Todas las opciones de configuración
Propiedad de configuración fijada en tiempo de compilación - Todas las demás propiedades de configuración son anulables en tiempo de ejecución
Agroal - Database connection pool |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Activate or disable the dev ui page. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allow sql queries in the Dev UI page Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Append this to the select done to fetch the table values. eg: LIMIT 100 or TOP 100 Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allowed database host. By default only localhost is allowed. Any provided host here will also be allowed Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If we create a JDBC datasource for this datasource. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The datasource driver class name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether we want to use regular JDBC transactions, XA, or disable all transactional capabilities. When enabling XA you will need a driver implementing Environment variable: Show more |
Enable datasource metrics collection. If unspecified, collecting metrics will be enabled by default if a metrics extension is active. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable OpenTelemetry JDBC instrumentation. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The datasource URL Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The initial size of the pool. Usually you will want to set the initial size to match at least the minimal size, but this is not enforced so to allow for architectures which prefer a lazy initialization of the connections on boot, while being able to sustain a minimal pool size after boot. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The datasource pool minimum size Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The datasource pool maximum size Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The interval at which we validate idle connections in the background. Set to Environment variable: Show more |
Perform foreground validation on connections that have been idle for longer than the specified interval. Environment variable: Show more |
The timeout before cancelling the acquisition of a new connection Environment variable: Show more |
The interval at which we check for connection leaks. Environment variable: Show more |
The interval at which we try to remove idle connections. Environment variable: Show more |
The max lifetime of a connection. Environment variable: Show more |
The transaction isolation level. Environment variable: Show more |
Collect and display extra troubleshooting info on leaked connections. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allows connections to be flushed upon return to the pool. It’s not enabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When enabled, Agroal will be able to produce a warning when a connection is returned to the pool without the application having closed all open statements. This is unrelated with tracking of open connections. Disable for peak performance, but only when there’s high confidence that no leaks are happening. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Query executed when first using a connection. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Query executed to validate a connection. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Forces connection validation prior to acquisition (foreground validation) regardless of the idle status. Because of the overhead of performing validation on every call, it’s recommended to rely on default idle validation instead, and to leave this to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Disable pooling to prevent reuse of Connections. Use this when an external pool manages the life-cycle of Connections. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Require an active transaction when acquiring a connection. Recommended for production. WARNING: Some extensions acquire connections without holding a transaction for things like schema updates and schema validation. Setting this setting to STRICT may lead to failures in those cases. Environment variable: Show more |
Other unspecified properties to be passed to the JDBC driver when creating new connections. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Enable OpenTelemetry JDBC instrumentation. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Amazon Lambda - Common Deployment |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Setting to true will start event server even if quarkus.devservices.enabled=false Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Port to access mock event server in dev mode Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Port to access mock event server in dev mode Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The exception classes expected to be thrown by the handler. Any exception thrown by the handler that is an instance of a class in this list will not be logged, but will otherwise be handled normally by the lambda runtime. This is useful for avoiding unnecessary stack traces while preserving the ability to log unexpected exceptions. Environment variable: Show more |
list of Class |
The handler name. Handler names are specified on handler classes using the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Amazon Lambda AWS Gateway REST API |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enable security mechanisms to process lambda and AWS based security (i.e. Cognito, IAM) from the http event sent from API Gateway Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If true, runtime will search Cognito JWT claims for "cognito:groups" and add them as Quarkus security roles. True by default Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Cognito claim that contains roles you want to map. Defaults to "cognito:groups" Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Regular expression to locate role values within a Cognito claim string. By default, it looks for space delimited strings enclosed in brackets "[^\[\] \t]+" Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Amazon Lambda HTTP |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enable security mechanisms to process lambda and AWS based security (i.e. Cognito, IAM) from the http event sent from API Gateway Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If true, runtime will search Cognito JWT claims for "cognito:groups" and add them as Quarkus security roles. True by default Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Cognito claim that contains roles you want to map. Defaults to "cognito:groups" Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Regular expression to locate role values within a Cognito claim string. By default, it looks for space delimited strings enclosed in brackets "[^\[\] \t]+" Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ArC |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
An unused bean:
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, the bytecode of unproxyable beans will be transformed. This ensures that a proxy/subclass can be created properly. If the value is set to false, then an exception is thrown at build time indicating that a subclass/proxy could not be created. Quarkus performs the following transformations when this setting is enabled:
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, the bytecode of private fields that are injection points will be transformed to package private. This ensures that field injection can be performed completely reflection-free. If the value is set to false, then a reflection fallback is used to perform the injection. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true (the default), the build fails if a private method that is neither an observer nor a producer, is annotated with an interceptor binding. An example of this is the use of Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The list of selected alternatives for an application. An element value can be:
Each element value is used to match an alternative bean class, an alternative stereotype annotation type or a bean class that declares an alternative producer. If any value matches then the priority of Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
If set to true then Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The list of types that should be excluded from discovery. An element value can be:
If any element value matches a discovered type then the type is excluded from discovery, i.e. no beans and observer methods are created from this type. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
List of types that should be considered unremovable regardless of whether they are directly used or not. This is a configuration option equivalent to using An element value can be:
If any element value matches a discovered bean, then such a bean is considered unremovable. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The maven groupId of the artifact. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The maven artifactId of the artifact (optional). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maven classifier of the artifact (optional). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true then the container attempts to detect "unused removed beans" false positives during programmatic lookup at runtime. You can disable this feature to conserve some memory when running your application in production. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true then the container attempts to detect wrong usages of annotations and eventually fails the build to prevent unexpected behavior of a Quarkus application. A typical example is Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to The strict mode is mainly introduced to allow passing the CDI Lite TCK. Applications are recommended to use the default, non-strict mode, which makes CDI more convenient to use. The "strictness" of the strict mode (the set of additional validations and the set of disabled improvements on top of the CDI specification) may change over time. Note that Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true then the container monitors business method invocations and fired events during the development mode.
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true then the dependency graphs are generated and available in the Dev UI. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true then disable Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The list of packages that will not be checked for split package issues. A package string representation can be:
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
If set to true and the SmallRye Context Propagation extension is present then the CDI contexts will be propagated by means of the MicroProfile Context Propagation API. Specifically, a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Azure Functions |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
App name for azure function project. This is required setting. Defaults to the base artifact name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Azure Resource Group for your Azure Functions Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the region where your Azure Functions will be hosted; default value is westus. Valid values Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies whether to disable application insights for your function app Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies the instrumentation key of application insights which will bind to your function app Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Valid values are linux, windows, and docker Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Valid values are 8, 11, and 17 Environment variable: Show more |
string |
URL of docker image if deploying via docker Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If using docker, url of registry Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Description of each type can be found here Valid values are
Defaults to "azure_cli" for authentication Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Filesystem path to properties file if using file type Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client or App Id required if using managed_identity type Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tenant ID required if using oauth2 or device_code type Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the name of the existing App Service Plan when you do not want to create a new one. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The app service plan resource group. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Azure subscription id. Required only if there are more than one subscription in your account Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The pricing tier. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Port to run azure function in local runtime. Will default to quarkus.http.test-port or 8081 Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Config String for local debug Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Cache |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
string |
Whether or not the cache extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Default configuration applied to all Caffeine caches (lowest precedence) |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Minimum total size for the internal data structures. Providing a large enough estimate at construction time avoids the need for expensive resizing operations later, but setting this value unnecessarily high wastes memory. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Maximum number of entries the cache may contain. Note that the cache may evict an entry before this limit is exceeded or temporarily exceed the threshold while evicting. As the cache size grows close to the maximum, the cache evicts entries that are less likely to be used again. For example, the cache may evict an entry because it hasn’t been used recently or very often. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry’s creation, or the most recent replacement of its value. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry’s creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last read. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether or not metrics are recorded if the application depends on the Micrometer extension. Setting this value to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Minimum total size for the internal data structures. Providing a large enough estimate at construction time avoids the need for expensive resizing operations later, but setting this value unnecessarily high wastes memory. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Maximum number of entries the cache may contain. Note that the cache may evict an entry before this limit is exceeded or temporarily exceed the threshold while evicting. As the cache size grows close to the maximum, the cache evicts entries that are less likely to be used again. For example, the cache may evict an entry because it hasn’t been used recently or very often. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry’s creation, or the most recent replacement of its value. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry’s creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last read. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether or not metrics are recorded if the application depends on the Micrometer extension. Setting this value to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Container Image |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The group the container image will be part of Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the container image. If not set defaults to the application name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tag of the container image. If not set defaults to the application version Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional tags of the container image. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Custom labels to add to the generated image. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The container registry to use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Represents the entire image string. If set, then Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username to use to authenticate with the registry where the built image will be pushed Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password to use to authenticate with the registry where the built image will be pushed Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether or not insecure registries are allowed Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether or not a image build will be performed. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether or not an image push will be performed. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the container image extension to use (e.g. docker, podman, jib, s2i). The option will be used in case multiple extensions are present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Container Image - Buildpack |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The buildpacks builder image to use when building the project in jvm mode. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The buildpacks builder image to use when building the project in native mode. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Should the builder image be 'trusted' (use creator lifecycle) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Environment key/values to pass to buildpacks. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The buildpacks run image to use when building the project When not supplied, the run image is determined by the builder image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Initial pull timeout for builder/run images, in seconds Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Increase pull timeout for builder/run images after failure, in seconds Environment variable: Show more |
int |
How many times to retry an image pull after a failure Environment variable: Show more |
int |
DOCKER_HOST value to use. If not set, the env var DOCKER_HOST is used, if that is not set the platform will look for 'npipe:///./pipe/docker_engine' for windows, and Environment variable: Show more |
string |
use Daemon mode? Defaults to 'true' Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Use specified docker network during build Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Log level to use. Defaults to 'info' Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username to use to authenticate with the registry used to pull the base JVM image Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password to use to authenticate with the registry used to pull the base JVM image Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Container Image - Docker |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Path to the JVM Dockerfile. If set to an absolute path then the absolute path will be used, otherwise the path will be considered relative to the project root. If not set src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to the native Dockerfile. If set to an absolute path then the absolute path will be used, otherwise the path will be considered relative to the project root. If not set src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Build args passed to docker via Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Images to consider as cache sources. Values are passed to Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The networking mode for the RUN instructions during build Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of binary used to execute the docker/podman commands. This setting can override the global container runtime detection. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional arbitrary arguments passed to the executable when building the container image. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Which platform(s) to target during the build. See Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the export action for the build result. See Note that any filesystem paths need to be absolute paths, not relative from where the command is executed from. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set type of progress output ( Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Container Image - Jib |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The base image to be used when a container image is being produced for the jar build. When the application is built against Java 21 or higher, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The base image to be used when a container image is being produced for the native binary build. The default is "". You can also use "" which is a bigger base image, but provide more built-in utilities such as the microdnf package manager. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JVM arguments to pass to the JVM when starting the application Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Additional JVM arguments to pass to the JVM when starting the application Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Additional arguments to pass when starting the native application Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
If this is set, then it will be used as the entry point of the container image. There are a few things to be aware of when creating an entry point
When this is not set, a proper default entrypoint will be constructed. As a final note, a very useful tool for inspecting container image layers that can greatly aid when debugging problems with endpoints is dive Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
If this is set, then it will be used as the entry point of the container image. There are a few things to be aware of when creating an entry point
When this is not set, a proper default entrypoint will be constructed. As a final note, a very useful tool for inspecting container image layers that can greatly aid when debugging problems with endpoints is dive Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Environment variables to add to the container image Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The username to use to authenticate with the registry used to pull the base JVM image Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password to use to authenticate with the registry used to pull the base JVM image Environment variable: Show more |
string |
list of int |
The user to use in generated image Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The working directory to use in the generated image. The default value is chosen to work in accordance with the default base image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Controls the optimization which skips downloading base image layers that exist in a target registry. If the user does not set this property, then read as false. If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
List of target platforms. Each platform is defined using the pattern:
for example:
If not specified, OS default is linux and architecture default is Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The path of a file in which the digest of the generated image will be written. If the path is relative, the base path is the output directory of the build tool. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path of a file in which the id of the generated image will be written. If the path is relative, the base path is the output directory of the build tool. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether, or not to operate offline. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of binary used to execute the docker commands. This is only used by Jib when the container image is being built locally. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets environment variables used by the Docker executable. This is only used by Jib when the container image is being built locally. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Whether to set the creation time to the actual build time. Otherwise, the creation time will be set to the Unix epoch (00:00:00, January 1st, 1970 in UTC). See Jib FAQ for more information Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to set the modification time (last modified time) of the files put by Jib in the image to the actual build time. Otherwise, the modification time will be set to the Unix epoch (00:00:00, January 1st, 1970 in UTC). If the modification time is constant (flag is set to false so Unix epoch is used) across two consecutive builds, the docker layer sha256 digest will be different only if the actual files added by Jib to the docker layer were changed. More exactly, having 2 consecutive builds will generate different docker layers only if the actual content of the files within the docker layer was changed. If the current timestamp is used the sha256 digest of the docker layer will always be different even if the content of the files didn’t change. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The directory to use for caching base image layers. If not specified, the Jib default directory is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The directory to use for caching application layers. If not specified, the Jib default directory is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Container Image - OpenShift |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The build config strategy to use. Environment variable: Show more |
The base image to be used when a container image is being produced for the jar build. The value of this property is used to create an ImageStream for the builder image used in the Openshift build. When it references images already available in the internal Openshift registry, the corresponding streams are used instead. When the application is built against Java 21 or higher, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The base image to be used when a container image is being produced for the native binary build. The value of this property is used to create an ImageStream for the builder image used in the Openshift build. When it references images already available in the internal Openshift registry, the corresponding streams are used instead. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The default Dockerfile to use for jvm builds Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The default Dockerfile to use for native builds Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JVM arguments to pass to the JVM when starting the application Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Additional arguments to pass when starting the native application Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The directory where the jar is added during the assemble phase. This is dependent on the S2I image and should be supplied if a non default image is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The resulting filename of the jar in the S2I image. This option may be used if the selected S2I image uses a fixed name for the jar. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The directory where the native binary is added during the assemble phase. This is dependent on the S2I image and should be supplied if a non-default image is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The resulting filename of the native binary in the S2I image. This option may be used if the selected S2I image uses a fixed name for the native binary. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The build timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
The log level of OpenShift build log. Environment variable: Show more |
The image push secret to use for pushing to external registries. (see: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The build config strategy to use. Environment variable: Show more |
The base image to be used when a container image is being produced for the jar build. When the application is built against Java 21 or higher, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The base image to be used when a container image is being produced for the native binary build Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JVM arguments to pass to the JVM when starting the application Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Additional arguments to pass when starting the native application Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The directory where the jar is added during the assemble phase. This is dependent on the S2I image and should be supplied if a non default image is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The resulting filename of the jar in the S2I image. This option may be used if the selected S2I image uses a fixed name for the jar. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The directory where the native binary is added during the assemble phase. This is dependent on the S2I image and should be supplied if a non-default image is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The resulting filename of the native binary in the S2I image. This option may be used if the selected S2I image uses a fixed name for the native binary. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The build timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Container Image - Podman |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Path to the JVM Dockerfile. If set to an absolute path then the absolute path will be used, otherwise the path will be considered relative to the project root. If not set src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to the native Dockerfile. If set to an absolute path then the absolute path will be used, otherwise the path will be considered relative to the project root. If not set src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Build args passed to docker via Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Images to consider as cache sources. Values are passed to Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The networking mode for the RUN instructions during build Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of binary used to execute the docker/podman commands. This setting can override the global container runtime detection. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional arbitrary arguments passed to the executable when building the container image. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Which platform(s) to target during the build. See Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Require HTTPS and verify certificates when contacting registries Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Core |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Build time analytics |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Build time analytics are disabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Segment base URI. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The Timeout to send the build time analytics to segment. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Application |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The name of the application. If not set, defaults to the name of the project (except for tests where it is not set at all). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The version of the application. If not set, defaults to the version of the project (except for tests where it is not set at all). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The header to use for UI Screen (Swagger UI, GraphQL UI etc). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Banner |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The path of the banner (path relative to root of classpath) which could be provided by user Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the banner will be displayed Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Bootstrap |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If set to true, the workspace initialization will be based on the effective POMs (i.e. properly interpolated, including support for profiles) instead of the raw ones. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, workspace discovery will be enabled for all launch modes. Usually, workspace discovery is enabled by default only for dev and test modes. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, workspace loader will log warnings for modules that could not be loaded for some reason instead of throwing errors. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
By default, the bootstrap mechanism will create a shared cache of open JARs for Quarkus classloaders to reduce the total number of opened ZIP FileSystems in dev and test modes. Setting system property Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A temporary option introduced to avoid a logging warning when Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to throw an error, warn or silently ignore misaligned platform BOM imports Environment variable: Show more |
Builder |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Dump the graph output to a file. This is useful for debugging. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to log the cause of a conflict. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Class loading |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Artifacts that are loaded in a parent first manner. This can be used to work around issues where a given class needs to be loaded by the system ClassLoader. Note that if you make a library parent first all its dependencies should generally also be parent first. Artifacts should be configured as a comma separated list of artifact ids, with the group, artifact-id and optional classifier separated by a colon.
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Artifacts that are loaded in the runtime ClassLoader in dev mode, so they will be dropped and recreated on change. This is an advanced option, it should only be used if you have a problem with libraries holding stale state between reloads. Note that if you use this any library that depends on the listed libraries will also need to be reloadable. This setting has no impact on production builds. Artifacts should be configured as a comma separated list of artifact ids, with the group, artifact-id and optional classifier separated by a colon.
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Artifacts that will never be loaded by the class loader, and will not be packed into the final application. This allows you to explicitly remove artifacts from your application even though they may be present on the class path. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resources that should be removed/hidden from dependencies. This allows for classes and other resources to be removed from dependencies, so they are not accessible to the application. This is a map of artifact id (in the form group:artifact) to a list of resources to be removed. When running in dev and test mode these resources are hidden from the ClassLoader, when running in production mode these files are removed from the jars that contain them. Note that if you want to remove a class you need to specify the class file name. e.g. to remove Note that for technical reasons this is not supported when running with JBang. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Set<String>> |
Command line |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The arguments passed to the command line. We don’t make it a list as the args are separated by a space, not a comma. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configuration |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set this to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A comma separated list of profiles that will be active when Quarkus launches. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Accepts a single configuration profile name. If a configuration property cannot be found in the current active profile, the config performs the same lookup in the profile set by this configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional config locations to be loaded with the Config. The configuration support multiple locations separated by a comma and each must represent a valid Environment variable: Show more |
list of URI |
Validates that a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable logging of configuration values lookup in DEBUG log level. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
What should happen if the application is started with a different build time configuration than it was compiled against. This may be useful to prevent misconfiguration. If this is set to If this is set to Native tests leveraging`@io.quarkus.test.junit.TestProfile` are always run with Environment variable: Show more |
Configuration tracking and dumping |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether configuration dumping is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Directory in which the configuration dump should be stored. If not configured the Environment variable: Show more |
path |
File in which the configuration dump should be stored. If not configured, the Environment variable: Show more |
path |
File name prefix. This option will be ignored in case Environment variable: Show more |
string |
File name suffix. This option will be ignored in case Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A list of config properties that should be excluded from the report. GLOB patterns could be used instead of property names. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
A list of config properties whose values should be hashed in the report. The values will be hashed using SHA-512 algorithm. GLOB patterns could be used instead of property names. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Whether to use a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Console |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If test results and status should be displayed in the console. If this is false results can still be viewed in the dev console. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Disables the ability to enter input on the console. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Disable the testing status/prompt message at the bottom of the console and log these messages to STDOUT instead. Use this option if your terminal does not support ANSI escape sequences. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If color should be enabled or disabled. If this is not present then an attempt will be made to guess if the terminal supports color Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Debugging |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If set to true, writes a list of all reflective classes to META-INF Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to a directory, all generated classes will be written into that directory Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to a directory, all transformed classes (e.g. Panache entities) will be written into that directory Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to a directory, ZIG files for generated code will be written into that directory. A ZIG file is a textual representation of the generated code that is referenced in the stacktraces. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true then dump the build metrics to a JSON file in the build directory. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Deployment |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
string |
Dev Services |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Global flag that can be used to disable all Dev Services. If this is set to false then Dev Services will not be used. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Global flag that can be used to force the attachmment of Dev Services to shared network. Default is false. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The timeout for starting a container Environment variable: Show more |
Detection mode of invalid usage of execution model annotations. An execution model annotation is Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The Ide to use to open files from the DevUI. Environment variable: Show more |
Indexing |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The maven groupId of the artifact. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The maven artifactId of the artifact (optional). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maven classifier of the artifact (optional). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Initialization |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
true to quit exit right after the initialization. The option is not meant be used directly by users. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Paths of library to load. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Launch |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If set to true, Quarkus will perform re-augmentation (assuming the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Live reload |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether the live-reload feature should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether Quarkus should enable its ability to not do a full restart when changes to classes are compatible with JVM instrumentation. If this is set to true, Quarkus will perform class redefinition when possible. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The names of additional resource files to watch for changes, triggering a reload on change. Directories are not supported. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Password used to use to connect to the remote dev-mode application Environment variable: Show more |
string |
URL used to use to connect to the remote dev-mode application Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The amount of time to wait for a remote dev connect or reconnect Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait between attempts when connecting to the server side of remote dev Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of attempts when connecting to the server side of remote dev Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Localization |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The set of supported locales that can be consumed by the extensions. The locales must be specified in the IETF BCP 47 format e.g. en-US or fr-FR. For instance, the Hibernate Validator extension makes use of it. Native-image build uses it to define additional locales that are supposed to be available at runtime. A special string "all" is translated as ROOT Locale and then used in native-image to include all locales. Image size penalty applies. Environment variable: Show more |
list of Locale |
Default locale that can be consumed by the extensions. The locale must be specified in the IETF BCP 47 format e.g. en-US or fr-FR. For instance, the Hibernate Validator extension makes use of it. Native-image build uses this property to derive Environment variable: Show more |
Logging |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If enabled and a metrics extension is present, logging metrics are published. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The default minimum log level. Environment variable: Show more |
This will decorate the stacktrace in dev mode to show the line in the code that cause the exception Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The log level of the root category, which is used as the default log level for all categories. <p> JBoss Logging supports Apache-style log levels: <p> * {@link org.jboss.logmanager.Level#FATAL} * {@link org.jboss.logmanager.Level#ERROR} * {@link org.jboss.logmanager.Level#WARN} * {@link org.jboss.logmanager.Level#INFO} * {@link org.jboss.logmanager.Level#DEBUG} * {@link org.jboss.logmanager.Level#TRACE} In addition, it also supports the standard JDK log levels. Environment variable: Show more |
The names of additional handlers to link to the root category. These handlers are defined in consoleHandlers, fileHandlers, or syslogHandlers. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The minimum log level for this category. By default, all categories are configured with To get runtime logging below As an example, to get Environment variable: Show more |
InheritableLevel |
The log level for this category. Note that to get log levels below Environment variable: Show more |
InheritableLevel |
The names of the handlers to link to this category. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Specify whether this logger should send its output to its parent Logger Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If console logging should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If console logging should go to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The log format. Note that this value is ignored if an extension is present that takes control of console formatting (e.g., an XML or JSON-format extension). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The console log level. Environment variable: Show more |
Specify how much the colors should be darkened. Note that this value is ignored if an extension is present that takes control of console formatting (e.g., an XML or JSON-format extension). Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the filter to link to the console handler. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If file logging should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
string |
The level of logs to be written into the file. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the file in which logs will be written. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the filter to link to the file handler. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The character encoding used Environment variable: Show more |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum log file size, after which a rotation is executed. Note that the file is rotated after the log record is written. Thus, this isn’t a hard maximum on the file size; rather, it’s a hard minimum on the size of the file before it is rotated. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of backups to keep. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The file handler rotation file suffix. When used, the file will be rotated based on its suffix. The suffix must be in a date-time format that is understood by Example fileSuffix: .yyyy-MM-dd Note: If the suffix ends with .zip or .gz, the rotation file will also be compressed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates whether to rotate log files on server initialization. You need to either set a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If syslog logging should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The IP address and port of the Syslog server Environment variable: Show more |
host:port |
The app name used when formatting the message in RFC5424 format Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the host the messages are being sent from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the facility used when calculating the priority of the message as defined by RFC-5424 and RFC-3164 Environment variable: Show more |
Set the Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the protocol used to connect to the Syslog server Environment variable: Show more |
If enabled, the message being sent is prefixed with the size of the message Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables or disables blocking when attempting to reconnect a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The log message format Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The log level specifying what message levels will be logged by the Syslog logger Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the filter to link to the file handler. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum length, in bytes, of the message allowed to be sent. The length includes the header and the message. If not set, the default value is Environment variable: Show more |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If socket logging should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The IP address and port of the server receiving the logs Environment variable: Show more |
host:port |
Sets the protocol used to connect to the syslog server Environment variable: Show more |
Enables or disables blocking when attempting to reconnect a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The log message format Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The log level specifying, which message levels will be logged by socket logger Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the filter to link to the file handler. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If console logging should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If console logging should go to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The log format. Note that this value is ignored if an extension is present that takes control of console formatting (e.g., an XML or JSON-format extension). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The console log level. Environment variable: Show more |
Specify how much the colors should be darkened. Note that this value is ignored if an extension is present that takes control of console formatting (e.g., an XML or JSON-format extension). Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the filter to link to the console handler. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If file logging should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The log format Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The level of logs to be written into the file. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the file in which logs will be written. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the filter to link to the file handler. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The character encoding used Environment variable: Show more |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum log file size, after which a rotation is executed. Note that the file is rotated after the log record is written. Thus, this isn’t a hard maximum on the file size; rather, it’s a hard minimum on the size of the file before it is rotated. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of backups to keep. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The file handler rotation file suffix. When used, the file will be rotated based on its suffix. The suffix must be in a date-time format that is understood by Example fileSuffix: .yyyy-MM-dd Note: If the suffix ends with .zip or .gz, the rotation file will also be compressed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates whether to rotate log files on server initialization. You need to either set a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If syslog logging should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The IP address and port of the Syslog server Environment variable: Show more |
host:port |
The app name used when formatting the message in RFC5424 format Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the host the messages are being sent from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the facility used when calculating the priority of the message as defined by RFC-5424 and RFC-3164 Environment variable: Show more |
Set the Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the protocol used to connect to the Syslog server Environment variable: Show more |
If enabled, the message being sent is prefixed with the size of the message Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables or disables blocking when attempting to reconnect a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The log message format Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The log level specifying what message levels will be logged by the Syslog logger Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the filter to link to the file handler. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum length, in bytes, of the message allowed to be sent. The length includes the header and the message. If not set, the default value is Environment variable: Show more |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If socket logging should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The IP address and port of the server receiving the logs Environment variable: Show more |
host:port |
Sets the protocol used to connect to the syslog server Environment variable: Show more |
Enables or disables blocking when attempting to reconnect a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The log message format Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The log level specifying, which message levels will be logged by socket logger Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the filter to link to the file handler. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The message prefix to match Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The new log level for the filtered message. Defaults to DEBUG. Environment variable: Show more |
Naming |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
By default, Quarkus will install a non-functional JNDI initial context, to help mitigate against Log4Shell style attacks. If your application does need to use JNDI you can change this flag. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Native executables |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set to enable native-image building using GraalVM. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set to prevent the native-image process from actually building the native image. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated, additional arguments to pass to the build process. If an argument includes the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
If the HTTP url handler should be enabled, allowing you to do URL.openConnection() for HTTP URLs Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If the HTTPS url handler should be enabled, allowing you to do URL.openConnection() for HTTPS URLs Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The default value for java.awt.headless JVM option. Switching this option affects linking of awt libraries. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Defines the file encoding as in Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If all character sets should be added to the native executable. Note that some extensions (e.g. the Oracle JDBC driver) also take this setting into account to enable support for all charsets at the extension level. This increases image size. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The location of the Graal distribution Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The location of the JDK Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum Java heap to be used during the native image generation Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If the native image build should wait for a debugger to be attached before running. This is an advanced option and is generally only intended for those familiar with GraalVM internals Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If the debug port should be published when building with docker and debug-build-process is true Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If isolates should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If a JVM based 'fallback image' should be created if native image fails. This is not recommended, as this is functionally the same as just running the application in a JVM Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If all META-INF/services entries should be automatically registered Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If the bytecode of all proxies should be dumped for inspection Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this build should be done using a container runtime. Unless container-runtime is also set, docker will be used by default. If docker is not available or is an alias to podman, podman will be used instead as the default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Explicit configuration option to generate a native Position Independent Executable (PIE) for Linux. If the system supports PIE generation, the default behaviour is to disable it for performance reasons. However, some systems can only run position-independent executables, so this option enables the generation of such native executables. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Generate instructions for a specific machine type. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this build is done using a remote docker daemon. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The docker image to use to do the image build. It can be one of Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The strategy for pulling the builder image during the build. Defaults to 'always', which will always pull the most up-to-date image; useful to keep up with fixes when a (floating) tag is updated. Use 'missing' to only pull if there is no image locally; useful on development environments where building with out-of-date images is acceptable and bandwidth may be limited. Use 'never' to fail the build if there is no image locally. Environment variable: Show more |
The container runtime (e.g. docker) that is used to do an image based build. If this is set then a container build is always done. Environment variable: Show more |
Options to pass to the container runtime Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enable monitoring various monitoring options. The value should be comma separated.
