-service-kubernetes que se utiliza para identificar el contenedor.
If you need multiple (shared) clusters, you can configure the quarkus.kubernetes-client.devservices.service-name
configuration property and indicate the cluster name.
It looks for a container with the name defined, or starts a new one if none can be found.
The default service name is kubernetes
Sharing is enabled by default in dev mode, but disabled in test mode.
You can disable the sharing with quarkus.kubernetes-client.devservices.shared=false
Configuración del clúster
Dev Services for Kubernetes provides three different flavors of Kubernetes cluster. Each flavor supports different Kubernetes API versions.
You can configure the flavor and version using the quarkus.kubernetes-client.devservices.flavor
and quarkus.kubernetes-client.devservices.api-version
quarkus.kubernetes-client.devservices.flavor=api-only # k3s or kind
sólo inicia un servidor API Kubernetes. Si necesita un clúster Kubernetes con todas las funciones que puede girar Pods, puede utilizar k3s
o kind
. Tenga en cuenta que ambos requieren para ejecutar en modo privilegiado Docker.
Si no se define api-version
, se utilizará la versión más reciente para el tipo dado. De lo contrario, la versión debe coincidir con una versión soportada por el sabor dado.
Referencia de configuración
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Configuration property |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Dev Services for Kubernetes should be used. (default to true) If this is true and kubernetes client is not configured then a kubernetes cluster will be started and will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The kubernetes api server version to use. If not set, Dev Services for Kubernetes will use the latest supported version of the given flavor. see Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The flavor to use (kind, k3s or api-only). Default to api-only. Environment variable: Show more |
By default, if a kubeconfig is found, Dev Services for Kubernetes will not start. Set this to true to override the kubeconfig config. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Indicates if the Kubernetes cluster managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Kubernetes starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Kubernetes clusters. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |