Blog - page 5
We released Quarkus 3.14.3, a maintenance release for our 3.14 release train. It also brings a new feature: SBOM generation.
We released Quarkus 3.14.2, a maintenance release for our 3.14 release train. Apart from bugfixes, it also contains an upgrade of Micrometer to 1.13.
We released Quarkus 3.8.6, a new maintenance release for the 3.8 LTS release train.
We released Quarkus 3.14, in which we upgraded the ORM stack, added Let's encrypt support, provided a way to speed up your Jackson serialization, and a lot more!
We released Quarkus 3.13.3, our third maintenance release for the 3.13 release train.
Leveraging Quarkus build-time metaprogramming capabilities to improve Jackson's serialization performance
My journey of with JDiameter and Quarkus
The August edition of the Quarkus Newsletter; curated online stories, articles, and videos about Quarkus.
We released Quarkus 3.13.2, our second maintenance release for the 3.13 release train.
We released Quarkus 3.13.1, our first maintenance release for the 3.13 release train.