Environment variable: Show more |
list of |
If the reports on call paths and included packages/classes/methods should be generated Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If exceptions should be reported with a full stack trace Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If errors should be reported at runtime. This is a more relaxed setting, however it is not recommended as it means your application may fail at runtime if an unsupported feature is used by accident. Note that the use of this flag may result in build time failures due to `ClassNotFoundException`s. Reason most likely being that the Quarkus extension already optimized it away or do not actually need it. In such cases you should explicitly add the corresponding dependency providing the missing classes as a dependency to your project. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Don’t build a native image if it already exists. This is useful if you have already built an image and you want to use Quarkus to deploy it somewhere. Note that this is not able to detect if the existing image is outdated, if you have modified source or config and want a new image you must not use this flag. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A comma separated list of globs to match resource paths that should be added to the native image. Use slash ( By default, no resources are included. Example: Given that you have
the files Supported glob features
Note that there are three levels of escaping when passing this option via
All three levels use backslash ( Note that Quarkus extensions typically include the resources they require by themselves. This option is useful in situations when the built-in functionality is not sufficient. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
A comma separated list of globs to match resource paths that should not be added to the native image. Use slash ( Please refer to By default, no resources are excluded. Example: Given that you have
the resource Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
If debug is enabled and debug symbols are generated. The symbols will be generated in a separate .debug file. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Generate the report files for GraalVM Dashboard. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Include a reasons entries in the generated json configuration files. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The compression level in [1, 10]. 10 means best. Higher compression level requires more time to compress the executable. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Allows passing extra arguments to the UPX command line (like --brute). The arguments are comma-separated. The exhaustive list of parameters can be found in Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Configuration files generated by the Quarkus build, using native image agent, are informative by default. In other words, the generated configuration files are presented in the build log but are not applied. When this option is set to true, generated configuration files are applied to the native executable building process. Enabling this option should be done with care, because it can make native image configuration and/or behaviour dependant on other non-obvious factors. For example, if the native image agent generated configuration was generated from running JVM unit tests, disabling test(s) can result in a different native image configuration being generated, which in turn can misconfigure the native executable or affect its behaviour in unintended ways. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Packaging the application |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If set to false, no JAR will be produced. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The JAR output type to use. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the created jar will be compressed. This setting is not used when building a native image Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specify whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Custom manifest attributes to be added to the main section of the MANIFEST.MF file. An example of the user defined property: quarkus.package.jar.manifest.attributes."Entry-key1"=Value1 quarkus.package.jar.manifest.attributes."Entry-key2"=Value2 Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Custom manifest sections to be added to the MANIFEST.MF file. An example of the user defined property: quarkus.package.jar.manifest.sections."Section-Name"."Entry-Key1"=Value1 quarkus.package.jar.manifest.sections."Section-Name"."Entry-Key2"=Value2 Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,String>> |
Files that should not be copied to the output artifact. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
List of all the dependencies that have been defined as optional to include into the final package of the application. Each optional dependency needs to be expressed in the following format:
With the classifier and type being optional (note that the brackets ( If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type This parameter is optional; if absent, no optional dependencies will be included into the final package of the application. For backward compatibility reasons, this parameter is ignored by default and can be enabled by setting the parameter This parameter is meant to be used in modules where multi-builds have been configured to avoid getting a final package with unused dependencies. Environment variable: Show more |
list of GACT |
Flag indicating whether the optional dependencies should be filtered out or not. This parameter is meant to be used in modules where multi-builds have been configured to avoid getting a final package with unused dependencies. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Indicates whether the generated JAR file should have the runner suffix appended. Only applicable to the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to automate the creation of AppCDS. Care must be taken to use the same exact JVM version when building and running the application. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When AppCDS generation is enabled, if this property is set, then the JVM used to generate the AppCDS file will be the JVM present in the container image. The builder image is expected to have the 'java' binary on its PATH. This flag is useful when the JVM to be used at runtime is not the same exact JVM version as the one used to build the jar. Note that this property is consulted only when Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether creation of the AppCDS archive should run in a container if available. Normally, if either a suitable container image to use to create the AppCDS archive can be determined automatically or if one is explicitly set using the If this option is set to Ignored if Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
This is an advanced option that only takes effect for development mode. If this is specified a directory of this name will be created in the jar distribution. Users can place jar files in this directory, and when re-augmentation is performed these will be processed and added to the class-path. Note that before reaugmentation has been performed these jars will be ignored, and if they are updated the app should be reaugmented again. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this option is true then a list of all the coordinates of the artifacts that made up this image will be included in the quarkus-app directory. This list can be used by vulnerability scanners to determine if your application has any vulnerable dependencies. Only supported for the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable decompilation of generated and transformed bytecode into a filesystem. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The directory into which to save the decompilation output. A relative path is understood as relative to the build directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The directory into which to save the decompilation tool if it doesn’t exist locally. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The entry point of the application. This can either be a fully qualified name of a standard Java class with a main method, or If your application has main classes annotated with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The directory into which the output package(s) should be written. Relative paths are resolved from the build systems target directory. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
The name of the final artifact, excluding the suffix and file extension. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Setting this switch to For example, if using Maven, enabling this feature will result in the classes in Setting this to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The suffix that is applied to the runner artifact’s base file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Platform |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
groupId of the platform to use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
artifactId of the platform to use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
version of the platform to use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Shutdown |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether Quarkus should wait between shutdown being requested and actually initiated. This delay gives the infrastructure time to detect that the application instance is shutting down and stop routing traffic to it. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The timeout to wait for running requests to finish. If this is not set then the application will exit immediately. Setting this timeout will incur a small performance penalty, as it requires active requests to be tracked. Environment variable: Show more |
Delay between shutdown being requested and actually initiated. Also called the pre-shutdown phase. In pre-shutdown, the server continues working as usual, except a readiness probe starts reporting "down" (if the Notice that this property will only take effect if Environment variable: Show more |
SnapStart |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enable/Disable SnapStart integration Default value is dependent on extensions deployed (i.e. when using AWS Lambda extensions, this will be set to true by default) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Will do a classpath search for all Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
if preloading classes, specify whether to do static initialization when preloading these classes. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Start the full application during the snapshotting process. In other words, when enabled, it performs Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When SnapStart is enabled, it generates the application class list, so it can be preloaded. Only used if Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
boolean |
Testing |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If continuous testing is enabled. The default value is 'paused', which will allow you to start testing from the console or the Dev UI, but will not run tests on startup. If this is set to 'enabled' then testing will start as soon as the application has started. If this is 'disabled' then continuous testing is not enabled, and can’t be enabled without restarting the application. Environment variable: Show more |
If output from the running tests should be displayed in the console. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The FQCN of the JUnit Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tags that should be included for continuous testing. This supports JUnit Tag Expressions. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tags that should be excluded by default with continuous testing. This is ignored if include-tags has been set. Defaults to 'slow'. This supports JUnit Tag Expressions. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tests that should be included for continuous testing. This is a regular expression and is matched against the test class name (not the file name). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tests that should be excluded with continuous testing. This is a regular expression and is matched against the test class name (not the file name). This is ignored if include-pattern has been set. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Test engine ids that should be included for continuous testing. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Test engine ids that should be excluded by default with continuous testing. This is ignored if include-engines has been set. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Changes tests to use the 'flat' ClassPath used in Quarkus 1.x versions. This means all Quarkus and test classes are loaded in the same ClassLoader, however it means you cannot use continuous testing. Note that if you find this necessary for your application then you may also have problems running in development mode, which cannot use a flat class path. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The profile to use when testing the native image Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The profile to use when testing using Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A comma separated list of profiles (dev, test, prod or custom profiles) to use when testing using @QuarkusTest Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The tags this profile is associated with. When the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Controls the container network to be used when @QuarkusIntegration needs to launch the application in a container. This setting only applies if Quarkus does not need to use a shared network - which is the case if DevServices are used when running the test. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set additional ports to be exposed when @QuarkusIntegration needs to launch the application in a container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
A set of labels to add to the launched container Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
A set of volume mounts to add to the launched container Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Additional launch parameters to be used when Quarkus launches the produced artifact for Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional environment variables to be set in the process that Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Used in Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the hang detection in @QuarkusTest. If no activity happens (i.e. no test callbacks are called) over this period then QuarkusTest will dump all threads stack traces, to help diagnose a potential hang. Note that the initial timeout (before Quarkus has started) will only apply if provided by a system property, as it is not possible to read all config sources until Quarkus has booted. Environment variable: Show more |
The type of test to run, this can be either: quarkus-test: Only runs Environment variable: Show more |
If this is true then only the tests from the main application module will be run (i.e. the module that is currently running mvn quarkus:dev). If this is false then tests from all dependency modules will be run as well. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Modules that should be included for continuous testing. This is a regular expression and is matched against the module groupId:artifactId. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Modules that should be excluded for continuous testing. This is a regular expression and is matched against the module groupId:artifactId. This is ignored if include-module-pattern has been set. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If the test callbacks should be invoked for the integration tests (tests annotated with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Core thread pool |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The core thread pool size. This number of threads will always be kept alive. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Prefill core thread pool. The core thread pool will be initialised with the core number of threads at startup Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of threads. If this is not specified then it will be automatically sized to the greatest of 8 * the number of available processors and 200. For example if there are 4 processors the max threads will be 200. If there are 48 processors it will be 384. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The queue size. For most applications this should be unbounded Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The executor growth resistance. A resistance factor applied after the core pool is full; values applied here will cause that fraction of submissions to create new threads when no idle thread is available. A value of Environment variable: Show more |
float |
The shutdown timeout. If all pending work has not been completed by this time then additional threads will be spawned to attempt to finish any pending tasks, and the shutdown process will continue Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for thread pool shutdown before tasks should be interrupted. If this value is greater than or equal to the value for Environment variable: Show more |
The frequency at which the status of the thread pool should be checked during shutdown. Information about waiting tasks and threads will be checked and possibly logged at this interval. Setting this key to an empty value disables the shutdown check interval. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time a thread will stay alive with no work. Environment variable: Show more |
CycloneDX |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether to skip SBOM generation Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SBOM file format. Supported formats are {code json} and {code xml}. The default format is JSON. If both are desired then Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CycloneDX specification version. The default value be the latest supported by the integrated CycloneDX library. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to include the license text into generated SBOMs. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Datasources |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether or not a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. This is a global setting and is not specific to a datasource. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether or not datasource metrics are published in case a metrics extension is present. This is a global setting and is not specific to a datasource.
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The kind of database we will connect to (e.g. h2, postgresql…). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The version of the database we will connect to (e.g. '10.0').
As a rule, the version set here should be as high as possible, but must be lower than or equal to the version of any database your application will connect to. A high version will allow better performance and using more features (e.g. Hibernate ORM may generate more efficient SQL, avoid workarounds and take advantage of more database features), but if it is higher than the version of the database you want to connect to, it may lead to runtime exceptions (e.g. Hibernate ORM may generate invalid SQL that your database will reject). Some extensions (like the Hibernate ORM extension) will try to check this version against the actual database version on startup, leading to a startup failure when the actual version is lower or simply a warning in case the database cannot be reached. The default for this property is specific to each extension; the Hibernate ORM extension will default to the oldest version it supports. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether this particular data source should be excluded from the health check if the general health check for data sources is enabled. By default, the health check includes all configured data sources (if it is enabled). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether this datasource should be active at runtime. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The datasource username Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The datasource password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The credentials provider name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The credentials provider bean name. This is a bean name (as in For Vault, the credentials provider bean name is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether this Dev Service should start with the application in dev mode or tests. Dev Services are enabled by default unless connection configuration (e.g. the JDBC URL or reactive client URL) is set explicitly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The container image name for container-based Dev Service providers. This has no effect if the provider is not a container-based database, such as H2 or Derby. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Generic properties that are passed for additional container configuration. Properties defined here are database-specific and are interpreted specifically in each database dev service implementation. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Generic properties that are added to the database connection URL. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The container start command to use for container-based Dev Service providers. This has no effect if the provider is not a container-based database, such as H2 or Derby. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The database name to use if this Dev Service supports overriding it. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username to use if this Dev Service supports overriding it. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password to use if this Dev Service supports overriding it. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The paths to SQL scripts to be loaded from the classpath and applied to the Dev Service database. This has no effect if the provider is not a container-based database, such as H2 or Derby. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The volumes to be mapped to the container. The map key corresponds to the host location; the map value is the container location. If the host location starts with "classpath:", the mapping loads the resource from the classpath with read-only permission. When using a file system location, the volume will be generated with read-write permission, potentially leading to data loss or modification in your file system. This has no effect if the provider is not a container-based database, such as H2 or Derby. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Whether to keep Dev Service containers running after a dev mode session or test suite execution to reuse them in the next dev mode session or test suite execution. Within a dev mode session or test suite execution, Quarkus will always reuse Dev Services as long as their configuration (username, password, environment, port bindings, …) did not change. This feature is specifically about keeping containers running when Quarkus is not running to reuse them across runs.
This configuration property is set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the logs should be consumed by the JBoss logger. This has no effect if the provider is not a container-based database, such as H2 or Derby. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
DevServices - Keycloak |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Flag to enable (default) or disable Dev Services. When enabled, Dev Services for Keycloak automatically configures and starts Keycloak in Dev or Test mode, and when Docker is running. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The container image name for Dev Services providers. Defaults to a Quarkus-based Keycloak image. For a WildFly-based distribution, use an image like Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates if a Keycloak-X image is used. By default, the image is identified by Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Determines if the Keycloak container is shared. When shared, Quarkus uses label-based service discovery to find and reuse a running Keycloak container, so a second one is not started. Otherwise, if a matching container is not is found, a new container is started. The service discovery uses the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A comma-separated list of class or file system paths to Keycloak realm files. This list is used to initialize Keycloak. The first value in this list is used to initialize default tenant connection properties. To learn more about Keycloak realm files, consult the Importing and Exporting Keycloak Realms documentation. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Aliases to additional class or file system resources that are used to initialize Keycloak. Each map entry represents a mapping between an alias and a class or file system resource path. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Additional class or file system resources that are used to initialize Keycloak. Each map entry represents a mapping between a class or file system resource path alias and the Keycloak container location. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Show Keycloak log messages with a "Keycloak:" prefix. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Keycloak start command. Use this property to experiment with Keycloak start options, see Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the Keycloak realm. This property is used to create the realm if the realm file pointed to by the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies whether to create the Keycloak realm when no realm file is found at the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies whether to create the default client id Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies whether to start the container even if the default OIDC tenant is disabled. Setting this property to true may be necessary in a multi-tenant OIDC setup, especially when OIDC tenants are created dynamically. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A map of Keycloak usernames to passwords. If empty, default users Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
A map of roles for Keycloak users. If empty, default roles are assigned: Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,List<String>> |
The specific port for the dev service to listen on. If not specified, a random port is selected. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Environment variables to be passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Memory limit for Keycloak container If not specified, 750MiB is the default memory limit. Environment variable: Show more |
The WebClient timeout. Use this property to configure how long an HTTP client used by OIDC dev service admin client will wait for a response from OpenId Connect Provider when acquiring admin token and creating realm. Environment variable: Show more |
DevServices - OIDC |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Use OpenID Connect Dev Services instead of Keycloak. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A map of roles for OIDC identity provider users. If empty, default roles are assigned: user Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,List<String>> |
Eclipse Vert.x - HTTP |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The number of history log entries to remember. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Show the JsonRPC Log. Useful for extension developers Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
More hosts allowed for Dev UI Comma separated list of valid URLs, e.g.:, (This can also be a regex) By default localhost and will always be allowed Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enable CORS filter. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The HTTP root path. All web content will be served relative to this root path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If basic auth should be enabled. If both basic and form auth is enabled then basic auth will be enabled in silent mode. The basic auth is enabled by default if no authentication mechanisms are configured or Quarkus can safely determine that basic authentication is required. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If form authentication is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The post location. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this is true and credentials are present then a user will always be authenticated before the request progresses. If this is false then an attempt will only be made to authenticate the user if a permission check is performed or the current user is required for some other reason. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Require that all registered HTTP authentication mechanisms must complete the authentication. Typically, this property has to be true when the credentials are carried over mTLS, when both mTLS and another authentication, for example, OIDC bearer token authentication, must succeed. In such cases,
This property is false by default which means that the authentication process is complete as soon as the first This property will be ignored if the path specific authentication is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the engine to require/request client authentication. When set to Environment variable: Show more |
If this is true then only a virtual channel will be set up for vertx web. We have this switch for testing purposes. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A common root path for non-application endpoints. Various extension-provided endpoints such as metrics, health,
and openapi are deployed under this path by default.
* Relative path (Default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The REST Assured client timeout for testing. Environment variable: Show more |
If enabled then the response body is compressed if the Note that the RESTEasy Reactive and Reactive Routes extensions also make it possible to enable/disable compression declaratively using the annotations Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When enabled, vert.x will decompress the request’s body if it’s compressed. Note that the compression format (e.g., gzip) must be specified in the Content-Encoding header in the request. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If user adds br, then brotli will be added to the list of supported compression algorithms. It implies loading libbrotli native library via JNI and in case of native image, packing the native library into the native image as a resource thus inflating its size. Note that a native shared object library must be available for your platform in Brotli4J project. Client expresses its capability by sending Accept-Encoding header, e.g. Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, br Server chooses the compression algorithm based on the client’s capabilities and marks it in a response header, e.g.: content-encoding: gzip Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
List of media types for which the compression should be enabled automatically, unless declared explicitly via Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The compression level used when compression support is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
boolean |
int |
The HTTP port used to run tests Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The HTTP host In dev/test mode this defaults to localhost, in prod mode this defaults to Defaulting to makes it easier to deploy Quarkus to container, however it is not suitable for dev/test mode as other people on the network can connect to your development machine. As an exception, when running in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), the HTTP host defaults to even in dev/test mode since using localhost makes the application inaccessible. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Used when Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable listening to host:port Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
int |
The HTTPS port used to run tests Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Used when Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If insecure (i.e. http rather than https) requests are allowed. If this is Default is Environment variable: Show more |
If this is true (the default) then HTTP/2 will be enabled. Note that for browsers to be able to use it HTTPS must be enabled, and you must be running on JDK11 or above, as JDK8 does not support ALPN. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables or Disable the HTTP/2 Push feature. This setting can be used to disable server push. The server will not send a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Please note that using MicroProfile Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The credentials provider bean name. This is a bean name (as in For Vault, the credentials provider bean name is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The list of path to server certificates using the PEM format. Specifying multiple files requires SNI to be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
The list of path to server certificates private key files using the PEM format. Specifying multiple files requires SNI to be enabled. The order of the key files must match the order of the certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
An optional keystore that holds the certificate information instead of specifying separate files. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional parameter to specify the type of the keystore file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to specify a provider of the keystore file. If not given, the provider is automatically detected based on the keystore file type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the keystore file. If not given, and if it can not be retrieved from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to select a specific key in the keystore. When SNI is disabled, and the keystore contains multiple keys and no alias is specified; the behavior is undefined. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to define the password for the key, in case it is different from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional trust store that holds the certificate information of the trusted certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional list of trusted certificates using the PEM format. If you pass multiple files, you must use the PEM format. Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
An optional parameter to specify the type of the trust store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to specify a provider of the trust store file. If not given, the provider is automatically detected based on the trust store file type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the trust store file. If not given, it might be retrieved from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to trust a single certificate from the trust store rather than trusting all certificates in the store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
When set, the configured certificate will be reloaded after the given period. Note that the certificate will be reloaded only if the file has been modified. Also, the update can also occur when the TLS certificate is configured using paths (and not in-memory). The reload period must be equal or greater than 30 seconds. If not set, the certificate will not be reloaded.
Environment variable: Show more |
The cipher suites to use. If none is given, a reasonable default is selected. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the ordered list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols. If not set, it defaults to Note that setting an empty list, and enabling SSL/TLS is invalid. You must at least have one protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enables Server Name Indication (SNI), an TLS extension allowing the server to use multiple certificates. The client indicate the server name during the TLS handshake, allowing the server to select the right certificate. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( If no TLS configuration is set, and Environment variable: Show more |
string |
When set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The number if IO threads used to perform IO. This will be automatically set to a reasonable value based on the number of CPU cores if it is not provided. If this is set to a higher value than the number of Vert.x event loops then it will be capped at the number of event loops. In general this should be controlled by setting quarkus.vertx.event-loops-pool-size, this setting should only be used if you want to limit the number of HTTP io threads to a smaller number than the total number of IO threads. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Http connection idle timeout Environment variable: Show more |
Http connection read timeout for blocking IO. This is the maximum amount of time a thread will wait for data, before an IOException will be thrown and the connection closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the files sent using If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The directory where the files sent using Either an absolute path or a path relative to the current directory of the application process. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the form attributes should be added to the request parameters. If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the uploaded files should be removed after serving the request. If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the body buffer should pre-allocated based on the If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A comma-separated list of Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The encryption key that is used to store persistent logins (e.g. for form auth). Logins are stored in a persistent cookie that is encrypted with AES-256 using a key derived from a SHA-256 hash of the key that is provided here. If no key is provided then an in-memory one will be generated, this will change on every restart though so it is not suitable for production environments. This must be more than 16 characters long for security reasons Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable socket reuse port (linux/macOs native transport only) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable tcp quick ack (linux native transport only) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable tcp cork (linux native transport only) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable tcp fast open (linux native transport only) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The accept backlog, this is how many connections can be waiting to be accepted before connections start being rejected Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. Indicates the sender’s initial window size (in octets) for stream-level flow control. The initial value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Path to a unix domain socket Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable listening to host:port Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true then the request start time will be recorded to enable logging of total request time. This has a small performance penalty, so is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Provides a hint (optional) for the default content type of responses generated for the errors not handled by the application. If the client requested a supported content-type in request headers (e.g. "Accept: application/json", "Accept: text/html"), Quarkus will use that content type. Otherwise, it will default to the content type configured here. Environment variable: Show more |
If the cookie pattern is case-sensitive Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value to set in the samesite attribute Environment variable: Show more |
required |
Some User Agents break when sent SameSite=None, this will detect them and avoid sending the value Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true then the 'secure' attribute will automatically be sent on cookies with a SameSite attribute of None. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Determines whether the entire permission set is enabled, or not. By default, if the permission set is defined, it is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The HTTP policy that this permission set is linked to. There are three built-in policies: permit, deny and authenticated. Role based policies can be defined, and extensions can add their own policies. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The methods that this permission set applies to. If this is not set then they apply to all methods. Note that if a request matches any path from any permission set, but does not match the constraint due to the method not being listed then the request will be denied. Method specific permissions take precedence over matches that do not have any methods set. This means that for example if Quarkus is configured to allow GET and POST requests to /admin to and no other permissions are configured PUT requests to /admin will be denied. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The paths that this permission check applies to. If the path ends in /* then this is treated as a path prefix, otherwise it is treated as an exact match. Matches are done on a length basis, so the most specific path match takes precedence. If multiple permission sets match the same path then explicit methods matches take precedence over matches without methods set, otherwise the most restrictive permissions are applied. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Path specific authentication mechanism which must be used to authenticate a user. It needs to match Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates that this policy always applies to the matched paths in addition to the policy with a winning path. Avoid creating more than one shared policy to minimize the performance impact. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether permission check should be applied on all matching paths, or paths specific for the Jakarta REST resources. Environment variable: Show more |
The roles that are allowed to access resources protected by this policy. By default, access is allowed to any authenticated user. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Add roles granted to the Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,List<String>> |
Permissions granted to the Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,List<String>> |
Permissions granted by this policy will be created with a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Map the For example, if Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,List<String>> |
Client certificate attribute whose values are going to be mapped to the 'SecurityIdentity' roles according to the roles mapping specified in the certificate properties file. The attribute must be either one of the Relative Distinguished Names (RDNs) or Subject Alternative Names (SANs). By default, the Common Name (CN) attribute value is used for roles mapping. Supported values are:
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Properties file containing the client certificate attribute value to role mappings. Use it only if the mTLS authentication mechanism is enabled with either Properties file is expected to have the Environment variable: Show more |
path |
The authentication realm Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The login page. Redirect to login page can be disabled by setting Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username field name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password field name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The error page. Redirect to error page can be disabled by setting Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The landing page to redirect to if there is no saved page to redirect back to. Redirect to landing page can be disabled by setting Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Option to control the name of the cookie used to redirect the user back to the location they want to access. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The inactivity (idle) timeout When inactivity timeout is reached, cookie is not renewed and a new login is enforced. Environment variable: Show more |
How old a cookie can get before it will be replaced with a new cookie with an updated timeout, also referred to as "renewal-timeout". Note that smaller values will result in slightly more server load (as new encrypted cookies will be generated more often); however, larger values affect the inactivity timeout because the timeout is set when a cookie is generated. For example if this is set to 10 minutes, and the inactivity timeout is 30m, if a user’s last request is when the cookie is 9m old then the actual timeout will happen 21m after the last request because the timeout is only refreshed when a new cookie is generated. That is, no timeout is tracked on the server side; the timestamp is encoded and encrypted in the cookie itself, and it is decrypted and parsed with each request. Environment variable: Show more |
The cookie that is used to store the persistent session Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The cookie path for the session and location cookies. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the HttpOnly attribute to prevent access to the cookie via JavaScript. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SameSite attribute for the session and location cookies. Environment variable: Show more |
Max-Age attribute for the session cookie. This is the amount of time the browser will keep the cookie. The default value is empty, which means the cookie will be kept until the browser is closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The origins allowed for CORS. A comma-separated list of valid URLs, such as Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The HTTP methods allowed for CORS requests. A comma-separated list of valid HTTP methods, such as Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The HTTP headers allowed for CORS requests. A comma-separated list of valid headers, such as Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The HTTP headers exposed in CORS responses. A comma-separated list of headers to expose, such as Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The Environment variable: Show more |
The Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set the index page when serving static resources. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set whether hidden files should be served. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set whether range requests (resumable downloads; media streaming) should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set whether cache handling is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the cache entry timeout. The default is Environment variable: Show more |
Set value for max age in caching headers. The default is Environment variable: Show more |
Set the max cache size. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Content encoding for text related files Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The maximum length of all headers. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum size of a request body. Environment variable: Show more |
The max HTTP chunk size Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum length of the initial line (e.g. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum length of a form attribute. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the maximum number of fields of a form. Set to Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the maximum number of bytes a server can buffer when decoding a form. Set to Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of HTTP request parameters permitted for incoming requests. If a client sends more than this number of parameters in a request, the connection is closed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of connections that are allowed at any one time. If this is set it is recommended to set a short idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint of the maximum size of the header compression table used to decode header blocks, in octets. The encoder can select any size equal to or less than this value by using signaling specific to the header compression format inside a header block. The initial value is Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS HTTP/2 setting. Indicates the maximum number of concurrent streams that the sender will allow. This limit is directional: it applies to the number of streams that the sender permits the receiver to create. Initially, there is no limit to this value. It is recommended that this value be no smaller than 100, to not unnecessarily limit parallelism. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set the SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. Indicates the size of the largest frame payload that the sender is willing to receive, in octets. The initial value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. This advisory setting informs a peer of the maximum size of header list that the sender is prepared to accept, in octets. The value is based on the uncompressed size of header fields, including the length of the name and value in octets plus an overhead of 32 octets for each header field. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set the max number of RST frame allowed per time window, this is used to prevent HTTP/2 RST frame flood DDOS attacks. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the duration of the time window when checking the max number of RST frames, this is used to prevent HTTP/2 RST frame flood DDOS attacks.. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If access logging is enabled. By default this will log via the standard logging facility Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A regular expression that can be used to exclude some paths from logging. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The access log pattern. If this is the string
Otherwise, consult the Quarkus documentation for the full list of variables that can be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If logging should be done to a separate file. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The access log file base name, defaults to 'quarkus' which will give a log file name of 'quarkus.log'. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The log directory to use when logging access to a file If this is not set then the current working directory is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The log file suffix Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The log category to use if logging is being done via the standard log mechanism (i.e. if base-file-name is empty). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If the log should be rotated daily Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If rerouted requests should be consolidated into one log entry Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enables the traffic shaping. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set bandwidth limit in bytes per second for inbound connections. If not set, no limits are applied. Environment variable: Show more |
Set bandwidth limit in bytes per second for outbound connections. If not set, no limits are applied. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the maximum delay to wait in case of traffic excess. Default is 15s. Must be less than the HTTP timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the delay between two computations of performances for channels. If set to 0, no stats are computed. Despite 0 is accepted (no accounting), it is recommended to set a positive value for the check interval, even if it is high since the precision of the traffic shaping depends on the period where the traffic is computed. In this case, a suggested value is something close to 5 or 10 minutes. If not default, it defaults to 1s. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the maximum global write size in bytes per second allowed in the buffer globally for all channels before write are suspended. The default value is 400 MB. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The path this header should be applied Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The value for this header configuration Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The HTTP methods for this header configuration Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
A regular expression for the paths matching this configuration Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Additional HTTP Headers always sent in the response Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The HTTP methods for this path configuration Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Order in which this path config is applied. Higher priority takes precedence Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set whether the server should use the HA Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true then the address, scheme etc. will be set from headers forwarded by the proxy server, such as Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true and proxy address forwarding is enabled then the standard Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If either this or Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When both Forwarded and X-Forwarded headers are enabled with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When both Forwarded and X-Forwarded headers are enabled with For example, if Forwarded has a precedence over X-Forwarded, Forwarded scheme is Environment variable: Show more |
Enable override the received request’s host through a forwarded host header. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the forwarded host header to be used if override enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable prefix the received request’s path with a forwarded prefix header. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the forwarded prefix header to be used if prefixing enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Adds the header The forwarded parser detects forgery attempts and if the incoming request contains this header, it will be removed from the request. The Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the list of trusted proxy addresses. Received Examples of a socket address in the form of
Examples of a CIDR notation:
Please bear in mind that IPv4 CIDR won’t match request sent from the IPv6 address and the other way around. Environment variable: Show more |
list of TrustedProxyCheckPart |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The maximum amount of data that can be sent in a single frame. Messages larger than this must be broken up into continuation frames. Default 65536 (from HttpServerOptions of Vert.X HttpServerOptions) Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum WebSocket message size. Default 262144 (from HttpServerOptions of Vert.X HttpServerOptions) Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Enables / Disables the usage of a separate interface/port to expose the management endpoints. If sets to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If authentication for the management interface should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If basic auth should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true and credentials are present then a user will always be authenticated before the request progresses. If this is false then an attempt will only be made to authenticate the user if a permission check is performed or the current user is required for some other reason. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the engine to require/request client authentication. NONE, REQUEST, REQUIRED Environment variable: Show more |
A common root path for management endpoints. Various extension-provided management endpoints such as metrics and health are deployed under this path by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If responses should be compressed. Note that this will attempt to compress all responses, to avoid compressing already compressed content (such as images) you need to set the following header: Content-Encoding: identity Which will tell vert.x not to compress the response. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When enabled, vert.x will decompress the request’s body if it’s compressed. Note that the compression format (e.g., gzip) must be specified in the Content-Encoding header in the request. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The compression level used when compression support is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Map the For example, if Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,List<String>> |
int |
The HTTP port Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The HTTP host In dev/test mode this defaults to localhost, in prod mode this defaults to Defaulting to makes it easier to deploy Quarkus to container, however it is not suitable for dev/test mode as other people on the network can connect to your development machine. As an exception, when running in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), the HTTP host defaults to even in dev/test mode since using localhost makes the application inaccessible. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Enable listening to host:port Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Please note that using MicroProfile Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The credentials provider bean name. This is a bean name (as in For Vault, the credentials provider bean name is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The list of path to server certificates using the PEM format. Specifying multiple files requires SNI to be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
The list of path to server certificates private key files using the PEM format. Specifying multiple files requires SNI to be enabled. The order of the key files must match the order of the certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
An optional keystore that holds the certificate information instead of specifying separate files. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional parameter to specify the type of the keystore file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to specify a provider of the keystore file. If not given, the provider is automatically detected based on the keystore file type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the keystore file. If not given, and if it can not be retrieved from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to select a specific key in the keystore. When SNI is disabled, and the keystore contains multiple keys and no alias is specified; the behavior is undefined. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to define the password for the key, in case it is different from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional trust store that holds the certificate information of the trusted certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional list of trusted certificates using the PEM format. If you pass multiple files, you must use the PEM format. Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
An optional parameter to specify the type of the trust store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to specify a provider of the trust store file. If not given, the provider is automatically detected based on the trust store file type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the trust store file. If not given, it might be retrieved from Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to trust a single certificate from the trust store rather than trusting all certificates in the store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
When set, the configured certificate will be reloaded after the given period. Note that the certificate will be reloaded only if the file has been modified. Also, the update can also occur when the TLS certificate is configured using paths (and not in-memory). The reload period must be equal or greater than 30 seconds. If not set, the certificate will not be reloaded.
Environment variable: Show more |
The cipher suites to use. If none is given, a reasonable default is selected. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the ordered list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols. If not set, it defaults to Note that setting an empty list, and enabling SSL/TLS is invalid. You must at least have one protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enables Server Name Indication (SNI), an TLS extension allowing the server to use multiple certificates. The client indicate the server name during the TLS handshake, allowing the server to select the right certificate. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( If no TLS configuration is set, and Environment variable: Show more |
string |
When set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum length of all headers. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum size of a request body. Environment variable: Show more |
The max HTTP chunk size Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum length of the initial line (e.g. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum length of a form attribute. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the maximum number of fields of a form. Set to Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the maximum number of bytes a server can buffer when decoding a form. Set to Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of HTTP request parameters permitted for incoming requests. If a client sends more than this number of parameters in a request, the connection is closed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of connections that are allowed at any one time. If this is set it is recommended to set a short idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint of the maximum size of the header compression table used to decode header blocks, in octets. The encoder can select any size equal to or less than this value by using signaling specific to the header compression format inside a header block. The initial value is Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS HTTP/2 setting. Indicates the maximum number of concurrent streams that the sender will allow. This limit is directional: it applies to the number of streams that the sender permits the receiver to create. Initially, there is no limit to this value. It is recommended that this value be no smaller than 100, to not unnecessarily limit parallelism. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set the SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. Indicates the size of the largest frame payload that the sender is willing to receive, in octets. The initial value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE HTTP/2 setting. This advisory setting informs a peer of the maximum size of header list that the sender is prepared to accept, in octets. The value is based on the uncompressed size of header fields, including the length of the name and value in octets plus an overhead of 32 octets for each header field. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Set the max number of RST frame allowed per time window, this is used to prevent HTTP/2 RST frame flood DDOS attacks. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the duration of the time window when checking the max number of RST frames, this is used to prevent HTTP/2 RST frame flood DDOS attacks.. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
Http connection idle timeout Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the files sent using If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The directory where the files sent using Either an absolute path or a path relative to the current directory of the application process. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the form attributes should be added to the request parameters. If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the uploaded files should be removed after serving the request. If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the body buffer should pre-allocated based on the If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A comma-separated list of Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The accept backlog, this is how many connections can be waiting to be accepted before connections start being rejected Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Path to a unix domain socket Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable listening to host:port Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set whether the server should use the HA Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true then the address, scheme etc. will be set from headers forwarded by the proxy server, such as Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this is true and proxy address forwarding is enabled then the standard Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If either this or Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When both Forwarded and X-Forwarded headers are enabled with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When both Forwarded and X-Forwarded headers are enabled with For example, if Forwarded has a precedence over X-Forwarded, Forwarded scheme is Environment variable: Show more |
Enable override the received request’s host through a forwarded host header. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the forwarded host header to be used if override enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable prefix the received request’s path with a forwarded prefix header. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the forwarded prefix header to be used if prefixing enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Adds the header The forwarded parser detects forgery attempts and if the incoming request contains this header, it will be removed from the request. The Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the list of trusted proxy addresses. Received Examples of a socket address in the form of
Examples of a CIDR notation:
Please bear in mind that IPv4 CIDR won’t match request sent from the IPv6 address and the other way around. Environment variable: Show more |
list of TrustedProxyCheckPart |
Determines whether the entire permission set is enabled, or not. By default, if the permission set is defined, it is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The HTTP policy that this permission set is linked to. There are three built-in policies: permit, deny and authenticated. Role based policies can be defined, and extensions can add their own policies. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The methods that this permission set applies to. If this is not set then they apply to all methods. Note that if a request matches any path from any permission set, but does not match the constraint due to the method not being listed then the request will be denied. Method specific permissions take precedence over matches that do not have any methods set. This means that for example if Quarkus is configured to allow GET and POST requests to /admin to and no other permissions are configured PUT requests to /admin will be denied. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The paths that this permission check applies to. If the path ends in /* then this is treated as a path prefix, otherwise it is treated as an exact match. Matches are done on a length basis, so the most specific path match takes precedence. If multiple permission sets match the same path then explicit methods matches take precedence over matches without methods set, otherwise the most restrictive permissions are applied. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Path specific authentication mechanism which must be used to authenticate a user. It needs to match Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates that this policy always applies to the matched paths in addition to the policy with a winning path. Avoid creating more than one shared policy to minimize the performance impact. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether permission check should be applied on all matching paths, or paths specific for the Jakarta REST resources. Environment variable: Show more |
The roles that are allowed to access resources protected by this policy. By default, access is allowed to any authenticated user. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Add roles granted to the Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,List<String>> |
Permissions granted to the Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,List<String>> |
Permissions granted by this policy will be created with a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path this header should be applied Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The value for this header configuration Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The HTTP methods for this header configuration Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
A regular expression for the paths matching this configuration Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Additional HTTP Headers always sent in the response Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The HTTP methods for this path configuration Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Order in which this path config is applied. Higher priority takes precedence Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Elasticsearch REST client common |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The list of hosts of the Elasticsearch servers. Environment variable: Show more |
list of host:port |
The protocol to use when contacting Elasticsearch servers. Set to "https" to enable SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username for basic HTTP authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password for basic HTTP authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The connection timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
The socket timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of connections to all the Elasticsearch servers. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of connections per Elasticsearch server. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of IO thread. By default, this is the number of locally detected processors. Thread counts higher than the number of processors should not be necessary because the I/O threads rely on non-blocking operations, but you may want to use a thread count lower than the number of processors. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Defines if automatic discovery is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Refresh interval of the node list. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether this Dev Service should start with the application in dev mode or tests. Dev Services are enabled by default
unless connection configuration (e.g. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The Elasticsearch distribution to use. Defaults to a distribution inferred from the explicitly configured Environment variable: Show more |
The Elasticsearch container image to use. Defaults depend on the configured
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The value for the ES_JAVA_OPTS env variable. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the Elasticsearch server managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Elasticsearch starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when This property is used when you need multiple shared Elasticsearch servers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Whether to keep Dev Service containers running after a dev mode session or test suite execution to reuse them in the next dev mode session or test suite execution. Within a dev mode session or test suite execution, Quarkus will always reuse Dev Services as long as their configuration (username, password, environment, port bindings, …) did not change. This feature is specifically about keeping containers running when Quarkus is not running to reuse them across runs.
This configuration property is set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Elytron Security JDBC |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The realm name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If the properties store is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The sql query to find the password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The data source to use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If the clear-password-mapper is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The index (1 based numbering) of the column containing the clear password Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If the bcrypt-password-mapper is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The index (1 based numbering) of the column containing the password hash Environment variable: Show more |
int |
A string referencing the password hash encoding ("BASE64" or "HEX") Environment variable: Show more |
The index (1 based numbering) of the column containing the Bcrypt salt. The default value of Environment variable: Show more |
int |
A string referencing the salt encoding ("BASE64" or "HEX") Environment variable: Show more |
The index (1 based numbering) of the column containing the Bcrypt iteration count. The default value of Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The index (1 based numbering) of column to map Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The target attribute name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The sql query to find the password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The data source to use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The index (1 based numbering) of column to map Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The target attribute name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
If the clear-password-mapper is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The index (1 based numbering) of the column containing the clear password Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If the bcrypt-password-mapper is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The index (1 based numbering) of the column containing the password hash Environment variable: Show more |
int |
A string referencing the password hash encoding ("BASE64" or "HEX") Environment variable: Show more |
The index (1 based numbering) of the column containing the Bcrypt salt. The default value of Environment variable: Show more |
int |
A string referencing the salt encoding ("BASE64" or "HEX") Environment variable: Show more |
The index (1 based numbering) of the column containing the Bcrypt iteration count. The default value of Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Elytron Security LDAP |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The option to enable the ldap elytron module Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The elytron realm name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provided credentials are verified against ldap? Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The url of the ldap server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The principal: user which is used to connect to ldap server (also named "bindDn") Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password which belongs to the principal (also named "bindCredential") Environment variable: Show more |
string |
how ldap redirects are handled Environment variable: Show more |
The connect timeout Environment variable: Show more |
The read timeout Environment variable: Show more |
If set to true, request to the LDAP server are cached Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The duration that an entry can stay in the cache Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of entries to keep in the cache Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The identifier which correlates to the provided user (also named "baseFilter") Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The dn where we look for users Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
If the child nodes are also searched for identities Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The roleAttributeId from which is mapped (e.g. "cn") Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The identifier whom the attribute is mapped to (in Quarkus: "groups", in WildFly this is "Roles") Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The filter (also named "roleFilter") Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The filter base dn (also named "rolesContextDn") Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Elytron Security OAuth 2.0 |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Determine if the OAuth2 extension is enabled. Enabled by default if you include the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The claim that is used in the introspection endpoint response to load the roles. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The OAuth2 client id used to validate the token. Mandatory if the extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The OAuth2 client secret used to validate the token. Mandatory if the extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The OAuth2 introspection endpoint URL used to validate the token and gather the authentication claims. Mandatory if the extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The OAuth2 server certificate file. Warning: this is not supported in native mode where the certificate must be included in the truststore used during the native image generation, see Using SSL With Native Executables. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Elytron Security Properties File |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If the properties are stored in plain text. If this is false (the default) then it is expected that the passwords are of the form HEX( MD5( username ":" realm ":" password ) ) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Determine which algorithm to use. This property is ignored if Environment variable: Show more |
The realm users user1=password\nuser2=password2… mapping. See Embedded Users. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The realm roles user1=role1,role2,…\nuser2=role1,role2,… mapping See Embedded Roles. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The realm name. This is used when generating a hashed password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Determine whether security via the file realm is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If the properties are stored in plain text. If this is false (the default) then it is expected that the passwords are of the form HEX( MD5( username ":" realm ":" password ) ) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Classpath resource name of properties file containing user to password mappings. See Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Classpath resource name of properties file containing user to role mappings. See Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The realm name. This is used when generating a hashed password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Determine whether security via the embedded realm is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Flyway |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether Flyway is enabled during the build. If Flyway is disabled, the Flyway beans won’t be created and Flyway won’t be usable. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of locations to scan recursively for migrations. The location type is determined by its prefix. Unprefixed locations or locations starting with classpath: point to a package on the classpath and may contain both SQL and Java-based migrations. Locations starting with filesystem: point to a directory on the filesystem, may only contain SQL migrations and are only scanned recursively down non-hidden directories. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of fully qualified class names of Callback implementations to use to hook into the Flyway lifecycle. The Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Flag to activate/deactivate Flyway for a specific datasource at runtime. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of retries when attempting to connect to the database. After each failed attempt, Flyway will wait up to the configured Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum time between retries when attempting to connect to the database. This will cap the interval between connect retries to the value provided. Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the default schema managed by Flyway. This schema name is case-sensitive. If not specified, but schemas is, Flyway uses the first schema in that list. If that is also not specified, Flyway uses the default schema for the database connection. Consequences:
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JDBC URL that Flyway uses to connect to the database. Falls back to the datasource URL if not specified. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username that Flyway uses to connect to the database. If no specific JDBC URL is configured, falls back to the datasource username if not specified. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password that Flyway uses to connect to the database. If no specific JDBC URL is configured, falls back to the datasource password if not specified. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of schemas managed by Flyway. The first schema in the list will be automatically set as the default one during the migration. It will also be the one containing the schema history table. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of Flyway’s schema history table. By default (single-schema mode), the schema history table is placed in the default schema for the connection provided by the datasource. When the flyway.schemas property is set (multi-schema mode), the schema history table is placed in the first schema of the list. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The file name prefix for versioned SQL migrations. Versioned SQL migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , which using the defaults translates to V1.1__My_description.sql Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The file name prefix for repeatable SQL migrations. Repeatable SQL migrations have the following file name structure: prefixSeparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , which using the defaults translates to R__My_description.sql Environment variable: Show more |
string |
true to execute Flyway clean command automatically when the application starts, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to prevent Flyway clean operations, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute Flyway automatically when the application starts, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute a Flyway repair command when the application starts, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute a Flyway validate command when the application starts, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to automatically execute a Flyway clean command when a validation error occurs at start, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute Flyway baseline before migrations This flag is ignored if the flyway_schema_history table exists in the current schema or if the current schema is empty. Note that this will not automatically call migrate, you must either enable baselineAtStart or programmatically call flyway.migrate(). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute Flyway baseline automatically when the application starts. This flag is ignored if the flyway_schema_history table exists in the current schema. This will work even if the current schema is empty. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The initial baseline version. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The description to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to automatically call validate when performing a migration. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allows migrations to be run "out of order". Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Ignore missing migrations when reading the history table. When set to true migrations from older versions present in the history table but absent in the configured locations will be ignored (and logged as a warning), when false (the default) the validation step will fail. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Ignore future migrations when reading the history table. When set to true migrations from newer versions present in the history table but absent in the configured locations will be ignored (and logged as a warning), when false (the default) the validation step will fail. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the placeholders to replace in SQL migration scripts. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Whether Flyway should attempt to create the schemas specified in the schemas property Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Prefix of every placeholder (default: ${ ) Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Suffix of every placeholder (default: } ) Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SQL statements to run to initialize a new database connection immediately after opening it. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to validate migrations and callbacks whose scripts do not obey the correct naming convention. A failure can be useful to check that errors such as case sensitivity in migration prefixes have been corrected. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Ignore migrations during validate and repair according to a given list of patterns (see for more information). When this configuration is set, the ignoreFutureMigrations and ignoreMissingMigrations settings are ignored. Patterns are comma separated. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Comma-separated list of locations to scan recursively for migrations. The location type is determined by its prefix. Unprefixed locations or locations starting with classpath: point to a package on the classpath and may contain both SQL and Java-based migrations. Locations starting with filesystem: point to a directory on the filesystem, may only contain SQL migrations and are only scanned recursively down non-hidden directories. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of fully qualified class names of Callback implementations to use to hook into the Flyway lifecycle. The Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Flag to activate/deactivate Flyway for a specific datasource at runtime. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of retries when attempting to connect to the database. After each failed attempt, Flyway will wait up to the configured Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum time between retries when attempting to connect to the database. This will cap the interval between connect retries to the value provided. Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the default schema managed by Flyway. This schema name is case-sensitive. If not specified, but schemas is, Flyway uses the first schema in that list. If that is also not specified, Flyway uses the default schema for the database connection. Consequences:
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JDBC URL that Flyway uses to connect to the database. Falls back to the datasource URL if not specified. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username that Flyway uses to connect to the database. If no specific JDBC URL is configured, falls back to the datasource username if not specified. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password that Flyway uses to connect to the database. If no specific JDBC URL is configured, falls back to the datasource password if not specified. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of schemas managed by Flyway. The first schema in the list will be automatically set as the default one during the migration. It will also be the one containing the schema history table. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of Flyway’s schema history table. By default (single-schema mode), the schema history table is placed in the default schema for the connection provided by the datasource. When the flyway.schemas property is set (multi-schema mode), the schema history table is placed in the first schema of the list. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The file name prefix for versioned SQL migrations. Versioned SQL migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , which using the defaults translates to V1.1__My_description.sql Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The file name prefix for repeatable SQL migrations. Repeatable SQL migrations have the following file name structure: prefixSeparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , which using the defaults translates to R__My_description.sql Environment variable: Show more |
string |
true to execute Flyway clean command automatically when the application starts, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to prevent Flyway clean operations, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute Flyway automatically when the application starts, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute a Flyway repair command when the application starts, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute a Flyway validate command when the application starts, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to automatically execute a Flyway clean command when a validation error occurs at start, false otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute Flyway baseline before migrations This flag is ignored if the flyway_schema_history table exists in the current schema or if the current schema is empty. Note that this will not automatically call migrate, you must either enable baselineAtStart or programmatically call flyway.migrate(). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
true to execute Flyway baseline automatically when the application starts. This flag is ignored if the flyway_schema_history table exists in the current schema. This will work even if the current schema is empty. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The initial baseline version. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The description to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to automatically call validate when performing a migration. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allows migrations to be run "out of order". Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Ignore missing migrations when reading the history table. When set to true migrations from older versions present in the history table but absent in the configured locations will be ignored (and logged as a warning), when false (the default) the validation step will fail. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Ignore future migrations when reading the history table. When set to true migrations from newer versions present in the history table but absent in the configured locations will be ignored (and logged as a warning), when false (the default) the validation step will fail. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the placeholders to replace in SQL migration scripts. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Whether Flyway should attempt to create the schemas specified in the schemas property Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Prefix of every placeholder (default: ${ ) Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Suffix of every placeholder (default: } ) Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SQL statements to run to initialize a new database connection immediately after opening it. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to validate migrations and callbacks whose scripts do not obey the correct naming convention. A failure can be useful to check that errors such as case sensitivity in migration prefixes have been corrected. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Ignore migrations during validate and repair according to a given list of patterns (see for more information). When this configuration is set, the ignoreFutureMigrations and ignoreMissingMigrations settings are ignored. Patterns are comma separated. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Funqy AWS Lambda Binding |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If advanced event handling should be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allows functions to return partially successful responses for a batch of event records. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allows functions to return partially successful responses for a batch of event records. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allows functions to return partially successful responses for a batch of event records. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Funqy Knative Events Binding |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Cloud Event type (ce-type) that triggers this function. Default value is function name. This config item is only required when there is more than one function defined within the deployment. The ce-type is not looked at if there is only one function in the deployment. The message will just be dispatched to that function. This allows you to change the knative trigger binding without having to change the configuration of the quarkus deployment. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If function has response output, then what is the Cloud Event type (ce-type)? This will default to {function}.output Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If function has response output, then what is the Cloud Event source (ce-source)? This will default to the function name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Funqy Server |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The function to export. If there is more than one function defined for this deployment, then you must set this variable. If there is only a single function, you do not have to set this config item. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Google Cloud Functions |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The function name. Function names are specified on function classes using the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
gRPC |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
gRPC code generation can scan dependencies of the application for proto files to generate Java stubs from. This property sets the scope of the dependencies to scan. Applicable values:
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specify the dependencies that are allowed to have proto files that can be imported by this application’s protos Applicable values:
By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether a health check on gRPC status is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the gRPC health check is exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Start gRPC server in dev mode even if no gRPC services are implemented. By default set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Use new Vert.x gRPC client support. By default, we still use previous Java gRPC support. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Explicitly enable use of XDS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Use secure credentials. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional explicit target. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Explicitly enable use of in-process. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set in-process name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Number of threads on a delayed gRPC ClientCall Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Deadline in milliseconds of delayed gRPC call Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Number of retries on a gRPC ClientCall Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Initial delay in seconds on refresh check Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Refresh period in seconds Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The gRPC service port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The gRPC service test port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host name / IP on which the service is exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The classpath path or file path to a server certificate or certificate chain in PEM format. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
The classpath path or file path to the corresponding certificate private key file in PEM format. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional trust store which holds the certificate information of the certificates to trust The trust store can be either on classpath or in an external file. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( If no TLS configuration is set, and Important: This is only supported when using the Quarkus (Vert.x-based) gRPC client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether SSL/TLS is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable trusting all certificates. Disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether hostname should be verified in the SSL/TLS handshake. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Use a name resolver. Defaults to dns. If set to "stork", host will be treated as SmallRye Stork service name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The duration after which a keep alive ping is sent. Environment variable: Show more |
The flow control window in bytes. Default is 1MiB. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The duration without ongoing RPCs before going to idle mode. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time the sender of a keep alive ping waits for an acknowledgement. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether keep-alive will be performed when there are no outstanding RPC on a connection. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The max number of hedged attempts. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The max number of retry attempts. Retry must be explicitly enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of channel trace events to keep in the tracer for each channel or sub-channel. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum message size allowed for a single gRPC frame (in bytes). Default is 4 MiB. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum size of metadata allowed to be received (in bytes). Default is 8192B. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The negotiation type for the HTTP/2 connection. Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Overrides the authority used with TLS and HTTP virtual hosting. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The per RPC buffer limit in bytes used for retry. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Whether retry is enabled. Note that retry is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The retry buffer size in bytes. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Use a custom user-agent. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Use a custom load balancing policy. Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The compression to use for each call. The accepted values are Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The deadline used for each call. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Do we use separate HTTP server to serve gRPC requests. Set this to false if you want to use new Vert.x gRPC support, which uses existing Vert.x HTTP server. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Explicitly enable use of XDS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Use secure credentials. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Explicitly enable use of in-process. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set in-process name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC Server port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The gRPC Server port used for tests. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The gRPC server host. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC handshake timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
The max inbound message size in bytes. When using a single server (using Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The max inbound metadata size in bytes Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The classpath path or file path to a server certificate or certificate chain in PEM format. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
The classpath path or file path to the corresponding certificate private key file in PEM format. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional keystore that holds the certificate information instead of specifying separate files. The keystore can be either on classpath or an external file. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional parameter to specify the type of the keystore file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the keystore file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the alias of the keystore file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the alias password of the keystore file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional trust store which holds the certificate information of the certificates to trust The trust store can be either on classpath or an external file. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
An optional parameter to specify type of the trust store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the trust store file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The cipher suites to use. If none is given, a reasonable default is selected. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the ordered list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols. If not set, it defaults to Note that setting an empty list, and enabling SSL/TLS is invalid. You must at least have one protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Configures the engine to require/request client authentication. NONE, REQUEST, REQUIRED Environment variable: Show more |
Disables SSL, and uses plain text instead. If disabled, configure the ssl configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether ALPN should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The path to the certificate file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to the private key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables the gRPC Reflection Service. By default, the reflection service is only exposed in Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Number of gRPC server verticle instances. This is useful for scaling easily across multiple cores. The number should not exceed the amount of event loops. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Sets a custom keep-alive duration. This configures the time before sending a Environment variable: Show more |
Sets a custom permit-keep-alive duration. This configures the most aggressive keep-alive time clients are permitted to configure. The server will try to detect clients exceeding this rate and when detected will forcefully close the connection. Environment variable: Show more |
Sets whether to allow clients to send keep-alive HTTP/2 PINGs even if there are no outstanding RPCs on the connection. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
gRPC compression, e.g. "gzip" Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true, and a Stork load balancer is used, connections with all available service instances will be requested proactively. This means better load balancing at the cost of having multiple active connections. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Hibernate Envers |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether Hibernate Envers is enabled <strong>during the build</strong>. If Hibernate Envers is disabled during the build, all processing related to Hibernate Envers will be skipped,
and the audit entities will not be added to the Hibernate ORM metamodel
nor to the database schema that Hibernate ORM generates,
but it will not be possible to use Hibernate Envers at runtime:
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether Hibernate Envers should be active for this persistence unit at runtime. If Hibernate Envers is not active, the audit entities will still be added to the Hibernate ORM metamodel
and to the database schema that Hibernate ORM generates:
you would need to disable Hibernate Envers at build time (i.e. set Note that if Hibernate Envers is disabled (i.e. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable store_data_at_delete feature. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Defines a suffix for historical data table. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Defines a prefix for historical data table. Default is the empty string. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Revision field name. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Revision type field name. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable the revision_on_collection_change feature. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable the do_not_audit_optimistic_locking_field feature. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Defines the default schema of where audit tables are to be created. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Defines the default catalog of where audit tables are to be created. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables the track_entities_changed_in_revision feature. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables the use_revision_entity_with_native_id feature. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables the global_with_modified_flag feature. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Defines the suffix to be used for modified flag columns. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Defines the fully qualified class name of a user defined revision listener. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Defines the fully qualified class name of the audit strategy to be used. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Defines the property name for the audit entity’s composite primary key. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Defines the column name that holds the end revision number in audit entities. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables the audit_strategy_validity_store_revend_timestamp feature. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Defines the column name of the revision end timestamp in the audit tables. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Defines the name of the column used for storing collection ordinal values for embeddable elements. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables the allow_identifier_reuse feature. Maps to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Defines the naming strategy to be used for modified columns. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Hibernate ORM |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether Hibernate ORM is enabled during the build. If Hibernate ORM is disabled during the build, all processing related to Hibernate ORM will be skipped,
but it will not be possible to activate Hibernate ORM at runtime:
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether statistics collection is enabled. If 'metrics.enabled' is true, then the default here is considered true, otherwise the default is false. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether session metrics should be appended into the server log for each Hibernate session. This only has effect if statistics are enabled ( Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether metrics are published if a metrics extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the datasource which this persistence unit uses. If undefined, it will use the default datasource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The packages in which the entities affected to this persistence unit are located. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Paths to files containing the SQL statements to execute when Hibernate ORM starts. The files are retrieved from the classpath resources,
so they must be located in the resources directory (e.g. The default value for this setting differs depending on the Quarkus launch mode:
If you need different SQL statements between dev mode, test (
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Pluggable strategy contract for applying physical naming rules for database object names. Class name of the Hibernate PhysicalNamingStrategy implementation Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Pluggable strategy for applying implicit naming rules when an explicit name is not given. Class name of the Hibernate ImplicitNamingStrategy implementation Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Class name of a custom
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
XML files to configure the entity mapping, e.g. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Identifiers can be quoted using one of the available strategies. Set to Environment variable: Show more |
The default in Quarkus is for 2nd level caching to be enabled, and a good implementation is already integrated for you. Just cherry-pick which entities should be using the cache. Set this to false to disable all 2nd level caches. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables the Bean Validation integration. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Defines the method for multi-tenancy (DATABASE, NONE, SCHEMA). The complete list of allowed values is available in the Hibernate ORM JavaDoc. The type DISCRIMINATOR is currently not supported. The default value is NONE (no multi-tenancy). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If hibernate is not auto generating the schema, and Quarkus is running in development mode then Quarkus will attempt to validate the database after startup and print a log message if there are any problems. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether this persistence unit should be active at runtime. Note that if Hibernate ORM is disabled (i.e. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Properties that should be passed on directly to Hibernate ORM.
Use the full configuration property key here,
for instance
Consider using a supported configuration property before falling back to unsupported ones. If none exists, make sure to file a feature request so that a supported configuration property can be added to Quarkus, and more importantly so that the configuration property is tested regularly. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
When set, attempts to exchange data with the database as the given version of Hibernate ORM would have, on a best-effort basis. Please note:
Environment variable: Show more |
The charset of the database. Used for DDL generation and also for the SQL import scripts. Environment variable: Show more |
Select whether the database schema is generated or not. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If Hibernate ORM should create the schemas automatically (for databases supporting them). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether we should stop on the first error when applying the schema. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The default catalog to use for the database objects. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The default schema to use for the database objects. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether Hibernate ORM should check on startup
that the version of the database matches the version configured on the dialect
(either the default version, or the one set through This should be set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Name of the Hibernate ORM dialect. For supported databases, this property does not need to be set explicitly: it is selected automatically based on the datasource, and configured using the DB version set on the datasource to benefit from the best performance and latest features. If your database does not have a corresponding Quarkus extension, you will need to set this property explicitly. In that case, keep in mind that the JDBC driver and Hibernate ORM dialect may not work properly in GraalVM native executables. For built-in dialects, the expected value is one of the names
in the official list of dialects,
without the For third-party dialects, the expected value is the fully-qualified class name,
for example Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The storage engine to use when the dialect supports multiple storage engines. E.g. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
How to store timezones in the database by default
for properties of type This default may be overridden on a per-property basis using
Environment variable: Show more |
The optimizer to apply to identifier generators whose optimizer is not configured explicitly. Only relevant for table- and sequence-based identifier generators. Other generators, such as UUID-based generators, will ignore this setting. The optimizer is responsible for pooling new identifier values, in order to reduce the frequency of database calls to retrieve those values and thereby improve performance. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The maximum size of the query plan cache. see # Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Default precedence of null values in Valid values are: Environment variable: Show more |
Enables IN clause parameter padding which improves statement caching. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The time zone pushed to the JDBC driver. See Environment variable: Show more |
string |
How many rows are fetched at a time by the JDBC driver. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of updates (inserts, updates and deletes) that are sent by the JDBC driver at one time for execution. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The size of the batches used when loading entities and collections.
Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum depth of outer join fetch tree for single-ended associations (one-to-one, many-to-one). A Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The maximum time before an object of the cache is considered expired. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of objects kept in memory in the cache. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Existing applications rely (implicitly or explicitly) on Hibernate ignoring any DiscriminatorColumn declarations on joined inheritance hierarchies. This setting allows these applications to maintain the legacy behavior of DiscriminatorColumn annotations being ignored when paired with joined inheritance. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Logs SQL bind parameters. Setting it to true is obviously not recommended in production. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Show SQL logs and format them nicely. Setting it to true is obviously not recommended in production. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Format the SQL logs if SQL log is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Highlight the SQL logs if SQL log is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether JDBC warnings should be collected and logged. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set, Hibernate will log queries that took more than specified number of milliseconds to execute. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Select whether the database schema DDL files are generated or not. Accepted values: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Filename or URL where the database create DDL file should be generated. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Filename or URL where the database drop DDL file should be generated. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The default flushing strategy, or when to flush entities to the database in a Hibernate session: before every query, on commit, … This default can be overridden on a per-session basis with See the javadoc of Environment variable: Show more |
Hibernate Search Coordination with Outbox Polling |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether the event processor is enabled, i.e. whether events will be processed to perform automatic reindexing on this instance of the application. This can be set to See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The total number of shards that will form a partition of the entity change events to process. By default, sharding is dynamic and setting this property is not necessary. If you want to control explicitly the number and assignment of shards,
you must configure static sharding and then setting this property as well as the assigned shards (see See this section of the reference documentation for more information about event processor sharding. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Among shards that will form a partition of the entity change events, the shards that will be processed by this application instance. By default, sharding is dynamic and setting this property is not necessary. If you want to control explicitly the number and assignment of shards, you must configure static sharding and then setting this property as well as the total shard count is necessary. Shards are referred to by an index in the range See this section of the reference documentation for more information about event processor sharding. Environment variable: Show more |
list of int |
How long to wait for another query to the outbox events table after a query didn’t return any event. Lower values will reduce the time it takes for a change to be reflected in the index, but will increase the stress on the database when there are no new events. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long the event processor can poll for events before it must perform a "pulse", updating and checking registrations in the agents table. The pulse interval must be set to a value between the polling interval and one third (1/3) of the expiration interval. Low values (closer to the polling interval) mean less time wasted not processing events when a node joins or leaves the cluster, and reduced risk of wasting time not processing events because an event processor is incorrectly considered disconnected, but more stress on the database because of more frequent checks of the list of agents. High values (closer to the expiration interval) mean more time wasted not processing events when a node joins or leaves the cluster, and increased risk of wasting time not processing events because an event processor is incorrectly considered disconnected, but less stress on the database because of less frequent checks of the list of agents. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long an event processor "pulse" remains valid before considering the processor disconnected and forcibly removing it from the cluster. The expiration interval must be set to a value at least 3 times larger than the pulse interval. Low values (closer to the pulse interval) mean less time wasted not processing events when a node abruptly leaves the cluster due to a crash or network failure, but increased risk of wasting time not processing events because an event processor is incorrectly considered disconnected. High values (much larger than the pulse interval) mean more time wasted not processing events when a node abruptly leaves the cluster due to a crash or network failure, but reduced risk of wasting time not processing events because an event processor is incorrectly considered disconnected. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How many outbox events, at most, are processed in a single transaction. Higher values will reduce the number of transactions opened by the background process
and may increase performance thanks to the first-level cache (persistence context),
but will increase memory usage and in extreme cases may lead to See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The timeout for transactions processing outbox events. When this property is not set, Hibernate Search will use whatever default transaction timeout is configured in the JTA transaction manager, which may be too low for batch processing and lead to transaction timeouts when processing batches of events. If this happens, set a higher transaction timeout for event processing using this property. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long the event processor must wait before re-processing an event after its previous processing failed. Use the value See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long to wait for another query to the agent table when actively waiting for event processors to suspend themselves. Low values will reduce the time it takes for the mass indexer agent to detect that event processors finally suspended themselves, but will increase the stress on the database while the mass indexer agent is actively waiting. High values will increase the time it takes for the mass indexer agent to detect that event processors finally suspended themselves, but will reduce the stress on the database while the mass indexer agent is actively waiting. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long the mass indexer can wait before it must perform a "pulse", updating and checking registrations in the agent table. The pulse interval must be set to a value between the polling interval and one third (1/3) of the expiration interval. Low values (closer to the polling interval) mean reduced risk of event processors starting to process events again during mass indexing because a mass indexer agent is incorrectly considered disconnected, but more stress on the database because of more frequent updates of the mass indexer agent’s entry in the agent table. High values (closer to the expiration interval) mean increased risk of event processors starting to process events again during mass indexing because a mass indexer agent is incorrectly considered disconnected, but less stress on the database because of less frequent updates of the mass indexer agent’s entry in the agent table. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long an event processor "pulse" remains valid before considering the processor disconnected and forcibly removing it from the cluster. The expiration interval must be set to a value at least 3 times larger than the pulse interval. Low values (closer to the pulse interval) mean less time wasted with event processors not processing events when a mass indexer agent terminates due to a crash, but increased risk of event processors starting to process events again during mass indexing because a mass indexer agent is incorrectly considered disconnected. High values (much larger than the pulse interval) mean more time wasted with event processors not processing events when a mass indexer agent terminates due to a crash, but reduced risk of event processors starting to process events again during mass indexing because a mass indexer agent is incorrectly considered disconnected. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Configuration for the mapping of entities used for outbox-polling coordination |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The database catalog to use for the agent table. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The schema catalog to use for the agent table. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the agent table. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The UUID generator strategy used for the agent table. Available strategies:
Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the Hibernate ORM basic type used for representing an UUID in the outbox event table. Refer to this section of the Hibernate ORM documentation to see the possible UUID representations. Defaults to the special value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The database catalog to use for the outbox event table. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The schema catalog to use for the outbox event table. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the outbox event table. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The UUID generator strategy used for the outbox event table. Available strategies:
Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the Hibernate ORM basic type used for representing an UUID in the outbox event table. Refer to this section of the Hibernate ORM documentation to see the possible UUID representations. Defaults to the special value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether the event processor is enabled, i.e. whether events will be processed to perform automatic reindexing on this instance of the application. This can be set to See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The total number of shards that will form a partition of the entity change events to process. By default, sharding is dynamic and setting this property is not necessary. If you want to control explicitly the number and assignment of shards,
you must configure static sharding and then setting this property as well as the assigned shards (see See this section of the reference documentation for more information about event processor sharding. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Among shards that will form a partition of the entity change events, the shards that will be processed by this application instance. By default, sharding is dynamic and setting this property is not necessary. If you want to control explicitly the number and assignment of shards, you must configure static sharding and then setting this property as well as the total shard count is necessary. Shards are referred to by an index in the range See this section of the reference documentation for more information about event processor sharding. Environment variable: Show more |
list of int |
How long to wait for another query to the outbox events table after a query didn’t return any event. Lower values will reduce the time it takes for a change to be reflected in the index, but will increase the stress on the database when there are no new events. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long the event processor can poll for events before it must perform a "pulse", updating and checking registrations in the agents table. The pulse interval must be set to a value between the polling interval and one third (1/3) of the expiration interval. Low values (closer to the polling interval) mean less time wasted not processing events when a node joins or leaves the cluster, and reduced risk of wasting time not processing events because an event processor is incorrectly considered disconnected, but more stress on the database because of more frequent checks of the list of agents. High values (closer to the expiration interval) mean more time wasted not processing events when a node joins or leaves the cluster, and increased risk of wasting time not processing events because an event processor is incorrectly considered disconnected, but less stress on the database because of less frequent checks of the list of agents. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long an event processor "pulse" remains valid before considering the processor disconnected and forcibly removing it from the cluster. The expiration interval must be set to a value at least 3 times larger than the pulse interval. Low values (closer to the pulse interval) mean less time wasted not processing events when a node abruptly leaves the cluster due to a crash or network failure, but increased risk of wasting time not processing events because an event processor is incorrectly considered disconnected. High values (much larger than the pulse interval) mean more time wasted not processing events when a node abruptly leaves the cluster due to a crash or network failure, but reduced risk of wasting time not processing events because an event processor is incorrectly considered disconnected. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How many outbox events, at most, are processed in a single transaction. Higher values will reduce the number of transactions opened by the background process
and may increase performance thanks to the first-level cache (persistence context),
but will increase memory usage and in extreme cases may lead to See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The timeout for transactions processing outbox events. When this property is not set, Hibernate Search will use whatever default transaction timeout is configured in the JTA transaction manager, which may be too low for batch processing and lead to transaction timeouts when processing batches of events. If this happens, set a higher transaction timeout for event processing using this property. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long the event processor must wait before re-processing an event after its previous processing failed. Use the value See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long to wait for another query to the agent table when actively waiting for event processors to suspend themselves. Low values will reduce the time it takes for the mass indexer agent to detect that event processors finally suspended themselves, but will increase the stress on the database while the mass indexer agent is actively waiting. High values will increase the time it takes for the mass indexer agent to detect that event processors finally suspended themselves, but will reduce the stress on the database while the mass indexer agent is actively waiting. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long the mass indexer can wait before it must perform a "pulse", updating and checking registrations in the agent table. The pulse interval must be set to a value between the polling interval and one third (1/3) of the expiration interval. Low values (closer to the polling interval) mean reduced risk of event processors starting to process events again during mass indexing because a mass indexer agent is incorrectly considered disconnected, but more stress on the database because of more frequent updates of the mass indexer agent’s entry in the agent table. High values (closer to the expiration interval) mean increased risk of event processors starting to process events again during mass indexing because a mass indexer agent is incorrectly considered disconnected, but less stress on the database because of less frequent updates of the mass indexer agent’s entry in the agent table. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How long an event processor "pulse" remains valid before considering the processor disconnected and forcibly removing it from the cluster. The expiration interval must be set to a value at least 3 times larger than the pulse interval. Low values (closer to the pulse interval) mean less time wasted with event processors not processing events when a mass indexer agent terminates due to a crash, but increased risk of event processors starting to process events again during mass indexing because a mass indexer agent is incorrectly considered disconnected. High values (much larger than the pulse interval) mean more time wasted with event processors not processing events when a mass indexer agent terminates due to a crash, but reduced risk of event processors starting to process events again during mass indexing because a mass indexer agent is incorrectly considered disconnected. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
Hibernate Search ORM + Elasticsearch |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether Hibernate Search is enabled during the build. If Hibernate Search is disabled during the build, all processing related to Hibernate Search will be skipped,
but it will not be possible to activate Hibernate Search at runtime:
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A bean reference to a component that should be notified of any failure occurring in a background process (mainly index operations). The referenced bean must implement See this section of the reference documentation for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The strategy to use for coordinating between threads or even separate instances of the application, in particular in automatic indexing. See coordination for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
One or more bean references to the component(s) used to configure the Hibernate Search mapping, in particular programmatically. The referenced beans must implement See Programmatic mapping for an example on how mapping configurers can be used to apply programmatic mappings.
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Whether Hibernate Search should be active for this persistence unit at runtime. If Hibernate Search is not active, it won’t index Hibernate ORM entities, and accessing the SearchMapping/SearchSession of the relevant persistence unit for search or other operation will not be possible. Note that if Hibernate Search is disabled (i.e. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The schema management strategy, controlling how indexes and their schema are created, updated, validated or dropped on startup and shutdown. Available values:
See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
The strategy to use when loading entities during the execution of a search query. Environment variable: Show more |
The fetch size to use when loading entities during the execution of a search query. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
How to synchronize between application threads and indexing,
in particular when relying on (implicit) listener-triggered indexing on entity change,
but also when using a Defines how complete indexing should be before resuming the application thread after a database transaction is committed.
Available values:
This property also accepts a bean reference
to a custom implementations of See this section of the reference documentation for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An exhaustive list of all tenant identifiers that may be used by the application when multi-tenancy is enabled. Mainly useful when using the {@code outbox-polling} coordination strategy, since it involves setting up one background processor per tenant. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The version of Elasticsearch used in the cluster. As the schema is generated without a connection to the server, this item is mandatory. It doesn’t have to be the exact version (it can be There’s no rule of thumb here as it depends on the schema incompatibilities introduced by Elasticsearch versions. In any case, if there is a problem, you will have an error when Hibernate Search tries to connect to the cluster. Environment variable: Show more |
ElasticsearchVersion |
Path to a file in the classpath holding custom index settings to be included in the index definition when creating an Elasticsearch index. The provided settings will be merged with those generated by Hibernate Search, including analyzer definitions. When analysis is configured both through an analysis configurer and these custom settings, the behavior is undefined; it should not be relied upon. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to a file in the classpath holding a custom index mapping to be included in the index definition when creating an Elasticsearch index. The file does not need to (and generally shouldn’t) contain the full mapping: Hibernate Search will automatically inject missing properties (index fields) in the given mapping. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
One or more bean references to the component(s) used to configure full text analysis (e.g. analyzers, normalizers). The referenced beans must implement See Setting up the analyzers for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The list of hosts of the Elasticsearch servers. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The protocol to use when contacting Elasticsearch servers. Set to "https" to enable SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
The username used for authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password used for authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The timeout when establishing a connection to an Elasticsearch server. Environment variable: Show more |
The timeout when reading responses from an Elasticsearch server. Environment variable: Show more |
The timeout when executing a request to an Elasticsearch server. This includes the time needed to wait for a connection to be available, send the request and read the response. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of connections to all the Elasticsearch servers. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of connections per Elasticsearch server. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Defines if automatic discovery is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Refresh interval of the node list. Environment variable: Show more |
The size of the thread pool assigned to the backend. Note that number is per backend, not per index. Adding more indexes will not add more threads. As all operations happening in this thread-pool are non-blocking, raising its size above the number of processor cores available to the JVM will not bring noticeable performance benefit. The only reason to alter this setting would be to reduce the number of threads; for example, in an application with a single index with a single indexing queue, running on a machine with 64 processor cores, you might want to bring down the number of threads. Defaults to the number of processor cores available to the JVM on startup. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether partial shard failures are ignored ( Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether Hibernate Search should check the version of the Elasticsearch cluster on startup. Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The minimal Elasticsearch cluster status required on startup. Environment variable: Show more |
How long we should wait for the status before failing the bootstrap. Environment variable: Show more |
The number of indexing queues assigned to each index. Higher values will lead to more connections being used in parallel, which may lead to higher indexing throughput, but incurs a risk of overloading Elasticsearch, i.e. of overflowing its HTTP request buffers and tripping circuit breakers, leading to Elasticsearch giving up on some request and resulting in indexing failures. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The size of indexing queues. Lower values may lead to lower memory usage, especially if there are many queues, but values that are too low will reduce the likeliness of reaching the max bulk size and increase the likeliness of application threads blocking because the queue is full, which may lead to lower indexing throughput. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum size of bulk requests created when processing indexing queues. Higher values will lead to more documents being sent in each HTTP request sent to Elasticsearch, which may lead to higher indexing throughput, but incurs a risk of overloading Elasticsearch, i.e. of overflowing its HTTP request buffers and tripping circuit breakers, leading to Elasticsearch giving up on some request and resulting in indexing failures. Note that raising this number above the queue size has no effect, as bulks cannot include more requests than are contained in the queue. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
A bean reference to the component used to configure the Elasticsearch layout: index names, index aliases, … The referenced bean must implement Available built-in implementations:
See this section of the reference documentation for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Path to a file in the classpath holding custom index settings to be included in the index definition when creating an Elasticsearch index. The provided settings will be merged with those generated by Hibernate Search, including analyzer definitions. When analysis is configured both through an analysis configurer and these custom settings, the behavior is undefined; it should not be relied upon. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to a file in the classpath holding a custom index mapping to be included in the index definition when creating an Elasticsearch index. The file does not need to (and generally shouldn’t) contain the full mapping: Hibernate Search will automatically inject missing properties (index fields) in the given mapping. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
One or more bean references to the component(s) used to configure full text analysis (e.g. analyzers, normalizers). The referenced beans must implement See Setting up the analyzers for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The minimal Elasticsearch cluster status required on startup. Environment variable: Show more |
How long we should wait for the status before failing the bootstrap. Environment variable: Show more |
The number of indexing queues assigned to each index. Higher values will lead to more connections being used in parallel, which may lead to higher indexing throughput, but incurs a risk of overloading Elasticsearch, i.e. of overflowing its HTTP request buffers and tripping circuit breakers, leading to Elasticsearch giving up on some request and resulting in indexing failures. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The size of indexing queues. Lower values may lead to lower memory usage, especially if there are many queues, but values that are too low will reduce the likeliness of reaching the max bulk size and increase the likeliness of application threads blocking because the queue is full, which may lead to lower indexing throughput. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum size of bulk requests created when processing indexing queues. Higher values will lead to more documents being sent in each HTTP request sent to Elasticsearch, which may lead to higher indexing throughput, but incurs a risk of overloading Elasticsearch, i.e. of overflowing its HTTP request buffers and tripping circuit breakers, leading to Elasticsearch giving up on some request and resulting in indexing failures. Note that raising this number above the queue size has no effect, as bulks cannot include more requests than are contained in the queue. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Root path for reindexing endpoints.
This value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If management interface is turned on the reindexing endpoints will be published under the management interface.
This property allows to enable this functionality by setting it to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Hibernate Search Standalone + Elasticsearch |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether Hibernate Search Standalone is enabled during the build. If Hibernate Search is disabled during the build, all processing related to Hibernate Search will be skipped,
but it will not be possible to activate Hibernate Search at runtime:
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A bean reference to a component that should be notified of any failure occurring in a background process (mainly index operations). The referenced bean must implement See this section of the reference documentation for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
One or more bean references to the component(s) used to configure the Hibernate Search mapping, in particular programmatically. The referenced beans must implement See Programmatic mapping for an example on how mapping configurers can be used to apply programmatic mappings.
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The structure of the Hibernate Search entity mapping. This must match the structure of the application model being indexed with Hibernate Search:
Environment variable: Show more |
Whether Hibernate Search Standalone should be active at runtime. If Hibernate Search Standalone is not active, it won’t start with the application, and accessing the SearchMapping for search or other operations will not be possible. Note that if Hibernate Search Standalone is disabled
(i.e. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The schema management strategy, controlling how indexes and their schema are created, updated, validated or dropped on startup and shutdown. Available values:
See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
How to synchronize between application threads and indexing,
in particular when relying on (implicit) listener-triggered indexing on entity change,
but also when using a Defines how complete indexing should be before resuming the application thread
after a Available values:
This property also accepts a bean reference
to a custom implementations of See this section of the reference documentation for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The version of Elasticsearch used in the cluster. As the schema is generated without a connection to the server, this item is mandatory. It doesn’t have to be the exact version (it can be There’s no rule of thumb here as it depends on the schema incompatibilities introduced by Elasticsearch versions. In any case, if there is a problem, you will have an error when Hibernate Search tries to connect to the cluster. Environment variable: Show more |
ElasticsearchVersion |
Path to a file in the classpath holding custom index settings to be included in the index definition when creating an Elasticsearch index. The provided settings will be merged with those generated by Hibernate Search, including analyzer definitions. When analysis is configured both through an analysis configurer and these custom settings, the behavior is undefined; it should not be relied upon. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to a file in the classpath holding a custom index mapping to be included in the index definition when creating an Elasticsearch index. The file does not need to (and generally shouldn’t) contain the full mapping: Hibernate Search will automatically inject missing properties (index fields) in the given mapping. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
One or more bean references to the component(s) used to configure full text analysis (e.g. analyzers, normalizers). The referenced beans must implement See Setting up the analyzers for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The list of hosts of the Elasticsearch servers. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The protocol to use when contacting Elasticsearch servers. Set to "https" to enable SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
The username used for authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password used for authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The timeout when establishing a connection to an Elasticsearch server. Environment variable: Show more |
The timeout when reading responses from an Elasticsearch server. Environment variable: Show more |
The timeout when executing a request to an Elasticsearch server. This includes the time needed to wait for a connection to be available, send the request and read the response. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of connections to all the Elasticsearch servers. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of connections per Elasticsearch server. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Defines if automatic discovery is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Refresh interval of the node list. Environment variable: Show more |
The size of the thread pool assigned to the backend. Note that number is per backend, not per index. Adding more indexes will not add more threads. As all operations happening in this thread-pool are non-blocking, raising its size above the number of processor cores available to the JVM will not bring noticeable performance benefit. The only reason to alter this setting would be to reduce the number of threads; for example, in an application with a single index with a single indexing queue, running on a machine with 64 processor cores, you might want to bring down the number of threads. Defaults to the number of processor cores available to the JVM on startup. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether partial shard failures are ignored ( Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether Hibernate Search should check the version of the Elasticsearch cluster on startup. Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The minimal Elasticsearch cluster status required on startup. Environment variable: Show more |
How long we should wait for the status before failing the bootstrap. Environment variable: Show more |
The number of indexing queues assigned to each index. Higher values will lead to more connections being used in parallel, which may lead to higher indexing throughput, but incurs a risk of overloading Elasticsearch, i.e. of overflowing its HTTP request buffers and tripping circuit breakers, leading to Elasticsearch giving up on some request and resulting in indexing failures. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The size of indexing queues. Lower values may lead to lower memory usage, especially if there are many queues, but values that are too low will reduce the likeliness of reaching the max bulk size and increase the likeliness of application threads blocking because the queue is full, which may lead to lower indexing throughput. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum size of bulk requests created when processing indexing queues. Higher values will lead to more documents being sent in each HTTP request sent to Elasticsearch, which may lead to higher indexing throughput, but incurs a risk of overloading Elasticsearch, i.e. of overflowing its HTTP request buffers and tripping circuit breakers, leading to Elasticsearch giving up on some request and resulting in indexing failures. Note that raising this number above the queue size has no effect, as bulks cannot include more requests than are contained in the queue. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
A bean reference to the component used to configure the Elasticsearch layout: index names, index aliases, … The referenced bean must implement Available built-in implementations:
See this section of the reference documentation for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Path to a file in the classpath holding custom index settings to be included in the index definition when creating an Elasticsearch index. The provided settings will be merged with those generated by Hibernate Search, including analyzer definitions. When analysis is configured both through an analysis configurer and these custom settings, the behavior is undefined; it should not be relied upon. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to a file in the classpath holding a custom index mapping to be included in the index definition when creating an Elasticsearch index. The file does not need to (and generally shouldn’t) contain the full mapping: Hibernate Search will automatically inject missing properties (index fields) in the given mapping. See this section of the reference documentation for more information. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
One or more bean references to the component(s) used to configure full text analysis (e.g. analyzers, normalizers). The referenced beans must implement See Setting up the analyzers for more information.
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The minimal Elasticsearch cluster status required on startup. Environment variable: Show more |
How long we should wait for the status before failing the bootstrap. Environment variable: Show more |
The number of indexing queues assigned to each index. Higher values will lead to more connections being used in parallel, which may lead to higher indexing throughput, but incurs a risk of overloading Elasticsearch, i.e. of overflowing its HTTP request buffers and tripping circuit breakers, leading to Elasticsearch giving up on some request and resulting in indexing failures. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The size of indexing queues. Lower values may lead to lower memory usage, especially if there are many queues, but values that are too low will reduce the likeliness of reaching the max bulk size and increase the likeliness of application threads blocking because the queue is full, which may lead to lower indexing throughput. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum size of bulk requests created when processing indexing queues. Higher values will lead to more documents being sent in each HTTP request sent to Elasticsearch, which may lead to higher indexing throughput, but incurs a risk of overloading Elasticsearch, i.e. of overflowing its HTTP request buffers and tripping circuit breakers, leading to Elasticsearch giving up on some request and resulting in indexing failures. Note that raising this number above the queue size has no effect, as bulks cannot include more requests than are contained in the queue. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Root path for reindexing endpoints.
This value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If management interface is turned on the reindexing endpoints will be published under the management interface.
This property allows to enable this functionality by setting it to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Hibernate Validator |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enable the fail fast mode. When fail fast is enabled the validation will stop on the first constraint violation detected. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Define whether overriding methods that override constraints should throw a See Section 4.5.5 of the JSR 380 specification, specifically
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Define whether parallel methods that define constraints should throw a See Section 4.5.5 of the JSR 380 specification, specifically
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Define whether more than one constraint on a return value may be marked for cascading validation are allowed. The default value is See Section 4.5.5 of the JSR 380 specification, specifically
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Configure the Expression Language feature level for constraints, allowing the selection of Expression Language features available for message interpolation. This property only affects the EL feature level of "static" constraint violation messages set through the In particular, it doesn’t affect the default EL feature level for custom violations created programmatically in validator implementations. The feature level for those can only be configured directly in the validator implementation. Environment variable: Show more |
Infinispan Cache |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The name of the named Infinispan client to be used for communicating with Infinispan. If not set, use the default Infinispan client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The default lifespan of the item stored in the cache Environment variable: Show more |
The default max-idle of the item stored in the cache Environment variable: Show more |
Additional configuration applied to a specific Infinispan cache (highest precedence) |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The default lifespan of the item stored in the cache Environment variable: Show more |
The default max-idle of the item stored in the cache Environment variable: Show more |
Infinispan Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Sets the marshallerClass. Default is ProtoStreamMarshaller Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether or not a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. This is a global setting and is not specific to an Infinispan Client. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the URI of the running Infinispan server to connect to. hotrod://localhost:11222@admin:password If provided Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the host name/port to connect to. Each one is separated by a semicolon (eg. host1:11222;host2:11222). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets client intelligence used by authentication Available values: * Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables or disables authentication. Set it to false when connecting to an Infinispan Server without authentication. deployments. Default is 'true'. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets username used by authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets password used by authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets realm used by authentication Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets server name used by authentication Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets SASL mechanism used by authentication. Available values: * Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the filename of a keystore to use to create the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the password needed to open the keystore. You also need to specify a keyStore. Setting this property implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the type of the keyStore, such as PKCS12. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the unique name used to identify a specific key pair in a keystore for secure connections. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the filename of a truststore to use to create the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the password needed to open the truststore You also need to specify a trustStore. Setting this property implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the type of the truststore, such as JKS or JCEKS. Defaults to JKS if trustStore is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the secure socket protocol. Setting this property implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the ssl provider. For example BCFIPS Setting this implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the ciphers. Setting this property implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Do SSL hostname validation. Defaults to true. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SNI host name. Mandatory when SSL is enabled and host name validation is true. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the socket timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether a tracing propagation is enabled in case the Opentelemetry extension is present. By default the propagation of the context is propagated from the client to the Infinispan Server. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables or disables Protobuf generated schemas upload to the server. Set it to 'false' when you need to handle the lifecycle of the Protobuf Schemas on Server side yourself. Default is 'true'. This is a global setting and is not specific to a Infinispan Client. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Starts the client and connects to the server. If set to false, you’ll need to start it yourself. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Cache configuration file in XML, JSON or YAML is defined in build time to create the cache on first access. An example of the user defined property. cacheConfig.xml file is located in the 'resources' folder: quarkus.infinispan-client.cache.bookscache.configuration-resource=cacheConfig.xml Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Cache configuration in inlined XML to create the cache on first access. Will be ignored if the configuration-uri is provided for the same cache name. An example of the user defined property: quarkus.infinispan-client.cache.bookscache.configuration= Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Cache configuration file in XML, Json or YAML whose path will be converted to URI to create the cache on first access. An example of the user defined property. cacheConfig.xml file is located in the 'resources' folder: quarkus.infinispan-client.cache.bookscache.configuration-uri=cacheConfig.xml Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum number of entries to keep locally for the specified cache. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Sets near cache mode used by the Infinispan Client Available values: * Environment variable: Show more |
Enables bloom filter for near caching. Bloom filters optimize performance for write operations by reducing the total number of invalidation messages. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the host name/port to connect to. Each one is separated by a semicolon (eg. hostA:11222;hostB:11222). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Sets client intelligence used by authentication Available values: * Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables or disables Protobuf generated schemas upload to the backup. Set it to 'false' when you need to handle the lifecycle of the Protobuf Schemas on Server side yourself. Default is 'true'. This setting will be ignored if the Global Setting is set up to false. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Sets the marshallerClass. Default is ProtoStreamMarshaller Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Cache configuration file in XML, JSON or YAML is defined in build time to create the cache on first access. An example of the user defined property. cacheConfig.xml file is located in the 'resources' folder: quarkus.infinispan-client.cache.bookscache.configuration-resource=cacheConfig.xml Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the URI of the running Infinispan server to connect to. hotrod://localhost:11222@admin:password If provided Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the host name/port to connect to. Each one is separated by a semicolon (eg. host1:11222;host2:11222). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets client intelligence used by authentication Available values: * Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables or disables authentication. Set it to false when connecting to an Infinispan Server without authentication. deployments. Default is 'true'. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets username used by authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets password used by authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets realm used by authentication Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets server name used by authentication Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets SASL mechanism used by authentication. Available values: * Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the filename of a keystore to use to create the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the password needed to open the keystore. You also need to specify a keyStore. Setting this property implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the type of the keyStore, such as PKCS12. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the unique name used to identify a specific key pair in a keystore for secure connections. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the filename of a truststore to use to create the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the password needed to open the truststore You also need to specify a trustStore. Setting this property implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the type of the truststore, such as JKS or JCEKS. Defaults to JKS if trustStore is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the secure socket protocol. Setting this property implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the ssl provider. For example BCFIPS Setting this implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the ciphers. Setting this property implicitly enables SSL/TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Do SSL hostname validation. Defaults to true. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SNI host name. Mandatory when SSL is enabled and host name validation is true. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the socket timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether a tracing propagation is enabled in case the Opentelemetry extension is present. By default the propagation of the context is propagated from the client to the Infinispan Server. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Cache configuration in inlined XML to create the cache on first access. Will be ignored if the configuration-uri is provided for the same cache name. An example of the user defined property: quarkus.infinispan-client.cache.bookscache.configuration= Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Cache configuration file in XML, Json or YAML whose path will be converted to URI to create the cache on first access. An example of the user defined property. cacheConfig.xml file is located in the 'resources' folder: quarkus.infinispan-client.cache.bookscache.configuration-uri=cacheConfig.xml Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum number of entries to keep locally for the specified cache. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Sets near cache mode used by the Infinispan Client Available values: * Environment variable: Show more |
Enables bloom filter for near caching. Bloom filters optimize performance for write operations by reducing the total number of invalidation messages. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the host name/port to connect to. Each one is separated by a semicolon (eg. hostA:11222;hostB:11222). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Sets client intelligence used by authentication Available values: * Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables or disables Protobuf generated schemas upload to the backup. Set it to 'false' when you need to handle the lifecycle of the Protobuf Schemas on Server side yourself. Default is 'true'. This setting will be ignored if the Global Setting is set up to false. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start a database when running in Dev or Test mode and when Docker is running. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When the configuration is empty, an Infinispan default client is automatically created to connect to the running dev service. However, there are scenarios where creating this client is unnecessary, yet we still need to spin up an Infinispan Server. In such cases, this property serves to determine whether the client should be created by default or not by the extension. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Indicates if the Infinispan server managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Infinispan starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Infinispan servers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The image to use. Note that only official Infinispan images are supported. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
List of the artifacts to automatically download and add to the Infinispan server libraries. For example a Maven coordinate (org.postgresql:postgresql:42.3.1) or a dependency location url. If an invalid value is passed, the Infinispan server will throw an error when trying to start. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Add a site name to start the Infinispan Server Container with Cross Site Replication enabled (ex. lon). Cross Site Replication is the capability to connect two separate Infinispan Server Clusters that might run in different Data Centers, and configure backup caches to copy the data across the clusters with active-active or active-passive replication. See more about Cross Site Replication in the Infinispan Documentation Configure Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If you are running an Infinispan Server already in docker, if the containers use the same mcastPort they will form a cluster. Set a different mcastPort to create a separate cluster in Docker (e. 46656). A common use case in a local Docker development mode, is the need of having two different Infinispan Clusters with Cross Site Replication enabled. see Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Infinispan Server configuration chunks to be passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start a database when running in Dev or Test mode and when Docker is running. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When the configuration is empty, an Infinispan default client is automatically created to connect to the running dev service. However, there are scenarios where creating this client is unnecessary, yet we still need to spin up an Infinispan Server. In such cases, this property serves to determine whether the client should be created by default or not by the extension. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Indicates if the Infinispan server managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Infinispan starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Infinispan servers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The image to use. Note that only official Infinispan images are supported. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
List of the artifacts to automatically download and add to the Infinispan server libraries. For example a Maven coordinate (org.postgresql:postgresql:42.3.1) or a dependency location url. If an invalid value is passed, the Infinispan server will throw an error when trying to start. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Add a site name to start the Infinispan Server Container with Cross Site Replication enabled (ex. lon). Cross Site Replication is the capability to connect two separate Infinispan Server Clusters that might run in different Data Centers, and configure backup caches to copy the data across the clusters with active-active or active-passive replication. See more about Cross Site Replication in the Infinispan Documentation Configure Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If you are running an Infinispan Server already in docker, if the containers use the same mcastPort they will form a cluster. Set a different mcastPort to create a separate cluster in Docker (e. 46656). A common use case in a local Docker development mode, is the need of having two different Infinispan Clusters with Cross Site Replication enabled. see Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Infinispan Server configuration chunks to be passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Info |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether the info endpoint will be enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The path under which the info endpoint will be located Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether git info will be included in the info endpoint Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Controls how much information is present in the git section Environment variable: Show more |
Whether build info will be included in the info endpoint Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Additional properties to be added to the build section Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Whether os info will be included in the info endpoint Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether java info will be included in the info endpoint Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Jackson |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If enabled, Jackson will fail when encountering unknown properties. You can still override it locally with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If enabled, Jackson will fail when no accessors are found for a type. This is enabled by default to match the default Jackson behavior. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If enabled, Jackson will serialize dates as numeric value(s). When disabled, they are serialized in ISO 8601 format. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If enabled, Jackson will serialize durations as numeric value(s). When disabled, they are serialized in ISO 8601 format. This is enabled by default to match the default Jackson behavior. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If enabled, Jackson will ignore case during Enum deserialization. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set, Jackson will default to using the specified timezone when formatting dates. Some examples values are "Asia/Jakarta" and "GMT+3". If not set, Jackson will use its own default. Environment variable: Show more |
Define which properties of Java Beans are to be included in serialization. Environment variable: Show more |
Defines how names of JSON properties ("external names") are derived from names of POJO methods and fields ("internal names"). The value can be one of the one of the constants in Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Jacoco - Code Coverage |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether or not the Jacoco extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Jacoco data file. The path can be relative (to the module) or absolute. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to reuse ( Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Quarkus should generate the Jacoco report Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Encoding of the generated reports. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of the root node HTML report pages. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Footer text used in HTML report pages. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Encoding of the source files. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A list of class files to include in the report. May use wildcard characters (* and ?). When not specified everything will be included. For instance:
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
A list of class files to exclude from the report. May use wildcard characters (* and ?). When not specified nothing will be excluded. For instance:
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The location of the report files. The path can be relative (to the module) or absolute. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Java Flight Recorder (JFR) |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If false, only quarkus-jfr events are not recorded even if JFR is enabled. In this case, Java standard API and virtual machine information will be recorded according to the setting. Default value is Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If false, only REST events in quarkus-jfr are not recorded even if JFR is enabled. In this case, other quarkus-jfr, Java standard API and virtual machine information will be recorded according to the setting. Default value is Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If enabled, it will validate the default JAXB context at build time. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Exclude classes to automatically be bound to the default JAXB context. Values with suffix Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Kafka - Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. If you enable the health check, you must specify the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to enable Snappy in native mode. Note that Snappy requires GraalVM 21+ and embeds a native library in the native executable. This library is unpacked and loaded when the application starts. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to load the Snappy native library from the shared classloader. This setting is only used in tests if the tests are using different profiles, which would lead to unsatisfied link errors when loading Snappy. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Dev Services for Kafka has been explicitly enabled or disabled. Dev Services are generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. For Kafka, Dev Services starts a broker unless Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Kafka dev service container type. Redpanda, Strimzi and kafka-native container providers are supported. Default is redpanda. For Redpanda: See and For Strimzi: See and For Kafka Native: See and Note that Strimzi and Kafka Native images are launched in Kraft mode. Environment variable: Show more |
The Kafka container image to use. Dependent on the provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates if the Kafka broker managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Kafka starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Kafka brokers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The topic-partition pairs to create in the Dev Services Kafka broker. After the broker is started, given topics with partitions are created, skipping already existing topics. For example, The topic creation will not try to re-partition existing topics with different number of partitions. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Integer> |
Timeout for admin client calls used in topic creation. Defaults to 2 seconds. Environment variable: Show more |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Enables transaction support. Also enables the producer idempotence. Find more info about Redpanda transaction support on Notice that KIP-447 (producer scalability for exactly once semantic) and KIP-360 (Improve reliability of idempotent/transactional producer) are not supported. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Port to access the Redpanda HTTP Proxy (pandaproxy). If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Kafka Streams |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present (defaults to true). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A unique identifier for this Kafka Streams application. If not set, defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A comma-separated list of host:port pairs identifying the Kafka bootstrap server(s). If not set, fallback to Environment variable: Show more |
list of host:port |
A unique identifier of this application instance, typically in the form host:port. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A comma-separated list of topic names. The pipeline will only be started once all these topics are present in the Kafka cluster and Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Timeout to wait for topic names to be returned from admin client. If set to 0 (or negative), Environment variable: Show more |
The schema registry key. Different schema registry libraries expect a registry URL in different configuration properties. For Apicurio Registry, use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The schema registry URL. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The security protocol to use See Environment variable: Show more |
string |
SASL mechanism used for client connections Environment variable: Show more |
string |
JAAS login context parameters for SASL connections in the format used by JAAS configuration files Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The fully qualified name of a SASL client callback handler class Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The fully qualified name of a SASL login callback handler class Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The fully qualified name of a class that implements the Login interface Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The Kerberos principal name that Kafka runs as Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Kerberos kinit command path Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Login thread will sleep until the specified window factor of time from last refresh Environment variable: Show more |
double |
Percentage of random jitter added to the renewal time Environment variable: Show more |
double |
Percentage of random jitter added to the renewal time Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Login refresh thread will sleep until the specified window factor relative to the credential’s lifetime has been reached- Environment variable: Show more |
double |
The maximum amount of random jitter relative to the credential’s lifetime Environment variable: Show more |
double |
The desired minimum duration for the login refresh thread to wait before refreshing a credential Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of buffer duration before credential expiration to maintain when refreshing a credential Environment variable: Show more |
The SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the security provider used for SSL connections Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A list of cipher suites Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The list of protocols enabled for SSL connections Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Trust store type Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Trust store location Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Trust store password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Trust store certificates Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key store type Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key store location Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key store password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key store private key Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key store certificate chain Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the private key in the key store Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SecureRandom PRNG implementation to use for SSL cryptography operations Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Keycloak Admin Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set to true if Keycloak Admin Client injection is supported. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Keycloak server URL, for example, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Realm. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client id. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client secret. Required with a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Username. Required with a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password. Required with a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth 2.0 Access Token Scope. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth Grant Type. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Keycloak Authorization |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enables policy enforcement. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Adapters will make separate HTTP invocations to the Keycloak server to turn an access code into an access token. This config option defines how many connections to the Keycloak server should be pooled Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies how policies are enforced. Environment variable: Show more |
Defines the limit of entries that should be kept in the cache Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Defines the time in milliseconds when the entry should be expired Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Specifies how the adapter should fetch the server for resources associated with paths in your application. If true, the policy enforcer is going to fetch resources on-demand accordingly with the path being requested Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Complex config. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,String>>> |
Simple config. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,String>> |
Specifies how scopes should be mapped to HTTP methods. If set to true, the policy enforcer will use the HTTP method from the current request to check whether access should be granted Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of a resource on the server that is to be associated with a given path Environment variable: Show more |
string |
HTTP request paths that should be protected by the policy enforcer Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the HTTP method Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
An array of strings with the scopes associated with the method Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
required |
A string referencing the enforcement mode for the scopes associated with a method Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies how policies are enforced Environment variable: Show more |
Complex config. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,String>>> |
Simple config. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,String>> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Adapters will make separate HTTP invocations to the Keycloak server to turn an access code into an access token. This config option defines how many connections to the Keycloak server should be pooled Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies how policies are enforced. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of a resource on the server that is to be associated with a given path Environment variable: Show more |
string |
HTTP request paths that should be protected by the policy enforcer Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the HTTP method Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
An array of strings with the scopes associated with the method Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
required |
A string referencing the enforcement mode for the scopes associated with a method Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies how policies are enforced Environment variable: Show more |
Complex config. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,String>>> |
Simple config. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,String>> |
Defines the limit of entries that should be kept in the cache Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Defines the time in milliseconds when the entry should be expired Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Specifies how the adapter should fetch the server for resources associated with paths in your application. If true, the policy enforcer is going to fetch resources on-demand accordingly with the path being requested Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Complex config. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,Map<String,String>>> |
Simple config. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,String>> |
Specifies how scopes should be mapped to HTTP methods. If set to true, the policy enforcer will use the HTTP method from the current request to check whether access should be granted Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Kubernetes |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Knative |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the group this component belongs too. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the application. This value will be used for naming Kubernetes resources like: - Deployment - Service and so on … Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The version of the application. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace the generated resources should belong to. If not value is set, then the 'namespace' field will not be added to the 'metadata' section of the generated manifests. This in turn means that when the manifests are applied to a cluster, the namespace will be resolved from the current Kubernetes context (see organize-cluster-access-kubeconfig for more details). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Custom labels to add to all resources. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Custom annotations to add to all resources. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The type of service that will be generated for the application Environment variable: Show more |
Whether to add the build timestamp to the Kubernetes annotations This is a very useful way to have manifests of successive builds of the same application differ - thus ensuring that Kubernetes will apply the updated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
list of string |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, it will change the name of the container according to the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secret. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enable generation of image pull secret, when the container image username and password are provided. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
When true (the default), emit a set of annotations to identify services that should be scraped by prometheus for metrics. In configurations that use the Prometheus operator with ServiceMonitor, annotations may not be necessary. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When true (the default), emit a set of annotations to identify services that should be scraped by prometheus for metrics. In configurations that use the Prometheus operator with ServiceMonitor, annotations may not be necessary. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Define the annotation prefix used for scrape values, this value will be used as the base for other annotation name defaults. Altering the base for generated annotations can make it easier to define re-labeling rules and avoid unexpected knock-on effects. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate services that should be scraped. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the path to scrape. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the port to scrape. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the scheme to use for scraping By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the secret to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path where the file will be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
It must be a value between 0000 and 0777. If not specified, the volume defaultMode will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the ConfigMap to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path where the file will be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
It must be a value between 0000 and 0777. If not specified, the volume defaultMode will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
EmptyDir volumes. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Git repository URL. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The directory of the repository to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commit hash to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the claim to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the disk to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The partition. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Filesystem type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The share name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The secret name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the disk to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The URI of the vhd blob object OR the resourceID of an Azure managed data disk if Kind is Managed Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Kind of disk. Environment variable: Show more |
Disk caching mode. Environment variable: Show more |
File system type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The container image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commands Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The arguments Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The host under which the application is going to be exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secrets. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The container image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commands Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The arguments Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The host under which the application is going to be exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secrets. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The ip address. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The hostnames to resolve to the ip. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The key of the nodeSelector. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The value of the nodeSelector. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, the secret will mounted to the application container and its contents will be used for application configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, the config map will be mounted to the application container and its contents will be used for application configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace of the role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the Role resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
API groups of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Non resource URLs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resource names of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resources of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Verbs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the cluster role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the ClusterRole resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
API groups of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Non resource URLs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resource names of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resources of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Verbs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
If true, this service account will be used in the generated Deployment resource. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of the RoleBinding resource to be generated. If not provided, it will use the application name plus the role ref name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the RoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The name of the Role resource to use by the RoleRef element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it’s "view" role name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If the Role sets in the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The "name" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "kind" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it uses the "ServiceAccount" kind. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "apiGroup" resource that matches with the "kind" property. By default, it’s empty. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "namespace" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it will use the same as provided in the generated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of the ClusterRoleBinding resource to be generated. If not provided, it will use the application name plus the role ref name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the RoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The name of the ClusterRole resource to use by the RoleRef element in the generated ClusterRoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The "name" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "kind" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it uses the "ServiceAccount" kind. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "apiGroup" resource that matches with the "kind" property. By default, it’s empty. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "namespace" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it will use the same as provided in the generated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux level label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux role label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux type label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux user label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the GMSA credential spec to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
GMSACredentialSpec is where the GMSA admission webhook (windows-gsma) inlines the contents of the GMSA credential spec named by the GMSACredentialSpecName field. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The UserName in Windows to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
HostProcess determines if a container should be run as a 'Host Process' container. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The UID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The GID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Indicates that the container must run as a non-root user. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container’s primary GID. If unspecified, no groups will be added to any container. Environment variable: Show more |
list of long |
A special supplemental group that applies to all containers in a pod. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Sysctls hold a list of namespaced sysctls used for the pod. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
It holds policies that will be used for applying fsGroup to a volume when volume is mounted. Values: OnRootMismatch, Always Environment variable: Show more |
Switch used to control whether non-idempotent fields are included in generated kubernetes resources to improve git-ops compatibility. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the vcs-uri annotation should be added to the generated configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional override of the vcs-uri annotation. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether this service is cluster-local. Cluster local services are not exposed to the outside world. More information in this link. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
This value controls the minimum number of replicas each revision should have. Knative will attempt to never have less than this number of replicas at any point in time. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
This value controls the maximum number of replicas each revision should have. Knative will attempt to never have more than this number of replicas running, or in the process of being created, at any point in time. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The scale-to-zero values control whether Knative allows revisions to scale down to zero, or stops at “1”. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Autoscaler class. Knative Serving comes with its own autoscaler, the KPA (Knative Pod Autoscaler) but can also be configured to use Kubernetes’ HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler) or even a custom third-party autoscaler. Possible values (kpa, hpa, default: kpa). Environment variable: Show more |
The autoscaling metric to use. Possible values (concurrency, rps, cpu). Environment variable: Show more |
The autoscaling target. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The exact amount of requests allowed to the replica at a time. Its default value is “0”, which means an unlimited number of requests are allowed to flow into the replica. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
This value specifies a percentage of the target to actually be targeted by the autoscaler. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The Autoscaler class. Knative Serving comes with its own autoscaler, the KPA (Knative Pod Autoscaler) but can also be configured to use Kubernetes’ HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler) or even a custom third-party autoscaler. Possible values (kpa, hpa, default: kpa). Environment variable: Show more |
The exact amount of requests allowed to the replica at a time. Its default value is “0”, which means an unlimited number of requests are allowed to flow Integer>o the replica. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
This value specifies a percentage of the target to actually be targeted by the autoscaler. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The requests per second per replica. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the revision. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tag is optionally used to expose a dedicated url for referencing this target exclusively. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
RevisionName of a specific revision to which to send this portion of traffic. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
LatestRevision may be optionally provided to indicate that the latest ready Revision of the Configuration should be used for this traffic target. When provided LatestRevision must be true if RevisionName is empty. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Percent indicates that percentage based routing should be used and the value indicates the percent of traffic that is to be routed to this Revision or Configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
If set to true, Quarkus will attempt to deploy the application to the target Kubernetes cluster Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If deploy is enabled, it will follow this strategy to update the resources to the target Kubernetes cluster. Environment variable: Show more |
Kubernetes |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the group this component belongs too. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the application. This value will be used for naming Kubernetes resources like: - Deployment - Service and so on … Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The version of the application. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace the generated resources should belong to. If not value is set, then the 'namespace' field will not be added to the 'metadata' section of the generated manifests. This in turn means that when the manifests are applied to a cluster, the namespace will be resolved from the current Kubernetes context (see organize-cluster-access-kubeconfig for more details). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Custom labels to add to all resources. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Custom annotations to add to all resources. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The type of service that will be generated for the application Environment variable: Show more |
Whether to add the build timestamp to the Kubernetes annotations This is a very useful way to have manifests of successive builds of the same application differ - thus ensuring that Kubernetes will apply the updated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
list of string |
The arguments. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, it will change the name of the container according to the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secret. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enable generation of image pull secret, when the container image username and password are provided. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
When true (the default), emit a set of annotations to identify services that should be scraped by prometheus for metrics. In configurations that use the Prometheus operator with ServiceMonitor, annotations may not be necessary. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When true (the default), emit a set of annotations to identify services that should be scraped by prometheus for metrics. In configurations that use the Prometheus operator with ServiceMonitor, annotations may not be necessary. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Define the annotation prefix used for scrape values, this value will be used as the base for other annotation name defaults. Altering the base for generated annotations can make it easier to define re-labeling rules and avoid unexpected knock-on effects. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate services that should be scraped. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the path to scrape. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the port to scrape. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the scheme to use for scraping By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the secret to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path where the file will be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
It must be a value between 0000 and 0777. If not specified, the volume defaultMode will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the ConfigMap to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path where the file will be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
It must be a value between 0000 and 0777. If not specified, the volume defaultMode will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
EmptyDir volumes. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Git repository URL. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The directory of the repository to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commit hash to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the claim to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the disk to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The partition. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Filesystem type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The share name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The secret name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the disk to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The URI of the vhd blob object OR the resourceID of an Azure managed data disk if Kind is Managed Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Kind of disk. Environment variable: Show more |
Disk caching mode. Environment variable: Show more |
File system type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The container image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commands Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The arguments Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The host under which the application is going to be exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secrets. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The container image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commands Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The arguments Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The host under which the application is going to be exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secrets. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The ip address. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The hostnames to resolve to the ip. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The key of the nodeSelector. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The value of the nodeSelector. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, the secret will mounted to the application container and its contents will be used for application configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, the config map will be mounted to the application container and its contents will be used for application configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace of the role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the Role resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
API groups of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Non resource URLs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resource names of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resources of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Verbs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the cluster role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the ClusterRole resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
API groups of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Non resource URLs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resource names of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resources of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Verbs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
If true, this service account will be used in the generated Deployment resource. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of the RoleBinding resource to be generated. If not provided, it will use the application name plus the role ref name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the RoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The name of the Role resource to use by the RoleRef element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it’s "view" role name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If the Role sets in the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The "name" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "kind" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it uses the "ServiceAccount" kind. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "apiGroup" resource that matches with the "kind" property. By default, it’s empty. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "namespace" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it will use the same as provided in the generated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of the ClusterRoleBinding resource to be generated. If not provided, it will use the application name plus the role ref name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the RoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The name of the ClusterRole resource to use by the RoleRef element in the generated ClusterRoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The "name" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "kind" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it uses the "ServiceAccount" kind. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "apiGroup" resource that matches with the "kind" property. By default, it’s empty. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "namespace" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it will use the same as provided in the generated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux level label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux role label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux type label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux user label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the GMSA credential spec to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
GMSACredentialSpec is where the GMSA admission webhook (windows-gsma) inlines the contents of the GMSA credential spec named by the GMSACredentialSpecName field. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The UserName in Windows to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
HostProcess determines if a container should be run as a 'Host Process' container. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The UID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The GID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Indicates that the container must run as a non-root user. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container’s primary GID. If unspecified, no groups will be added to any container. Environment variable: Show more |
list of long |
A special supplemental group that applies to all containers in a pod. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Sysctls hold a list of namespaced sysctls used for the pod. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
It holds policies that will be used for applying fsGroup to a volume when volume is mounted. Values: OnRootMismatch, Always Environment variable: Show more |
Switch used to control whether non-idempotent fields are included in generated kubernetes resources to improve git-ops compatibility. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the vcs-uri annotation should be added to the generated configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional override of the vcs-uri annotation. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The kind of the deployment resource to use. Supported values are 'StatefulSet', 'Job', 'CronJob' and 'Deployment' defaulting to the latter. Environment variable: Show more |
The target deployment platform. Defaults to kubernetes. Can be kubernetes, openshift, knative, minikube etc., or any combination of the above as comma separated list. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Specifies the deployment strategy. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies the maximum number of Pods that can be unavailable during the update process. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the maximum number of Pods that can be created over the desired number of Pods. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The number of desired pods Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The nodePort to set when serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If true, the service will be exposed Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The host under which the application is going to be exposed Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The default target named port. If not provided, it will be deducted from the Service resource ports. Options are: "http" and "https". Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The class of the Ingress. If the ingressClassName is omitted, a default Ingress class is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Custom annotations to add to exposition (route or ingress) resources Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
If true, it will use the TLS configuration in the generated Ingress resource. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The list of hosts to be included in the TLS certificate. By default, it will use the application host. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The host under which the rule is going to be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The path under which the rule is going to be used. Default is "/". Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path type strategy to use by the Ingress rule. Default is "Prefix". Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The service name to be used by this Ingress rule. Default is the generated service name of the application. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The service port name to be used by this Ingress rule. Default is the port name of the generated service of the application. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The service port number to be used by this Ingress rule. This is only used when the servicePortName is not set. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the maximum desired number of pods the job should run at any given time. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the desired number of successfully finished pods the job should be run with. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
CompletionMode specifies how Pod completions are tracked. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it; value must be positive integer. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Limits the lifetime of a Job that has finished execution (either Complete or Failed). If this field is set, ttlSecondsAfterFinished after the Job finishes, it is eligible to be automatically deleted. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Suspend specifies whether the Job controller should create Pods or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Restart policy when the job container fails. Environment variable: Show more |
The schedule in Cron format, see Cron. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ConcurrencyPolicy describes how the job will be handled. Environment variable: Show more |
Deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses scheduled time for any reason. Missed jobs executions will be counted as failed ones. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The number of failed finished jobs to retain. The default value is 1. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of successful finished jobs to retain. The default value is 3. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the maximum desired number of pods the job should run at any given time. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the desired number of successfully finished pods the job should be run with. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
CompletionMode specifies how Pod completions are tracked. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it; value must be positive integer. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Limits the lifetime of a Job that has finished execution (either Complete or Failed). If this field is set, ttlSecondsAfterFinished after the Job finishes, it is eligible to be automatically deleted. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Suspend specifies whether the Job controller should create Pods or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Restart policy when the job container fails. Environment variable: Show more |
If true, the debug mode in pods will be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The transport to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled, it means the JVM will wait for the debugger to attach before executing the main class. If false, the JVM will immediately execute the main class, while listening for the debugger connection. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
It specifies the address at which the debug socket will listen. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If true, the init task will be generated. Otherwise, the init task resource generation will be skipped. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The init task image to use by the init container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
If true, the init task will be generated. Otherwise, the init task resource generation will be skipped. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The init task image to use by the init container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
Optionally set directory generated Kubernetes resources will be written to. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true, Quarkus will attempt to deploy the application to the target Kubernetes cluster Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If deploy is enabled, it will follow this strategy to update the resources to the target Kubernetes cluster. Environment variable: Show more |
OpenShift |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the group this component belongs too. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the application. This value will be used for naming Kubernetes resources like: - Deployment - Service and so on … Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The version of the application. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace the generated resources should belong to. If not value is set, then the 'namespace' field will not be added to the 'metadata' section of the generated manifests. This in turn means that when the manifests are applied to a cluster, the namespace will be resolved from the current Kubernetes context (see organize-cluster-access-kubeconfig for more details). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Custom labels to add to all resources. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Custom annotations to add to all resources. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The type of service that will be generated for the application Environment variable: Show more |
Whether to add the build timestamp to the Kubernetes annotations This is a very useful way to have manifests of successive builds of the same application differ - thus ensuring that Kubernetes will apply the updated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
list of string |
The arguments. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, it will change the name of the container according to the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secret. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enable generation of image pull secret, when the container image username and password are provided. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
When true (the default), emit a set of annotations to identify services that should be scraped by prometheus for metrics. In configurations that use the Prometheus operator with ServiceMonitor, annotations may not be necessary. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When true (the default), emit a set of annotations to identify services that should be scraped by prometheus for metrics. In configurations that use the Prometheus operator with ServiceMonitor, annotations may not be necessary. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Define the annotation prefix used for scrape values, this value will be used as the base for other annotation name defaults. Altering the base for generated annotations can make it easier to define re-labeling rules and avoid unexpected knock-on effects. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate services that should be scraped. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the path to scrape. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the port to scrape. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Define the annotation used to indicate the scheme to use for scraping By default, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the secret to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path where the file will be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
It must be a value between 0000 and 0777. If not specified, the volume defaultMode will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the ConfigMap to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path where the file will be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
It must be a value between 0000 and 0777. If not specified, the volume defaultMode will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
EmptyDir volumes. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Git repository URL. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The directory of the repository to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commit hash to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the claim to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Default mode. When specifying an octal number, leading zero must be present. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Optional Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the disk to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The partition. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Filesystem type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The share name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The secret name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the disk to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The URI of the vhd blob object OR the resourceID of an Azure managed data disk if Kind is Managed Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Kind of disk. Environment variable: Show more |
Disk caching mode. Environment variable: Show more |
File system type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the volumeName is read only or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The container image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commands Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The arguments Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The host under which the application is going to be exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secrets. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional list of Secret names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The optional list of ConfigMap names to load environment variables from. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The map associating environment variable names to their associated field references they take their value from. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The environment variable value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the Secret from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional name of the ConfigMap from which a value is to be extracted. Mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifying the field from which the value is extracted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The optional prefix to use when adding the environment variable to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The container image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Working directory. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The commands Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The arguments Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The host under which the application is going to be exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number. Refers to the container port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The host port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The application path (refers to web application path). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
The nodePort to which this port should be mapped to. This only takes affect when the serviceType is set to node-port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If enabled, the port will be configured to use the schema HTTPS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
The image pull secrets. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port number to use when configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The port name for selecting the port of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The http path to use for the probe. For this to work, the container port also needs to be set. Assuming the container port has been set (as per above comment), if execAction or tcpSocketAction are not set, an HTTP probe will be used automatically even if no path is set (which will result in the root path being used). If Smallrye Health is used, the path will automatically be set according to the health check path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The scheme of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The command to use for the probe. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The tcp socket to use for the probe (the format is host:port). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The gRPC port to use for the probe (the format is either port or port:service). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The amount of time to wait before starting to probe. Environment variable: Show more |
The period in which the action should be called. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for each action. Environment variable: Show more |
The success threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The failure threshold to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the volumeName to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to mount. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path within the volumeName from which the container’s volumeName should be mounted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ReadOnly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The ip address. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The hostnames to resolve to the ip. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The key of the nodeSelector. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The value of the nodeSelector. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CPU Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Memory Requirements Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, the secret will mounted to the application container and its contents will be used for application configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, the config map will be mounted to the application container and its contents will be used for application configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace of the role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the Role resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
API groups of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Non resource URLs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resource names of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resources of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Verbs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the cluster role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the ClusterRole resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
API groups of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Non resource URLs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resource names of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Resources of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Verbs of the policy rule. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels of the service account. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
If true, this service account will be used in the generated Deployment resource. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of the RoleBinding resource to be generated. If not provided, it will use the application name plus the role ref name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the RoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The name of the Role resource to use by the RoleRef element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it’s "view" role name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If the Role sets in the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The "name" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "kind" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it uses the "ServiceAccount" kind. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "apiGroup" resource that matches with the "kind" property. By default, it’s empty. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "namespace" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it will use the same as provided in the generated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of the ClusterRoleBinding resource to be generated. If not provided, it will use the application name plus the role ref name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Labels to add into the RoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The name of the ClusterRole resource to use by the RoleRef element in the generated ClusterRoleBinding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The "name" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "kind" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it uses the "ServiceAccount" kind. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "apiGroup" resource that matches with the "kind" property. By default, it’s empty. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The "namespace" resource to use by the Subject element in the generated Role Binding resource. By default, it will use the same as provided in the generated resources. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux level label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux role label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux type label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SELinux user label that applies to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the GMSA credential spec to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
GMSACredentialSpec is where the GMSA admission webhook (windows-gsma) inlines the contents of the GMSA credential spec named by the GMSACredentialSpecName field. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The UserName in Windows to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
HostProcess determines if a container should be run as a 'Host Process' container. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The UID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The GID to run the entrypoint of the container process. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Indicates that the container must run as a non-root user. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container’s primary GID. If unspecified, no groups will be added to any container. Environment variable: Show more |
list of long |
A special supplemental group that applies to all containers in a pod. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Sysctls hold a list of namespaced sysctls used for the pod. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
It holds policies that will be used for applying fsGroup to a volume when volume is mounted. Values: OnRootMismatch, Always Environment variable: Show more |
Switch used to control whether non-idempotent fields are included in generated kubernetes resources to improve git-ops compatibility. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the vcs-uri annotation should be added to the generated configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional override of the vcs-uri annotation. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The OpenShift flavor / version to use. Older versions of OpenShift have minor differences in the labels and fields they support. This option allows users to have their manifests automatically aligned to the OpenShift 'flavor' they use. Environment variable: Show more |
The kind of the deployment resource to use. Supported values are 'Deployment', 'StatefulSet', 'Job', 'CronJob' and 'DeploymentConfig'. Defaults to 'DeploymentConfig' if Environment variable: Show more |
The number of desired pods Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The nodePort to set when serviceType is set to nodePort Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If true, the service will be exposed Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The host under which the application is going to be exposed Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The target named port. If not provided, it will be deducted from the Service resource ports. Options are: "http" and "https". Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Custom annotations to add to exposition (route or ingress) resources Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Custom labels to add to exposition (route or ingress) resources Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The cert authority certificate contents. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The certificate contents. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The contents of the ca certificate of the final destination. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The desired behavior for insecure connections to a route. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key file contents. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The termination type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies the maximum desired number of pods the job should run at any given time. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the desired number of successfully finished pods the job should be run with. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
CompletionMode specifies how Pod completions are tracked. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it; value must be positive integer. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Limits the lifetime of a Job that has finished execution (either Complete or Failed). If this field is set, ttlSecondsAfterFinished after the Job finishes, it is eligible to be automatically deleted. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Suspend specifies whether the Job controller should create Pods or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Restart policy when the job container fails. Environment variable: Show more |
The schedule in Cron format, see Cron. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
ConcurrencyPolicy describes how the job will be handled. Environment variable: Show more |
Deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses scheduled time for any reason. Missed jobs executions will be counted as failed ones. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The number of failed finished jobs to retain. The default value is 1. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of successful finished jobs to retain. The default value is 3. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the maximum desired number of pods the job should run at any given time. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the desired number of successfully finished pods the job should be run with. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
CompletionMode specifies how Pod completions are tracked. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Specifies the duration in seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be continuously active before the system tries to terminate it; value must be positive integer. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Limits the lifetime of a Job that has finished execution (either Complete or Failed). If this field is set, ttlSecondsAfterFinished after the Job finishes, it is eligible to be automatically deleted. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Suspend specifies whether the Job controller should create Pods or not. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Restart policy when the job container fails. Environment variable: Show more |
If true, the debug mode in pods will be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The transport to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled, it means the JVM will wait for the debugger to attach before executing the main class. If false, the JVM will immediately execute the main class, while listening for the debugger connection. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
It specifies the address at which the debug socket will listen. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If true, the init task will be generated. Otherwise, the init task resource generation will be skipped. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The init task image to use by the init container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
If true, the init task will be generated. Otherwise, the init task resource generation will be skipped. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The init task image to use by the init container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Image pull policy. Environment variable: Show more |
If set to true, Quarkus will attempt to deploy the application to the target Kubernetes cluster Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If deploy is enabled, it will follow this strategy to update the resources to the target Kubernetes cluster. Environment variable: Show more |
Kubernetes Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether the client should trust a self-signed certificate if so presented by the API server Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
URL of the Kubernetes API server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Default namespace to use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CA certificate file Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CA certificate data Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client certificate file Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client certificate data Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client key file Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client key data Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client key algorithm Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client key passphrase Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Kubernetes auth username Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Kubernetes auth password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Kubernetes oauth token Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Watch reconnect interval Environment variable: Show more |
Maximum reconnect attempts in case of watch failure By default there is no limit to the number of reconnect attempts Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Maximum amount of time to wait for a connection with the API server to be established Environment variable: Show more |
Maximum amount of time to wait for a request to the API server to be completed Environment variable: Show more |
Maximum number of retry attempts for API requests that fail with an HTTP code of >= 500 Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Time interval between retry attempts for API requests that fail with an HTTP code of >= 500 Environment variable: Show more |
HTTP proxy used to access the Kubernetes API server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
HTTPS proxy used to access the Kubernetes API server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Proxy username Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Proxy password Environment variable: Show more |
string |
IP addresses or hosts to exclude from proxying Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enable the generation of the RBAC manifests. If enabled and no other role binding are provided using the properties Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Dev Services for Kubernetes should be used. (default to true) If this is true and kubernetes client is not configured then a kubernetes cluster will be started and will be used. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The kubernetes api server version to use. If not set, Dev Services for Kubernetes will use the latest supported version of the given flavor. see Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The flavor to use (kind, k3s or api-only). Default to api-only. Environment variable: Show more |
By default, if a kubeconfig is found, Dev Services for Kubernetes will not start. Set this to true to override the kubeconfig config. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Indicates if the Kubernetes cluster managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Kubernetes starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Kubernetes clusters. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Kubernetes Config |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether configuration can be read from secrets. If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace of the role. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the role is cluster wide or not. By default, it’s not a cluster wide role. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If the current role is meant to be generated or not. If not, it will only be used to generate the role binding resource. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, the application will attempt to look up the configuration from the API server Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, the application will not start if any of the configured config sources cannot be located Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
ConfigMaps to look for in the namespace that the Kubernetes Client has been configured for. ConfigMaps defined later in this list have a higher priority that ConfigMaps defined earlier in this list. Furthermore, any Secrets defined in Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Secrets to look for in the namespace that the Kubernetes Client has been configured for. If you use this, you probably want to enable Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Namespace to look for config maps and secrets. If this is not specified, then the namespace configured in the kubectl config context is used. If the value is specified and the namespace doesn’t exist, the application will fail to start. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Kubernetes Service Binding |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The mountPath to add in the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Determines if binding should be created as files or env vars. Set this value to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Detects the binding data from resources owned by the backing service. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If enabled, Service Bindings will be looked in the file system Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The bindings file system root. Specified by the Kubernetes Service ServiceBinding Specification. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the service binding. If no value is specified the id of the service will be used instead. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The kind of the service. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The apiVersion of the service Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the service. When this is empty the key of the service is meant to be used as name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The namespace of the service. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Liquibase |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The liquibase change log file. All included change log files in this file are scanned and add to the projects. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The search path for DirectoryResourceAccessor Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Flag to enable / disable Liquibase. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of ChangeSet contexts to execute for liquibase. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of expressions defining labeled ChangeSet to execute for liquibase. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Map of parameters that can be used inside Liquibase changeLog files. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The liquibase change log lock table name. Name of table to use for tracking concurrent Liquibase usage. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The liquibase change log table name. Name of table to use for tracking change history. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of Liquibase’s default catalog. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of Liquibase’s default schema. Overwrites the default schema name (returned by the RDBMS) with a different database schema. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username that Liquibase uses to connect to the database. If no specific username is configured, falls back to the datasource username and password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password that Liquibase uses to connect to the database. If no specific password is configured, falls back to the datasource username and password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the catalog with the liquibase tables. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the schema with the liquibase tables. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the tablespace where the -LOG and -LOCK tables will be created (if they do not exist yet). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allows duplicated changeset identifiers without failing Liquibase execution. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The liquibase change log file. All included change log files in this file are scanned and add to the projects. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The search path for DirectoryResourceAccessor Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of ChangeSet contexts to execute for liquibase. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of expressions defining labeled ChangeSet to execute for liquibase. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Map of parameters that can be used inside Liquibase changeLog files. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The liquibase change log lock table name. Name of table to use for tracking concurrent Liquibase usage. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The liquibase change log table name. Name of table to use for tracking change history. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of Liquibase’s default catalog. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of Liquibase’s default schema. Overwrites the default schema name (returned by the RDBMS) with a different database schema. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username that Liquibase uses to connect to the database. If no specific username is configured, falls back to the datasource username and password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password that Liquibase uses to connect to the database. If no specific password is configured, falls back to the datasource username and password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the catalog with the liquibase tables. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the schema with the liquibase tables. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the tablespace where the -LOG and -LOCK tables will be created (if they do not exist yet). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allows duplicated changeset identifiers without failing Liquibase execution. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Liquibase MongoDB |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The change log file Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The search path for DirectoryResourceAccessor Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Flag to enable / disable Liquibase. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The migrate at start flag Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The validate on update flag Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The clean at start flag Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The parameters to be passed to the changelog. Defined as key value pairs. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The list of contexts Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The list of labels Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The default catalog name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The default schema name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The liquibase tables catalog name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The liquibase tables schema name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The liquibase tables tablespace name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Load Shedding |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether load shedding should be enabled. Currently, this only applies to incoming HTTP requests. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of concurrent requests allowed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The probe factor of the Vegas overload detection algorithm. Environment variable: Show more |
double |
The initial limit of concurrent requests allowed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether priority load shedding should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Logging GELF |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Determine whether to enable the GELF logging handler Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Hostname/IP-Address of the Logstash/Graylog Host By default it uses UDP, prepend tcp: to the hostname to switch to TCP, example: "tcp:localhost" Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port Environment variable: Show more |
int |
GELF version: 1.0 or 1.1 Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to post Stack-Trace to StackTrace field. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Only used when Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether to perform Stack-Trace filtering Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Java date pattern, see Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The logging-gelf log level. Environment variable: Show more |
Name of the facility. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Additional field value. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Additional field type specification. Supported types: String, long, Long, double, Double and discover. Discover is the default if not specified, it discovers field type based on parseability. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to include all fields from the MDC. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Send additional fields whose values are obtained from MDC. Name of the Fields are comma-separated. Example: mdcFields=Application,Version,SomeOtherFieldName Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Dynamic MDC Fields allows you to extract MDC values based on one or more regular expressions. Multiple regexes are comma-separated. The name of the MDC entry is used as GELF field name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Pattern-based type specification for additional and MDC fields. Key-value pairs are comma-separated. Example: my_field.*=String,business\..*\.field=double Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Maximum message size (in bytes). If the message size is exceeded, the appender will submit the message in multiple chunks. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Include message parameters from the log event Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Include source code location Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Origin hostname Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Bypass hostname resolution. If you didn’t set the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Logging JSON |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Determine whether to enable the JSON console formatting extension, which disables "normal" console formatting. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable "pretty printing" of the JSON record. Note that some JSON parsers will fail to read the pretty printed output. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The date format to use. The special string "default" indicates that the default format should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The special end-of-record delimiter to be used. By default, newline is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The zone ID to use. The special string "default" indicates that the default zone should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The exception output type to specify. Environment variable: Show more |
Enable printing of more details in the log. Printing the details can be expensive as the values are retrieved from the caller. The details include the source class name, source file name, source method name, and source line number. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Override keys with custom values. Omitting this value indicates that no key overrides will be applied. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Keys to be excluded from the JSON output. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Additional field value. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Additional field type specification. Supported types: Environment variable: Show more |
Specify the format of the produced JSON Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Determine whether to enable the JSON console formatting extension, which disables "normal" console formatting. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable "pretty printing" of the JSON record. Note that some JSON parsers will fail to read the pretty printed output. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The date format to use. The special string "default" indicates that the default format should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The special end-of-record delimiter to be used. By default, newline is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The zone ID to use. The special string "default" indicates that the default zone should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The exception output type to specify. Environment variable: Show more |
Enable printing of more details in the log. Printing the details can be expensive as the values are retrieved from the caller. The details include the source class name, source file name, source method name, and source line number. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Override keys with custom values. Omitting this value indicates that no key overrides will be applied. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Keys to be excluded from the JSON output. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Additional field value. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Additional field type specification. Supported types: Environment variable: Show more |
Specify the format of the produced JSON Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Determine whether to enable the JSON console formatting extension, which disables "normal" console formatting. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable "pretty printing" of the JSON record. Note that some JSON parsers will fail to read the pretty printed output. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The date format to use. The special string "default" indicates that the default format should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The special end-of-record delimiter to be used. By default, newline is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The zone ID to use. The special string "default" indicates that the default zone should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The exception output type to specify. Environment variable: Show more |
Enable printing of more details in the log. Printing the details can be expensive as the values are retrieved from the caller. The details include the source class name, source file name, source method name, and source line number. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Override keys with custom values. Omitting this value indicates that no key overrides will be applied. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Keys to be excluded from the JSON output. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Additional field value. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Additional field type specification. Supported types: Environment variable: Show more |
Specify the format of the produced JSON Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Determine whether to enable the JSON console formatting extension, which disables "normal" console formatting. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable "pretty printing" of the JSON record. Note that some JSON parsers will fail to read the pretty printed output. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The date format to use. The special string "default" indicates that the default format should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The special end-of-record delimiter to be used. By default, newline is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The zone ID to use. The special string "default" indicates that the default zone should be used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The exception output type to specify. Environment variable: Show more |
Enable printing of more details in the log. Printing the details can be expensive as the values are retrieved from the caller. The details include the source class name, source file name, source method name, and source line number. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Override keys with custom values. Omitting this value indicates that no key overrides will be applied. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Keys to be excluded from the JSON output. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Additional field value. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Additional field type specification. Supported types: Environment variable: Show more |
Specify the format of the produced JSON Environment variable: Show more |
Mailer |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Caches data from attachment’s Stream to a temporary file. It tries to delete it after sending email. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the default Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables the mock mode. When enabled, mails are not sent, but stored in an in-memory mailbox. The content of the emails is also printed on the console. Disabled by default on PROD, enabled by default on DEV and TEST modes. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the default bounce email address. A bounced email, or bounce, is an email message that gets rejected by a mail server. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
string |
The SMTP port. The default value depends on the configuration. The port 25 is used as default when Note that the port 465 may be used by SMTP servers, however, IANA has reassigned a new service to this port, and it should no longer be used for SMTP communications. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Sets the username to connect to the SMTP server. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the password to connect to the SMTP server. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from If no TLS configuration name is set then, the specific TLS configuration (from The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the connection should be secured using TLS. SMTP allows establishing connection with or without TLS. When establishing a connection with TLS, the connection is secured and encrypted. When establishing a connection without TLS, it can be secured and encrypted later using the STARTTLS command. In this case, the connection is initially unsecured and unencrypted. To configure this case, set this property to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the max number of open connections to the mail server. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Sets the hostname to be used for HELO/EHLO and the Message-ID. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets if connection pool is enabled. If the connection pooling is disabled, the max number of sockets is enforced nevertheless. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Disable ESMTP. The RFC-1869 states that clients should always attempt Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the TLS security mode for the connection. Either Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables DKIM signing. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the PKCS#8 format private key used to sign the email. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the PKCS#8 format private key file path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the Agent or User Identifier (AUID). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the selector used to query the public key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the Signing Domain Identifier (SDID). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the canonicalization algorithm for signed headers. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the canonicalization algorithm for mail body. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the body limit to sign. Must be greater than zero. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Configures to enable or disable signature sign timestamp. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the expire time in seconds when the signature sign will be expired. Must be greater than zero. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Configures the signed headers in DKIM, separated by commas. The order in the list matters. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the login mode for the connection. Either
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the allowed authentication methods. These methods will be used only if the server supports them. If not set, all supported methods may be used. The list is given as a space separated list, such as Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the mail should always been sent as multipart even if they don’t have attachments. When sets to true, the mail message will be encoded as multipart even for simple mails without attachments. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets if sending allows recipients errors. If set to true, the mail will be sent to the recipients that the server accepted, if any. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables or disables the pipelining capability if the SMTP server supports it. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the connection pool cleaner period. Zero disables expiration checks and connections will remain in the pool until they are closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the keep alive timeout for the SMTP connection. This value determines how long a connection remains unused in the pool before being evicted and closed. A timeout of 0 means there is no timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the workstation used on NTLM authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the domain used on NTLM authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allows sending emails to these recipients only. Approved recipients are compiled to a Environment variable: Show more |
list of Pattern |
Log rejected recipients as warnings. If false, the rejected recipients will be logged at the DEBUG level. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Log invalid recipients as warnings. If false, the invalid recipients will not be logged and the thrown exception will not contain the invalid email address. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Sets the default Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables the mock mode. When enabled, mails are not sent, but stored in an in-memory mailbox. The content of the emails is also printed on the console. Disabled by default on PROD, enabled by default on DEV and TEST modes. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the default bounce email address. A bounced email, or bounce, is an email message that gets rejected by a mail server. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the SMTP host name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SMTP port. The default value depends on the configuration. The port 25 is used as default when Note that the port 465 may be used by SMTP servers, however, IANA has reassigned a new service to this port, and it should no longer be used for SMTP communications. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Sets the username to connect to the SMTP server. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the password to connect to the SMTP server. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from If no TLS configuration name is set then, the specific TLS configuration (from The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the connection should be secured using TLS. SMTP allows establishing connection with or without TLS. When establishing a connection with TLS, the connection is secured and encrypted. When establishing a connection without TLS, it can be secured and encrypted later using the STARTTLS command. In this case, the connection is initially unsecured and unencrypted. To configure this case, set this property to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the max number of open connections to the mail server. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Sets the hostname to be used for HELO/EHLO and the Message-ID. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets if connection pool is enabled. If the connection pooling is disabled, the max number of sockets is enforced nevertheless. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Disable ESMTP. The RFC-1869 states that clients should always attempt Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the TLS security mode for the connection. Either Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables DKIM signing. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the PKCS#8 format private key used to sign the email. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the PKCS#8 format private key file path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the Agent or User Identifier (AUID). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the selector used to query the public key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the Signing Domain Identifier (SDID). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the canonicalization algorithm for signed headers. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the canonicalization algorithm for mail body. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the body limit to sign. Must be greater than zero. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Configures to enable or disable signature sign timestamp. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the expire time in seconds when the signature sign will be expired. Must be greater than zero. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Configures the signed headers in DKIM, separated by commas. The order in the list matters. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the login mode for the connection. Either
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the allowed authentication methods. These methods will be used only if the server supports them. If not set, all supported methods may be used. The list is given as a space separated list, such as Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the mail should always been sent as multipart even if they don’t have attachments. When sets to true, the mail message will be encoded as multipart even for simple mails without attachments. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets if sending allows recipients errors. If set to true, the mail will be sent to the recipients that the server accepted, if any. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables or disables the pipelining capability if the SMTP server supports it. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the connection pool cleaner period. Zero disables expiration checks and connections will remain in the pool until they are closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the keep alive timeout for the SMTP connection. This value determines how long a connection remains unused in the pool before being evicted and closed. A timeout of 0 means there is no timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the workstation used on NTLM authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the domain used on NTLM authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allows sending emails to these recipients only. Approved recipients are compiled to a Environment variable: Show more |
list of Pattern |
Log rejected recipients as warnings. If false, the rejected recipients will be logged at the DEBUG level. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Log invalid recipients as warnings. If false, the invalid recipients will not be logged and the thrown exception will not contain the invalid email address. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Messaging |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether it should automatically configure the connector attribute of channels that don’t have an upstream source (for incoming channels), or a downstream consumer (for outgoing channels). When enabled, it verifies that there is only a single connector on the classpath. In that case, it automatically associates the orphans channel to the connector, removing the need to add the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether Reactive Messaging metrics are published in case a metrics extension is present (default to false). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables or disables the strict validation mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Execution mode for the Messaging signatures considered "blocking", defaults to "worker". For the previous behaviour set to "event-loop". Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether all health check is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the readiness health check is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the liveness health check is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the startup health check is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Messaging - AMQP 1.0 |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Dev Services for AMQP has been explicitly enabled or disabled. Dev Services are generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. For AMQP, Dev Services starts a broker unless Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The image to use. Note that only ActiveMQ Artemis images are supported. Specifically, the image repository must end with Check the activemq-artemis-broker on Quay page to find the available versions. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The value of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates if the AMQP broker managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for AMQP starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared AMQP brokers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Messaging - Kafka |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether or not Kafka serializer/deserializer auto-detection is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether Kafka serializer/deserializer generation is enabled. When no serializer/deserializer are found and not set, Quarkus generates a Jackson-based serde. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables the graceful shutdown in dev and test modes. The graceful shutdown waits until the inflight records have been processed and the offset committed to Kafka. While this setting is highly recommended in production, in dev and test modes, it’s disabled by default. This setting allows to re-enable it. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Messaging - MQTT |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Dev Services for MQTT has been explicitly enabled or disabled. Dev Services are generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. For MQTT, Dev Services starts a broker unless Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The image to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates if the MQTT broker managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for MQTT starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared MQTT brokers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Messaging - Pulsar |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether or not Pulsar Schema auto-detection is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether Pulsar Schema generation is enabled. When no Schema are found and not set, Quarkus generates a JSON Schema. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Dev Services for Pulsar has been explicitly enabled or disabled. Dev Services are generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. For Pulsar, Dev Services starts a broker unless Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The image to use. Note that only Apache Pulsar images are supported. Specifically, the image repository must end with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates if the Pulsar broker managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Pulsar starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Pulsar brokers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Broker config to set on the Pulsar instance Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Messaging - RabbitMQ 1.0 |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Dev Services for RabbitMQ has been explicitly enabled or disabled. Dev Services are generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. For RabbitMQ, Dev Services starts a broker unless Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Optional fixed port for the RabbitMQ management plugin. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The image to use. Note that only official RabbitMQ images are supported. Specifically, the image repository must end with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates if the RabbitMQ broker managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for RabbitMQ starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared RabbitMQ brokers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Type of exchange: direct, topic, headers, fanout, etc. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Should the exchange be deleted when all queues are finished using it? Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Should the exchange remain after restarts? Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
What virtual host should the exchange be associated with? Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Extra arguments for the exchange definition. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Should the queue be deleted when all consumers are finished using it? Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Should the queue remain after restarts? Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
What virtual host should the queue be associated with? Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Extra arguments for the queue definition. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Source exchange to bind to. Defaults to name of binding instance. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Routing key specification for the source exchange. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Destination exchange or queue to bind to. Defaults to name of binding instance. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Destination type for binding: queue, exchange, etc. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
What virtual host should the binding be associated with? Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Extra arguments for the binding definition. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Virtual hosts that should be predefined after starting the RabbitMQ broker. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The credentials provider name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The credentials provider bean name. This is a bean name (as in For Vault, the credentials provider bean name is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Micrometer metrics |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Micrometer metrics support. Micrometer metrics support is enabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Micrometer MeterRegistry discovery. Micrometer MeterRegistry implementations discovered on the classpath will be enabled automatically by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Micrometer MeterBinder discovery. Micrometer MeterBinder implementations discovered on the classpath will be enabled automatically by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Outbound HTTP request metrics support. Support for HTTP client metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, the REST client feature is enabled, and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Inbound HTTP metrics support. Support for HTTP server metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, an extension serving HTTP traffic is enabled, and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Micrometer JVM metrics support. Support for JVM metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Kafka metrics support. Support for Kafka metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, the Kafka Consumer or Producer interface is on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Redis client metrics support. Support for Redis metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, the Quarkus Redis client extension is on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Stork metrics support. Support for Stork metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, the Quarkus Stork extension is on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
gRPC Server metrics support. Support for gRPC server metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, the gRPC server interfaces are on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
gRPC Client metrics support. Support for gRPC client metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, the gRPC client interfaces are on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Kafka metrics support. Support for Reactive Messaging metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, MessageObservationCollector interface is on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Eclipse MicroProfile Metrics support. Support for MicroProfile Metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled and the MicroProfile Metrics dependency is present:
The Micrometer extension currently provides a compatibility layer that supports the MP Metrics API, but metric names and recorded values will be different. Note that the MP Metrics compatibility layer will move to a different extension in the future. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Virtual Threads metrics support. Support for virtual threads metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, this value is set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The tags to be added to the metrics. Empty by default. When set, tags are passed as: Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Micrometer System metrics support. Support for System metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Vert.x metrics support. Support for Vert.x metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, Vert.x MetricsOptions is on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Netty metrics support. Support for Netty metrics will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, the Netty allocator classes are on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Support for export to JSON format. Off by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The path for the JSON metrics endpoint. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Statistics like max, percentiles, and histogram counts decay over time to give greater weight to recent samples. Samples are accumulated to such statistics in ring buffers which rotate after the expiry, with this buffer length. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Statistics like max, percentiles, and histogram counts decay over time to give greater weight to recent samples. Samples are accumulated to such statistics in ring buffers which rotate after this expiry, with a particular buffer length. Environment variable: Show more |
Support for export to Prometheus. Support for Prometheus will be enabled if Micrometer support is enabled, the PrometheusMeterRegistry is on the classpath and either this value is true, or this value is unset and Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The path for the prometheus metrics endpoint (produces text/plain). The default value is
If the management interface is enabled, the value will be resolved as a path relative to
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
By default, this extension will create a Prometheus MeterRegistry instance. Use this attribute to veto the creation of the default Prometheus MeterRegistry. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of regular expressions used to specify uri labels in http metrics. Vertx instrumentation will attempt to transform parameterized
resource paths, Patterns specified here will take precedence over those computed values. For example, if Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of regular expressions defining uri paths that should be ignored (not measured). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Suppress non-application uris from metrics collection.
This will suppress all metrics for non-application endpoints using
Suppressing non-application uris is enabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Maximum number of unique URI tag values allowed. After the max number of tag values is reached, metrics with additional tag values are denied by filter. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Prometheus registry configuration properties. A property source for configuration of the Prometheus MeterRegistry, see Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Comma-separated list of regular expressions used to specify uri labels in http metrics. Outbount HTTP client instrumentation will attempt to transform parameterized
resource paths, Patterns specified here will take precedence over those computed values. For example, if Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of regular expressions defining uri paths that should be ignored (not measured). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Maximum number of unique URI tag values allowed. After the max number of tag values is reached, metrics with additional tag values are denied by filter. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
MongoDB Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether metrics are published in case a metrics extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, the default clients will always be created even if there are no injection points that use them Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether or not tracing spans of driver commands are sent in case the quarkus-opentelemetry extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the connection string. The format is:
An alternative format, using the
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the MongoDB server addresses (one if single mode). The addresses are passed as Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Configure the database name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the application name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the maximum number of connections in the connection pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Configures the minimum number of connections in the connection pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Maximum idle time of a pooled connection. A connection that exceeds this limit will be closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Maximum lifetime of a pooled connection. A connection that exceeds this limit will be closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the time period between runs of the maintenance job. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool. Environment variable: Show more |
How long a connection can take to be opened before timing out. Environment variable: Show more |
How long a socket read can take before timing out. Environment variable: Show more |
If connecting with TLS, this option enables insecure TLS connections. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to connect using TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Implies that the hosts given are a seed list, and the driver will attempt to find all members of the set. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
How long the driver will wait for server selection to succeed before throwing an exception. Environment variable: Show more |
When choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request, the driver will only send that request to a server whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local threshold. Environment variable: Show more |
The frequency that the driver will attempt to determine the current state of each server in the cluster. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the read concern. Supported values are: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the read preference. Supported values are: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The database used during the readiness health checks Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the UUID representation to use when encoding instances of Environment variable: Show more |
This property configures the DNS server. If the server is not set, it tries to read the first Environment variable: Show more |
string |
This property configures the DNS server port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If Environment variable: Show more |
This property enables the logging ot the DNS lookup. It can be useful to understand why the lookup fails. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the connection string. The format is:
An alternative format, using the
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the MongoDB server addresses (one if single mode). The addresses are passed as Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Configure the database name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the application name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the maximum number of connections in the connection pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Configures the minimum number of connections in the connection pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Maximum idle time of a pooled connection. A connection that exceeds this limit will be closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Maximum lifetime of a pooled connection. A connection that exceeds this limit will be closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the time period between runs of the maintenance job. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool. Environment variable: Show more |
How long a connection can take to be opened before timing out. Environment variable: Show more |
How long a socket read can take before timing out. Environment variable: Show more |
If connecting with TLS, this option enables insecure TLS connections. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to connect using TLS. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Implies that the hosts given are a seed list, and the driver will attempt to find all members of the set. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
How long the driver will wait for server selection to succeed before throwing an exception. Environment variable: Show more |
When choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request, the driver will only send that request to a server whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local threshold. Environment variable: Show more |
The frequency that the driver will attempt to determine the current state of each server in the cluster. Environment variable: Show more |
Configures the read concern. Supported values are: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the read preference. Supported values are: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The database used during the readiness health checks Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the UUID representation to use when encoding instances of Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start a database when running in Dev or Test mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The container image name to use, for container based DevServices providers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Generic properties that are added to the connection URL. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Indicates if the MongoDB server managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for MongoDB starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Configures the safety. If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the journal writing aspect. If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When set, the driver adds Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When set, the driver adds Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Configures the username. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the authentication mechanism to use if a credential was supplied. The default is unspecified, in which case the client will pick the most secure mechanism available based on the sever version. For the GSSAPI and MONGODB-X509 mechanisms, no password is accepted, only the username. Supported values: null or Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the source of the authentication credentials. This is typically the database where the credentials have been created. The value defaults to the database specified in the path portion of the connection string or in the 'database' configuration property. If the database is specified in neither place, the default value is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allows passing authentication mechanism properties. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The credentials provider name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The credentials provider bean name. This is a bean name (as in For Vault, the credentials provider bean name is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Configures the safety. If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configures the journal writing aspect. If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When set, the driver adds Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When set, the driver adds Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Configures the username. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the authentication mechanism to use if a credential was supplied. The default is unspecified, in which case the client will pick the most secure mechanism available based on the sever version. For the GSSAPI and MONGODB-X509 mechanisms, no password is accepted, only the username. Supported values: null or Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configures the source of the authentication credentials. This is typically the database where the credentials have been created. The value defaults to the database specified in the path portion of the connection string or in the 'database' configuration property. If the database is specified in neither place, the default value is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allows passing authentication mechanism properties. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The credentials provider name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The credentials provider bean name. This is a bean name (as in For Vault, the credentials provider bean name is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Narayana JTA - Transaction manager |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The node name used by the transaction manager. Must not exceed a length of 28 bytes. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the node name should be shortened if necessary. The node name must not exceed a length of 28 bytes. If this property is set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The default transaction timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Start the recovery service on startup. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The list of recovery modules. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The list of expiry scanners. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The list of orphan filters. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the directory where the transaction logs will be stored when using the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The type of object store. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the datasource where the transaction logs will be stored when using the If undefined, it will use the default datasource. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether to create the table if it does not exist. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to drop the table on startup. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The prefix to apply to the table. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Narayana MicroProfile LRA Participant |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether to include LRA proxy endpoints in the generated OpenAPI document Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The REST endpoint on which a coordinator is running. In order for an LRA to begin and end successfully and in order to join with an existing LRA, this coordinator must be available whenever a service method annotated with @LRA is invoked. In this version of the extension, a failed coordinator with LRAs that have not yet finished must be restarted. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Netty |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The value configuring the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Observability |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start a containers when running in Dev or Test mode and when Docker is running. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Indicates if the container managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared containers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The username. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port of the Grafana container. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the Grafana LGTM Docker image. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The Docker network aliases. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The label of the container. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The LGTM’s OTLP protocol. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start a containers when running in Dev or Test mode and when Docker is running. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable simplified usage of dev resources, instead of full observability processing. Make sure @code{enabled} is set to false. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Do we start the dev services in parallel. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
OpenID Connect Adapter |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If the OIDC extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable the registration of the Default TokenIntrospection and UserInfo Cache implementation bean. Note: This only enables the default implementation. It requires configuration to be activated. See Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If OIDC tenants should be resolved using the bearer access token’s issuer ( Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The base URL of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) server, for example, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Discovery of the OIDC endpoints. If not enabled, you must configure the OIDC endpoint URLs individually. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC dynamic client registration endpoint. Set if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The duration to attempt the initial connection to an OIDC server. For example, setting the duration to Environment variable: Show more |
The number of times to retry re-establishing an existing OIDC connection if it is temporarily lost. Different from Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of seconds after which the current OIDC connection request times out. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether DNS lookup should be performed on the worker thread. Use this option when you can see logged warnings about blocked Vert.x event loop by HTTP requests to OIDC server. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum size of the connection pool used by the WebClient. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Follow redirects automatically when WebClient gets HTTP 302. When this property is disabled only a single redirect to exactly the same original URI is allowed but only if one or more cookies were set during the redirect request. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The OIDC token endpoint that issues access and refresh tokens; specified as a relative path or absolute URL. Set if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC token revocation endpoint. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The client id of the application. Each application has a client id that is used to identify the application. Setting the client id is not required if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The client name of the application. It is meant to represent a human readable description of the application which you may provide when an application (client) is registered in an OpenId Connect provider’s dashboard. For example, you can set this property to have more informative log messages which record an activity of the given client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A unique tenant identifier. It can be set by Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this tenant configuration is enabled. The default tenant is disabled if it is not configured but a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The application type, which can be one of the following Environment variable: Show more |
The relative path or absolute URL of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authorization endpoint, which authenticates users. You must set this property for Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC UserInfo endpoint. You must set this property for Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC RFC7662 introspection endpoint which can introspect both opaque and JSON Web Token (JWT) tokens. This property must be set if OIDC discovery is disabled and 1) the opaque bearer access tokens must be verified or 2) JWT tokens must be verified while the cached JWK verification set with no matching JWK is being refreshed. This property is ignored if the discovery is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) endpoint which returns a JSON Web Key Verification Set. This property should be set if OIDC discovery is disabled and the local JWT verification is required. This property is ignored if the discovery is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC end_session_endpoint. This property must be set if OIDC discovery is disabled and RP Initiated Logout support for the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The paths which must be secured by this tenant. Tenant with the most specific path wins. Please see the Configure tenant paths section of the OIDC multitenancy guide for explanation of allowed path patterns. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The public key for the local JWT token verification. OIDC server connection is not created when this property is set. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allow caching the token introspection data. Note enabling this property does not enable the cache itself but only permits to cache the token introspection for a given tenant. If the default token cache can be used, see Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allow caching the user info data. Note enabling this property does not enable the cache itself but only permits to cache the user info data for a given tenant. If the default token cache can be used, see Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allow inlining UserInfo in IdToken instead of caching it in the token cache. This property is only checked when an internal IdToken is generated when OAuth2 providers do not return IdToken. Inlining UserInfo in the generated IdToken allows to store it in the session cookie and avoids introducing a cached state. Inlining UserInfo in the generated IdToken is enabled if the session cookie is encrypted and the UserInfo cache is not enabled or caching UserInfo is disabled for the current tenant with the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Well known OpenId Connect provider identifier Environment variable: Show more |
OIDC Dev UI configuration which is effective in dev mode only |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Grant type which will be used to acquire a token to test the OIDC 'service' applications Environment variable: Show more |
Grant options Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,String>> |
The WebClient timeout. Use this property to configure how long an HTTP client used by Dev UI handlers will wait for a response when requesting tokens from OpenId Connect Provider and sending them to the service endpoint. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The host name or IP address of the Proxy. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number of the Proxy. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The username, if the Proxy needs authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password, if the Proxy needs authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Different authentication options for OIDC client to access OIDC token and other secured endpoints |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The client secret used by the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The client secret value. This value is ignored if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider bean name, which should only be set if more than one CredentialsProvider is registered Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider keyring name. The keyring name is only required when the CredentialsProvider being used requires the keyring name to look up the secret, which is often the case when a CredentialsProvider is shared by multiple extensions to retrieve credentials from a more dynamic source like a vault instance or secret manager Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider client secret key Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The authentication method. If the Environment variable: Show more |
JWT token source: OIDC provider client or an existing JWT bearer token. Environment variable: Show more |
Path to a file with a JWT bearer token that should be used as a client assertion. This path can only be set when JWT source ( Environment variable: Show more |
path |
If provided, indicates that JWT is signed using a secret key. It is mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider bean name, which should only be set if more than one CredentialsProvider is registered Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider keyring name. The keyring name is only required when the CredentialsProvider being used requires the keyring name to look up the secret, which is often the case when a CredentialsProvider is shared by multiple extensions to retrieve credentials from a more dynamic source like a vault instance or secret manager Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider client secret key Environment variable: Show more |
string |
String representation of a private key. If provided, indicates that JWT is signed using a private key in PEM or JWK format. It is mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If provided, indicates that JWT is signed using a private key in PEM or JWK format. It is mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If provided, indicates that JWT is signed using a private key from a keystore. It is mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the keystore file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The private key id or alias. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The private key password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JWT audience ( Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifier of the signing key added as a JWT Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The issuer of the signing key added as a JWT Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Subject of the signing key added as a JWT Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional claims. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The signature algorithm used for the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JWT lifespan in seconds. This value is added to the time at which the JWT was issued to calculate the expiration time. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If true then the client authentication token is a JWT bearer grant assertion. Instead of producing 'client_assertion' and 'client_assertion_type' form properties, only 'assertion' is produced. This option is only supported by the OIDC client extension. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional introspection endpoint-specific basic authentication configuration |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Secret Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Include OpenId Connect Client ID configured with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configuration to find and parse custom claims which contain roles |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
A list of paths to claims containing an array of groups. Each path starts from the top level JWT JSON object and can contain multiple segments. Each segment represents a JSON object name only; for example: "realm/groups". Use double quotes with the namespace-qualified claim names. This property can be used if a token has no Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The separator for splitting strings that contain multiple group values. It is only used if the "role-claim-path" property points to one or more custom claims whose values are strings. A single space is used by default because the standard Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Source of the principal roles. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The expected issuer Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The expected audience Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Require that the token includes a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A map of required claims and their expected values. For example, Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Expected token type Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Life span grace period in seconds. When checking token expiry, current time is allowed to be later than token expiration time by at most the configured number of seconds. When checking token issuance, current time is allowed to be sooner than token issue time by at most the configured number of seconds. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Token age. It allows for the number of seconds to be specified that must not elapse since the Environment variable: Show more |
Require that the token includes a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of the claim which contains a principal name. By default, the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Refresh expired authorization code flow ID or access tokens. If this property is enabled, a refresh token request is performed if the authorization code ID or access token has expired and, if successful, the local session is updated with the new set of tokens. Otherwise, the local session is invalidated and the user redirected to the OpenID Provider to re-authenticate. In this case, the user might not be challenged again if the OIDC provider session is still active. For this option be effective the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The refresh token time skew, in seconds. If this property is enabled, the configured number of seconds is added to the current time when checking if the authorization code ID or access token should be refreshed. If the sum is greater than the authorization code ID or access token’s expiration time, a refresh is going to happen. Environment variable: Show more |
The forced JWK set refresh interval in minutes. Environment variable: Show more |
Custom HTTP header that contains a bearer token. This option is valid only when the application is of type Environment variable: Show more |
string |
HTTP Authorization header scheme. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Required signature algorithm. OIDC providers support many signature algorithms but if necessary you can restrict Quarkus application to accept tokens signed only using an algorithm configured with this property. Environment variable: Show more |
Decryption key location. JWT tokens can be inner-signed and encrypted by OpenId Connect providers. However, it is not always possible to remotely introspect such tokens because the providers might not control the private decryption keys. In such cases set this property to point to the file containing the decryption private key in PEM or JSON Web Key (JWK) format. If this property is not set and the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allow the remote introspection of JWT tokens when no matching JWK key is available. This property is set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Require that JWT tokens are only introspected remotely. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allow the remote introspection of the opaque tokens. Set this property to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Token customizer name. Allows to select a tenant specific token customizer as a named bean. Prefer using Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indirectly verify that the opaque (binary) access token is valid by using it to request UserInfo. Opaque access token is considered valid if the provider accepted this token and returned a valid UserInfo. You should only enable this option if the opaque access tokens must be accepted but OpenId Connect provider does not have a token introspection endpoint. This property has no effect when JWT tokens must be verified. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If a bearer access token must be bound to the client mTLS certificate. It requires that JWT tokens must contain a confirmation For opaque tokens, SHA256 certificate thumbprint must be returned in their introspection response. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
RP-initiated, back-channel and front-channel logout configuration |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The relative path of the logout endpoint at the application. If provided, the application is able to initiate the logout through this endpoint in conformance with the OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout specification. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Relative path of the application endpoint where the user should be redirected to after logging out from the OpenID Connect Provider. This endpoint URI must be properly registered at the OpenID Connect Provider as a valid redirect URI. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of the post logout URI parameter which is added as a query parameter to the logout redirect URI. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional properties which is added as the query parameters to the logout redirect URI. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The relative path of the Back-Channel Logout endpoint at the application. It must start with the forward slash '/', for example, '/back-channel-logout'. This value is always resolved relative to 'quarkus.http.root-path'. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Maximum number of logout tokens that can be cached before they are matched against ID tokens stored in session cookies. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Number of minutes a logout token can be cached for. Environment variable: Show more |
Token cache timer interval. If this property is set, a timer checks and removes the stale entries periodically. Environment variable: Show more |
Logout token claim whose value is used as a key for caching the tokens. Only Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path of the Front-Channel Logout endpoint at the application. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configuration of the certificate chain which can be used to verify tokens |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Common name of the leaf certificate. It must be set if the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Truststore file which keeps thumbprints of the trusted certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
A parameter to specify the password of the truststore file if it is configured with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the alias of the truststore certificate. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An optional parameter to specify type of the truststore file. If not given, the type is automatically detected based on the file name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Authorization code flow response mode. Environment variable: Show more |
The relative path for calculating a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this property is set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Remove the query parameters such as Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Relative path to the public endpoint which processes the error response from the OIDC authorization endpoint. If the user authentication has failed, the OIDC provider returns an Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Relative path to the public endpoint which an authenticated user is redirected to when the session has expired. When the OIDC session has expired and the session can not be refreshed, a user is redirected to the OIDC provider to re-authenticate. The user experience may not be ideal in this case as it may not be obvious to the authenticated user why an authentication challenge is returned. Set this property if you would like the user whose session has expired be redirected to a public application specific page instead, which can inform that the session has expired and advise the user to re-authenticated by following a link to the secured initial entry page. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Both ID and access tokens are fetched from the OIDC provider as part of the authorization code flow. ID token is always verified on every user request as the primary token which is used to represent the principal and extract the roles. Authorization code flow access token is meant to be propagated to downstream services and is not verified by default unless Authorization code flow access token verification is also enabled if this token is injected as JsonWebToken. Set this property to Bearer access token is always verified. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Force Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
List of scopes Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The separator which is used when more than one scope is configured. A single space is used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Require that ID token includes a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Add the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Additional properties added as query parameters to the authentication redirect URI. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Request URL query parameters which, if present, are added to the authentication redirect URI. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
If enabled the state, session, and post logout cookies have their Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Cookie name suffix. For example, a session cookie name for the default OIDC tenant is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Cookie path parameter value which, if set, is used to set a path parameter for the session, state and post logout cookies. The Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Cookie path header parameter value which, if set, identifies the incoming HTTP header whose value is used to set a path parameter for the session, state and post logout cookies. If the header is missing, the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Cookie domain parameter value which, if set, is used for the session, state and post logout cookies. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
SameSite attribute for the session cookie. Environment variable: Show more |
If a state cookie is present, a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Fail with the HTTP 401 error if the state cookie is present but no state query parameter is present. When either multiple authentications are disabled or the redirect URL matches the original request URL, the stale state cookie might remain in the browser cache from the earlier failed redirect to an OpenId Connect provider and be visible during the current request. For example, if Single-page application (SPA) uses XHR to handle redirects to the provider which does not support CORS for its authorization endpoint, the browser blocks it and the state cookie created by Quarkus remains in the browser cache. Quarkus reports an authentication failure when it detects such an old state cookie but find no matching state query parameter. Reporting HTTP 401 error is usually the right thing to do in such cases, it minimizes a risk of the browser redirect loop but also can identify problems in the way SPA or Quarkus application manage redirects. For example, enabling However, setting this property to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If this property is set to This property is enabled automatically if It is also enabled automatically if Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Session age extension in minutes. The user session age property is set to the value of the ID token life-span by default and the user is redirected to the OIDC provider to re-authenticate once the session has expired. If this property is set to a nonzero value, then the expired ID token can be refreshed before the session has expired. This property is ignored if the Environment variable: Show more |
State cookie age in minutes. State cookie is created every time a new authorization code flow redirect starts and removed when this flow is completed. State cookie name is unique by default, see Environment variable: Show more |
If this property is set to If this property is set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Requires that ID token is available when the authorization code flow completes. Disable this property only when you need to use the authorization code flow with OAuth2 providers which do not return ID token - an internal IdToken is generated in such cases. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Internal ID token lifespan. This property is only checked when an internal IdToken is generated when OAuth2 providers do not return IdToken. If this property is not configured then an access token Environment variable: Show more |
Requires that a Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is used. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Secret used to encrypt Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) code verifier and/or nonce in the code flow state. This secret should be at least 32 characters long. If this secret is not set, the client secret configured with either The secret is auto-generated if it remains uninitialized after checking all of these properties. Error is reported if the secret length is less than 16 characters. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Additional parameters, in addition to the required Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Custom HTTP headers which must be sent to complete the authorization code grant request. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Default TokenStateManager strategy. Environment variable: Show more |
Default TokenStateManager keeps all tokens (ID, access and refresh) returned in the authorization code grant response in a single session cookie by default. Enable this property to minimize a session cookie size Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Mandates that the Default TokenStateManager encrypt the session cookie that stores the tokens. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The secret used by the Default TokenStateManager to encrypt the session cookie storing the tokens when If this secret is not set, the client secret configured with either The length of the secret used to encrypt the tokens should be at least 32 characters long. A warning is logged if the secret length is less than 16 characters. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Session cookie key encryption algorithm Environment variable: Show more |
How JsonWebKey verification key set should be acquired and managed |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If JWK verification keys should be fetched at the moment a connection to the OIDC provider is initialized. Disabling this property delays the key acquisition until the moment the current token has to be verified. Typically it can only be necessary if the token or other telated request properties provide an additional context which is required to resolve the keys correctly. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Maximum number of JWK keys that can be cached. This property is ignored if the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Number of minutes a JWK key can be cached for. This property is ignored if the Environment variable: Show more |
Cache timer interval. If this property is set, a timer checks and removes the stale entries periodically. This property is ignored if the Environment variable: Show more |
In case there is no key identifier ('kid') or certificate thumbprints ('x5t', 'x5t#S256') specified in the JOSE header and no key could be determined, check all available keys matching the token algorithm ('alg') header value. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Maximum number of cache entries. Set it to a positive value if the cache has to be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Maximum amount of time a given cache entry is valid for. Environment variable: Show more |
Clean up timer interval. If this property is set then a timer will check and remove the stale entries periodically. Environment variable: Show more |
OpenID Connect Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If the OIDC client extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The base URL of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) server, for example, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Discovery of the OIDC endpoints. If not enabled, you must configure the OIDC endpoint URLs individually. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC dynamic client registration endpoint. Set if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The duration to attempt the initial connection to an OIDC server. For example, setting the duration to Environment variable: Show more |
The number of times to retry re-establishing an existing OIDC connection if it is temporarily lost. Different from Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of seconds after which the current OIDC connection request times out. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether DNS lookup should be performed on the worker thread. Use this option when you can see logged warnings about blocked Vert.x event loop by HTTP requests to OIDC server. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum size of the connection pool used by the WebClient. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Follow redirects automatically when WebClient gets HTTP 302. When this property is disabled only a single redirect to exactly the same original URI is allowed but only if one or more cookies were set during the redirect request. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The OIDC token endpoint that issues access and refresh tokens; specified as a relative path or absolute URL. Set if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC token revocation endpoint. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The client id of the application. Each application has a client id that is used to identify the application. Setting the client id is not required if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The client name of the application. It is meant to represent a human readable description of the application which you may provide when an application (client) is registered in an OpenId Connect provider’s dashboard. For example, you can set this property to have more informative log messages which record an activity of the given client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A unique OIDC client identifier. It must be set when OIDC clients are created dynamically and is optional in all other cases. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this client configuration is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
List of access token scopes Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Refresh token time skew. If this property is enabled then the configured duration is converted to seconds and is added to the current time when checking whether the access token should be refreshed. If the sum is greater than this access token’s expiration time then a refresh is going to happen. Environment variable: Show more |
Access token expiration period relative to the current time. This property is only checked when an access token grant response does not include an access token expiration property. Environment variable: Show more |
If the access token 'expires_in' property should be checked as an absolute time value as opposed to a duration relative to the current time. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Grant type Environment variable: Show more |
Access token property name in a token grant response Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Refresh token property name in a token grant response Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Access token expiry property name in a token grant response Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Refresh token expiry property name in a token grant response Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Grant options Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,Map<String,String>> |
Requires that all filters which use 'OidcClient' acquire the tokens at the post-construct initialization time, possibly long before these tokens are used. This property should be disabled if the access token may expire before it is used for the first time and no refresh token is available. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Custom HTTP headers which have to be sent to the token endpoint Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The host name or IP address of the Proxy. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number of the Proxy. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The username, if the Proxy needs authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password, if the Proxy needs authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Different authentication options for OIDC client to access OIDC token and other secured endpoints |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The client secret used by the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The client secret value. This value is ignored if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider bean name, which should only be set if more than one CredentialsProvider is registered Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider keyring name. The keyring name is only required when the CredentialsProvider being used requires the keyring name to look up the secret, which is often the case when a CredentialsProvider is shared by multiple extensions to retrieve credentials from a more dynamic source like a vault instance or secret manager Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider client secret key Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The authentication method. If the Environment variable: Show more |
JWT token source: OIDC provider client or an existing JWT bearer token. Environment variable: Show more |
Path to a file with a JWT bearer token that should be used as a client assertion. This path can only be set when JWT source ( Environment variable: Show more |
path |
If provided, indicates that JWT is signed using a secret key. It is mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider bean name, which should only be set if more than one CredentialsProvider is registered Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider keyring name. The keyring name is only required when the CredentialsProvider being used requires the keyring name to look up the secret, which is often the case when a CredentialsProvider is shared by multiple extensions to retrieve credentials from a more dynamic source like a vault instance or secret manager Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CredentialsProvider client secret key Environment variable: Show more |
string |
String representation of a private key. If provided, indicates that JWT is signed using a private key in PEM or JWK format. It is mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If provided, indicates that JWT is signed using a private key in PEM or JWK format. It is mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If provided, indicates that JWT is signed using a private key from a keystore. It is mutually exclusive with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A parameter to specify the password of the keystore file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The private key id or alias. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The private key password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JWT audience ( Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key identifier of the signing key added as a JWT Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The issuer of the signing key added as a JWT Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Subject of the signing key added as a JWT Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional claims. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The signature algorithm used for the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The JWT lifespan in seconds. This value is added to the time at which the JWT was issued to calculate the expiration time. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If true then the client authentication token is a JWT bearer grant assertion. Instead of producing 'client_assertion' and 'client_assertion_type' form properties, only 'assertion' is produced. This option is only supported by the OIDC client extension. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
OpenID Connect Client integration for GraphQL client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Name of the configured OidcClient used by GraphQL clients. You can override this configuration for typesafe clients with the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OpenID Connect Database Token State Manager |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether token state should be stored in the database. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
How often should Quarkus check for expired tokens. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether Quarkus should attempt to create database table where the token state is going to be stored. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If the OIDC client registration extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The base URL of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) server, for example, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Discovery of the OIDC endpoints. If not enabled, you must configure the OIDC endpoint URLs individually. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The relative path or absolute URL of the OIDC dynamic client registration endpoint. Set if Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The duration to attempt the initial connection to an OIDC server. For example, setting the duration to Environment variable: Show more |
The number of times to retry re-establishing an existing OIDC connection if it is temporarily lost. Different from Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of seconds after which the current OIDC connection request times out. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether DNS lookup should be performed on the worker thread. Use this option when you can see logged warnings about blocked Vert.x event loop by HTTP requests to OIDC server. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum size of the connection pool used by the WebClient. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Follow redirects automatically when WebClient gets HTTP 302. When this property is disabled only a single redirect to exactly the same original URI is allowed but only if one or more cookies were set during the redirect request. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
OIDC Client Registration id Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this client registration configuration is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If the client configured with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Initial access token Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Client name Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Redirect URI Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Post Logout URI Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Additional metadata properties Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The host name or IP address of the Proxy. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The port number of the Proxy. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The username, if the Proxy needs authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password, if the Proxy needs authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OpenID Connect Redis Token State Manager |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enables this extension. Set to 'false' if this extension should be disabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Selects Redis client used to store the OIDC token state. The default Redis client is used if this property is not configured. Used Redis datasource must only be accessible by trusted parties, because Quarkus will not encrypt tokens before storing them. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OpenTelemetry |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If false, disable the OpenTelemetry usage at build time. All other Otel properties will be ignored at runtime. Will pick up value from legacy property quarkus.opentelemetry.enabled Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Should we use simple processor for spans and log records. This will disable batch processing and the exporter will send telemetry data right away. This is recommended for serverless applications. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
List of exporters supported by Quarkus. List of exporters to be used for tracing, separated by commas. Has one of the values on Default on Quarkus is Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The sampler to use for tracing. Has one of the values on Fallbacks to the legacy property Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If OpenTelemetry End User attributes should be added as Span attributes on a best-efforts basis. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable metrics with OpenTelemetry. This property is not available in the Open Telemetry SDK. It’s Quarkus specific. Support for metrics will be enabled if OpenTelemetry support is enabled and either this value is true, or this value is unset. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Metrics exporter to use. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enable logs with OpenTelemetry. This property is not available in the Open Telemetry SDK. It’s Quarkus specific. Support for logs will be enabled if OpenTelemetry support is enabled and either this value is true, or this value is unset. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Logs exporter to use. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The propagators to be used. Use a comma-separated list for multiple propagators. Has values from Default is Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Enables instrumentation for gRPC. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for Messaging. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for REST Client backed by RESTEasy Classic. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for Quarkus REST. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for RESTEasy Classic. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether exporting of the security events is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Selects security event types. Environment variable: Show more |
list of |
If true, disable the OpenTelemetry SDK. Runtime configuration. Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Suppress non-application uris from trace collection. This will suppress tracing of Providing a custom This is a Quarkus specific property. Suppressing non-application uris is enabled by default. Fallbacks to the legacy property Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated, suppress application uris from trace collection. This will suppress all uris set by this property. If you are using Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Include static resources from trace collection. This is a Quarkus specific property. Include static resources is disabled by default. Providing a custom Fallbacks to the legacy property Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sampler argument. Depends on the When setting the stock sampler to Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The interval, between the start of two metric export attempts. Default is 1min. Environment variable: Show more |
Determine whether to enable the OpenTelemetry logging handler. This is a Quarkus specific property. The OpenTelemetry logging handler is enabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum length of attribute values. Applies to spans and logs. By default, there is no limit. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum number of attributes. Applies to spans, span events, span links, and logs. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum length of span attribute values. Takes precedence over By default, there is no limit. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of attributes per span. Takes precedence over Default is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of events per span. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of links per span. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The interval, in milliseconds, between two consecutive exports. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum queue size. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum batch size. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum allowed time, in milliseconds, to export data. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
The interval, in milliseconds, between two consecutive exports. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum queue size. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum batch size. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum allowed time, in milliseconds, to export data. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
Specify resource attributes in the following format: Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Specify logical service name. Takes precedence over defined with otel.resource.attributes and from Defaults to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specify resource attribute keys that are filtered. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The maximum amount of time Quarkus will wait for the OpenTelemetry SDK to flush unsent spans and shutdown. Environment variable: Show more |
Enables instrumentation for Vert.x HTTP. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for Vert.x Event Bus. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for Vert.x SQL Client. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for Vert.x Redis Client. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for JVM Metrics. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables instrumentation for HTTP Server Metrics. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Prioritize OpenTelemetry configuration By default, Quarkus configuration has priority over OpenTelemetry configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the OTLP endpoint to send telemetry data. If unset, defaults to There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: If protocol is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key-value pairs to be used as headers associated with exporter requests. The format is similar to the There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the method used to compress payloads. If unset, compression is disabled. Currently supported compression methods include There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the maximum time to wait for the collector to process an exported batch of telemetry data. If unset, defaults to `OtlpExporterRuntimeConfig#DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS`s. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
OTLP defines the encoding of telemetry data and the protocol used to exchange data between the client and the server. Depending on the exporter, the available protocols will be different. Currently, only Please mind that changing the protocol requires changing the port in the endpoint as well. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If proxy connection must be used. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set proxy username. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy password. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy port. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set proxy host. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the OTLP endpoint to send telemetry data. If unset, defaults to There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: If protocol is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key-value pairs to be used as headers associated with exporter requests. The format is similar to the There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the method used to compress payloads. If unset, compression is disabled. Currently supported compression methods include There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the maximum time to wait for the collector to process an exported batch of telemetry data. If unset, defaults to `OtlpExporterRuntimeConfig#DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS`s. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
OTLP defines the encoding of telemetry data and the protocol used to exchange data between the client and the server. Depending on the exporter, the available protocols will be different. Currently, only Please mind that changing the protocol requires changing the port in the endpoint as well. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If proxy connection must be used. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set proxy username. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy password. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy port. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set proxy host. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the OTLP endpoint to send telemetry data. If unset, defaults to There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: If protocol is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key-value pairs to be used as headers associated with exporter requests. The format is similar to the There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the method used to compress payloads. If unset, compression is disabled. Currently supported compression methods include There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the maximum time to wait for the collector to process an exported batch of telemetry data. If unset, defaults to `OtlpExporterRuntimeConfig#DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS`s. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
OTLP defines the encoding of telemetry data and the protocol used to exchange data between the client and the server. Depending on the exporter, the available protocols will be different. Currently, only Please mind that changing the protocol requires changing the port in the endpoint as well. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If proxy connection must be used. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set proxy username. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy password. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy port. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set proxy host. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The preferred output aggregation temporality. Options include DELTA, LOWMEMORY, and CUMULATIVE. If CUMULATIVE, all instruments will have cumulative temporality. If DELTA, counter (sync and async) and histograms will be delta, up down counters (sync and async) will be cumulative. If LOWMEMORY, sync counter and histograms will be delta, async counter and up down counters (sync and async) will be cumulative. Default is CUMULATIVE. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The preferred default histogram aggregation. Options include BASE2_EXPONENTIAL_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM and EXPLICIT_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM. Default is EXPLICIT_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the OTLP endpoint to send telemetry data. If unset, defaults to There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: If protocol is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Key-value pairs to be used as headers associated with exporter requests. The format is similar to the There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the method used to compress payloads. If unset, compression is disabled. Currently supported compression methods include There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
Sets the maximum time to wait for the collector to process an exported batch of telemetry data. If unset, defaults to `OtlpExporterRuntimeConfig#DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS`s. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
OTLP defines the encoding of telemetry data and the protocol used to exchange data between the client and the server. Depending on the exporter, the available protocols will be different. Currently, only Please mind that changing the protocol requires changing the port in the endpoint as well. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If proxy connection must be used. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set proxy username. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy password. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy port. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set proxy host. There is a generic property, that will apply to all signals and a signal specific one, following the pattern: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Picocli |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set this to false to use the
This property is intended to be used only in cases where an incompatible change in the picocli library causes problems in the build steps used to support GraalVM Native images. In such cases this property allows users to make the trade-off between fast build cycles with the older version of picocli, and temporarily accept slower build cycles with the latest version of picocli until the updated extension is available. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of bean annotated with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Quarkus - Vert.x GraphQL |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If GraphQL UI should be included every time. By default, this is only included when the application is running in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The path where GraphQL UI is available. The value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Quarkus Extension for Spring Cloud Config Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If enabled, will try to read the configuration from a Spring Cloud Config Server Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, the application will not stand up if it cannot obtain configuration from the Config Server Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Base URI where the Spring Cloud Config Server is available Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of the application on Spring Cloud Config server. Could be a list of names to load multiple files (value separated by a comma) Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The label to be used to pull remote configuration properties. The default is set on the Spring Cloud Config Server (generally "master" when the server uses a Git backend). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The amount of time to wait when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out. Specify Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for a read on a socket before an exception is thrown. Specify Environment variable: Show more |
The username to be used if the Config Server has BASIC Auth enabled Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password to be used if the Config Server has BASIC Auth enabled Environment variable: Show more |
string |
TrustStore to be used containing the SSL certificate used by the Config server Can be either a classpath resource or a file system path Environment variable: Show more |
path |
Password of TrustStore to be used containing the SSL certificate used by the Config server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
KeyStore to be used containing the SSL certificate for authentication with the Config server Can be either a classpath resource or a file system path Environment variable: Show more |
path |
Password of KeyStore to be used containing the SSL certificate for authentication with the Config server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password to recover key from KeyStore for SSL client authentication with the Config server If no value is provided, the key-store-password will be used Environment variable: Show more |
string |
When using HTTPS and no keyStore has been specified, whether to trust all certificates Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Custom headers to pass the Spring Cloud Config Server when performing the HTTP request Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The profiles to use for lookup Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Microprofile Config ordinal. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Quartz |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enable cluster mode or not. If enabled make sure to set the appropriate cluster properties. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The frequency (in milliseconds) at which the scheduler instance checks-in with other instances of the cluster. Ignored if using a Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The type of store to use. When using To create Quartz tables, you can perform a schema migration via the Flyway extension using a SQL script matching your database picked from Quartz repository. Environment variable: Show more |
The class name of the thread pool implementation to use. It’s important to bear in mind that Quartz threads are not used to execute scheduled methods, instead the regular Quarkus thread pool is used by default. See also Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the datasource to use. Ignored if using a Optionally needed when using the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The prefix for quartz job store tables. Ignored if using a Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The SQL string that selects a row in the "LOCKS" table and places a lock on the row. Ignored if using a If not set, the default value of Quartz applies, for which the "{0}" is replaced during run-time with the An example SQL string Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Allows users to specify fully qualified class name for a custom JDBC driver delegate. This property is optional and leaving it empty will result in Quarkus automatically choosing appropriate default driver delegate implementation. Note that any custom implementation has to be a subclass of existing Quarkus implementation such as Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Instructs JDBCJobStore to serialize JobDataMaps in the BLOB column. Ignored if using a If this is set to If this is set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the Quartz instance. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The identifier of Quartz instance that must be unique for all schedulers working as if they are the same logical Scheduler within a cluster. Use the default value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The amount of time in milliseconds that a trigger is allowed to be acquired and fired ahead of its scheduled fire time. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The maximum number of triggers that a scheduler node is allowed to acquire (for firing) at once. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The size of scheduler thread pool. This will initialize the number of worker threads in the pool. It’s important to bear in mind that Quartz threads are not used to execute scheduled methods, instead the regular Quarkus thread pool is used by default. See also Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Thread priority of worker threads in the pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Defines how late the schedulers should be to be considered misfired. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum amount of time Quarkus will wait for currently running jobs to finish. If the value is Environment variable: Show more |
The quartz misfire policy for this job. Environment variable: Show more |
The quartz misfire policy for this job. Environment variable: Show more |
Properties that should be passed on directly to Quartz. Use the full configuration property key here, for instance Properties set here are completely unsupported: as Quarkus doesn’t generally know about these properties and their purpose, there is absolutely no guarantee that they will work correctly, and even if they do, that may change when upgrading to a newer version of Quarkus (even just a micro/patch version). Consider using a supported configuration property before falling back to unsupported ones. If none exists, make sure to file a feature request so that a supported configuration property can be added to Quarkus, and more importantly so that the configuration property is tested regularly. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
When set to When this option is enabled, blocking scheduled methods do not run on a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The quartz misfire policy for this job. Environment variable: Show more |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Class name for the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The properties passed to the class. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Class name for the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The properties passed to the class. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Class name for the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The properties passed to the class. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Class name for the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
The properties passed to the class. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Qute |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The list of suffixes used when attempting to locate a template file. By default, Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The additional map of suffixes to content types. This map is used when working with template variants. By default, the Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The list of exclude rules used to intentionally ignore some parts of an expression when performing type-safe validation. An element value must have at least two parts separated by dot. The last part is used to match the property/method name. The prepended parts are used to match the class name. The value Examples:
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
This regular expression is used to exclude template files from the The matched input is the file path relative from the By default, the hidden files are excluded. The name of a hidden file starts with a dot. Environment variable: Show more |
The prefix is used to access the iteration metadata inside a loop section. A valid prefix consists of alphanumeric characters and underscores. Three special constants can be used:
By default, the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The list of content types for which the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The default charset of the templates files. Environment variable: Show more |
By default, a template modification results in an application restart that triggers build-time validations. This regular expression can be used to specify the templates for which the application is not restarted. I.e. the templates are reloaded and only runtime validations are performed. The matched input is the template path that starts with a template root, and the Environment variable: Show more |
By default, the rendering results of injected and type-safe templates are recorded in the managed Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The strategy used when a standalone expression evaluates to a "not found" value at runtime and the This strategy is never used when evaluating section parameters, e.g. By default, the Environment variable: Show more |
Specify whether the parser should remove standalone lines from the output. A standalone line is a line that contains at least one section tag, parameter declaration, or comment but no expression and no non-whitespace character. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to Note that the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The global rendering timeout in milliseconds. It is used if no Environment variable: Show more |
long |
If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Reactive datasource configuration |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If we create a Reactive datasource for this datasource. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether prepared statements should be cached on the client side. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The datasource URLs. If multiple values are set, this datasource will create a pool with a list of servers instead of a single server. The pool uses round-robin load balancing for server selection during connection establishment. Note that certain drivers might not accommodate multiple values in this context. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The datasource pool maximum size. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
When a new connection object is created, the pool assigns it an event loop. When Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether all server certificates should be trusted. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
PEM Trust config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
JKS config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PFX config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PEM Key/cert config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
JKS config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PFX config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The number of reconnection attempts when a pooled connection cannot be established on first try. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The interval between reconnection attempts when a pooled connection cannot be established on first try. Environment variable: Show more |
The hostname verification algorithm to use in case the server’s identity should be checked. Should be Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum time a connection remains unused in the pool before it is closed. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum time a connection remains in the pool, after which it will be closed upon return and replaced as necessary. Environment variable: Show more |
Set to true to share the pool among datasources. There can be multiple shared pools distinguished by name, when no specific name is set, the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the pool name, used when the pool is shared among datasources, otherwise ignored. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Other unspecified properties to be passed through the Reactive SQL Client directly to the database when new connections are initiated. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Reactive DB2 client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether SSL/TLS is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Reactive MS SQL client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The desired size (in bytes) for TDS packets. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether SSL/TLS is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Reactive MySQL client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Charset for connections. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Collation for connections. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Desired security state of the connection to the server. Environment variable: Show more |
Connection timeout in seconds Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The authentication plugin the client should use. By default, it uses the plugin name specified by the server in the initial handshake packet. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of inflight database commands that can be pipelined. By default, pipelining is disabled. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether to return the number of rows matched by the WHERE clause in UPDATE statements, instead of the number of rows actually changed. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Reactive Oracle client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Reactive PostgreSQL client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The maximum number of inflight database commands that can be pipelined. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
SSL operating mode of the client. Environment variable: Show more |
Level 7 proxies can load balance queries on several connections to the actual database. When it happens, the client can be confused by the lack of session affinity and unwanted errors can happen like ERROR: unnamed prepared statement does not exist (26000). See Using a level 7 proxy Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Redis Cache |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The name of the named Redis client to be used for communicating with Redis. If not set, use the default Redis client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The default type of the value stored in the cache. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key type, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry’s creation, or the most recent replacement of its value. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the last access of its value. Environment variable: Show more |
The key prefix allowing to identify the keys belonging to the cache. If not set, the value "`cache:{cache-name`}" will be used. The variable "`{cache-name`}" is resolved from the value set in the cache annotations. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the access to the cache should be using optimistic locking. See Redis Optimistic Locking for details. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set, the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Additional configuration applied to a specific Redis cache (highest precedence) |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The default type of the value stored in the cache. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key type, Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry’s creation, or the most recent replacement of its value. Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the last access of its value. Environment variable: Show more |
The key prefix allowing to identify the keys belonging to the cache. If not set, the value "`cache:{cache-name`}" will be used. The variable "`{cache-name`}" is resolved from the value set in the cache annotations. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the access to the cache should be using optimistic locking. See Redis Optimistic Locking for details. Default is Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set, the Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Redis Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
A list of files allowing to pre-load data into the Redis server. The file is formatted as follows:
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
When using Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When using Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Redis hosts to use while connecting to the Redis server. Only the cluster and sentinel modes will consider more than 1 element. The URI provided uses the following schema Environment variable: Show more |
list of URI |
The hosts provider bean name. It is the Used when Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum delay to wait before a blocking command to Redis server times out Environment variable: Show more |
The Redis client type. Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
The master name (only considered in the Sentinel mode). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The role name (only considered in the Sentinel mode). Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
Whether to use replicas nodes (only considered in Cluster mode and Replication mode). Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
The default password for Redis connections. If not set, it will try to extract the value from the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum size of the connection pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum waiting requests for a connection from the pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The duration indicating how often should the connection pool cleaner execute. Environment variable: Show more |
The timeout for unused connection recycling. Environment variable: Show more |
Sets how many handlers is the client willing to queue. The client will always work on pipeline mode, this means that messages can start queueing. Using this configuration option, you can control how much backlog you’re willing to accept. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Tune how much nested arrays are allowed on a Redis response. This affects the parser performance. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of reconnection attempts when a pooled connection cannot be established on first try. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The interval between reconnection attempts when a pooled connection cannot be established on first try. Environment variable: Show more |
Should the client perform Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The preferred protocol version to be used during protocol negotiation. When not set, defaults to RESP 3. When protocol negotiation is disabled, this setting has no effect. Environment variable: Show more |
The TTL of the hash slot cache. A hash slot cache is used by the clustered Redis client to prevent constantly sending This setting is only meaningful in case of a clustered Redis client and has no effect otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether automatic failover is enabled. This only makes sense for sentinel clients with role of If enabled, the sentinel client will additionally create a connection to one sentinel node and watch for failover events. When new master is elected, all connections to the old master are automatically closed and new connections to the new master are created. Automatic failover makes sense for connections executing regular commands, but not for connections used to subscribe to Redis pub/sub channels. Note that there is a brief period of time between the old master failing and the new master being elected when the existing connections will temporarily fail all operations. After the new master is elected, the connections will automatically fail over and start working again. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
How the Redis topology is obtained. By default, the topology is discovered automatically. This is the only mode for the clustered and sentinel client. For replication client, topology may be set statically. In case of a static topology for replication Redis client, the first node in the list is considered a master and the remaining nodes in the list are considered replicas. Environment variable: Show more |
The client name used to identify the connection. If the If the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether it should set the client name while connecting with Redis. This is necessary because Redis only accepts This property can be used with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from If no TLS configuration name is set then, The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A list of files allowing to pre-load data into the Redis server. The file is formatted as follows:
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
When using Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When using Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Redis hosts to use while connecting to the Redis server. Only the cluster and sentinel modes will consider more than 1 element. The URI provided uses the following schema Environment variable: Show more |
list of URI |
The hosts provider bean name. It is the Used when Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum delay to wait before a blocking command to Redis server times out Environment variable: Show more |
The Redis client type. Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
The master name (only considered in the Sentinel mode). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The role name (only considered in the Sentinel mode). Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
Whether to use replicas nodes (only considered in Cluster mode and Replication mode). Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
The default password for Redis connections. If not set, it will try to extract the value from the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The maximum size of the connection pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum waiting requests for a connection from the pool. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The duration indicating how often should the connection pool cleaner execute. Environment variable: Show more |
The timeout for unused connection recycling. Environment variable: Show more |
Sets how many handlers is the client willing to queue. The client will always work on pipeline mode, this means that messages can start queueing. Using this configuration option, you can control how much backlog you’re willing to accept. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Tune how much nested arrays are allowed on a Redis response. This affects the parser performance. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of reconnection attempts when a pooled connection cannot be established on first try. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The interval between reconnection attempts when a pooled connection cannot be established on first try. Environment variable: Show more |
Should the client perform Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The preferred protocol version to be used during protocol negotiation. When not set, defaults to RESP 3. When protocol negotiation is disabled, this setting has no effect. Environment variable: Show more |
The TTL of the hash slot cache. A hash slot cache is used by the clustered Redis client to prevent constantly sending This setting is only meaningful in case of a clustered Redis client and has no effect otherwise. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether automatic failover is enabled. This only makes sense for sentinel clients with role of If enabled, the sentinel client will additionally create a connection to one sentinel node and watch for failover events. When new master is elected, all connections to the old master are automatically closed and new connections to the new master are created. Automatic failover makes sense for connections executing regular commands, but not for connections used to subscribe to Redis pub/sub channels. Note that there is a brief period of time between the old master failing and the new master being elected when the existing connections will temporarily fail all operations. After the new master is elected, the connections will automatically fail over and start working again. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
How the Redis topology is obtained. By default, the topology is discovered automatically. This is the only mode for the clustered and sentinel client. For replication client, topology may be set statically. In case of a static topology for replication Redis client, the first node in the list is considered a master and the remaining nodes in the list are considered replicas. Environment variable: Show more |
The client name used to identify the connection. If the If the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether it should set the client name while connecting with Redis. This is necessary because Redis only accepts This property can be used with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from If no TLS configuration name is set then, The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start a database when running in Dev or Test mode and when Docker is running. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The container image name to use, for container based DevServices providers. If you want to use Redis Stack modules (bloom, graph, search…), use: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Indicates if the Redis server managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Redis starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Redis servers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start a database when running in Dev or Test mode and when Docker is running. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The container image name to use, for container based DevServices providers. If you want to use Redis Stack modules (bloom, graph, search…), use: Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Indicates if the Redis server managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Redis starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Redis servers. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
boolean |
Sets the list of application-layer protocols to provide to the server during the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Set the idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the connect timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set a list of remote hosts that are not proxied when the client is configured to use a proxy. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Set proxy username. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy port. Defaults to 3128. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set proxy host. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy type. Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
Set the read idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the TCP receive buffer size. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the value of reconnect attempts. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the reconnect interval. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether to reuse the address. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to reuse the port. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the TCP send buffer size. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the Environment variable: Show more |
Enable the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set whether keep alive is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set whether no delay is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the value of traffic class. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the write idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the local interface to bind for network connections. When the local address is null, it will pick any local address, the default local address is null. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether SSL/TLS is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable trusting all certificates. Disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
PEM Trust config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
JKS config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PFX config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PEM Key/cert config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
JKS config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PFX config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The hostname verification algorithm to use in case the server’s identity should be checked. Should be If set to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set the ALPN usage. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the list of application-layer protocols to provide to the server during the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Set the idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the connect timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set a list of remote hosts that are not proxied when the client is configured to use a proxy. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Set proxy username. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy port. Defaults to 3128. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set proxy host. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set proxy type. Accepted values are: Environment variable: Show more |
Set the read idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the TCP receive buffer size. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the value of reconnect attempts. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the reconnect interval. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether to reuse the address. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to reuse the port. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the TCP send buffer size. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the Environment variable: Show more |
Enable the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set whether keep alive is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set whether no delay is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the value of traffic class. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the write idle timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the local interface to bind for network connections. When the local address is null, it will pick any local address, the default local address is null. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether SSL/TLS is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable trusting all certificates. Disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
PEM Trust config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
JKS config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PFX config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PEM Key/cert config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
JKS config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PFX config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The hostname verification algorithm to use in case the server’s identity should be checked. Should be If set to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set this to define the application path that serves as the base URI for all JAX-RS resource URIs provided by This value is always resolved relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The amount of memory that can be used to buffer input before switching to blocking IO. Environment variable: Show more |
The size of the chunks of memory allocated when writing data. This is a very advanced setting that should only be set if you understand exactly how it affects the output IO operations of the application. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The size of the output stream response buffer. If a response is larger than this and no content-length is provided then the request will be chunked. Larger values may give slight performance increases for large responses, at the expense of more memory usage. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
By default, we assume a default produced media type of "text/plain" for String endpoint return types. If this is disabled, the default produced media type will be "[text/plain, */*]" which is more expensive due to negotiation. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
When one of the quarkus-rest-jackson or quarkus-rest-jsonb extension are active and the result type of an endpoint is an application class or one of Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether annotations such Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether duplicate endpoints should trigger error at startup Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
An advanced option that can be set when they RESTEasy Reactive should NOT reply with 404 when it does not match the URL path and instead just pass control onto the next Vert.x handler (if any) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If true, the extension will automatically remove the trailing slash in the paths if any. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Default charset. Environment variable: Show more |
if set to true, access to all JAX-RS resources will be denied by default Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If no security annotations are affecting a method then they will default to requiring these roles, (equivalent to adding an @RolesAllowed annotation with the roles to every endpoint class). The role of '**' means any authenticated user, which is equivalent to the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
REST - Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention Filter |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If filter is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Form field name which keeps a CSRF token. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Token header which can provide a CSRF token. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CSRF cookie name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CSRF cookie max age. Environment variable: Show more |
CSRF cookie path. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
CSRF cookie domain. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If enabled the CSRF cookie will have its 'secure' parameter set to 'true' when HTTP is used. It may be necessary when running behind an SSL terminating reverse proxy. The cookie will always be secure if HTTPS is used even if this property is set to false. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the HttpOnly attribute to prevent access to the cookie via JavaScript. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Create CSRF token only if the HTTP GET relative request path matches one of the paths configured with this property. Use a comma to separate multiple path values. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Random CSRF token size in bytes. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
CSRF token HMAC signature key, if this key is set then it must be at least 32 characters long. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Verify CSRF token in the CSRF filter. If you prefer then you can disable this property and compare CSRF form and cookie parameters in the application code using JAX-RS which refers to the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Require that only 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'multipart/form-data' body is accepted for the token verification to proceed. Disable this property for the CSRF filter to avoid verifying the token for POST requests with other content types. This property is only effective if Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
REST - Jackson |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enable build time generation of reflection-free Jackson serializers. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
REST - Qute |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
REST Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
By default, RESTEasy Reactive uses text/plain content type for String values and application/json for everything else. MicroProfile Rest Client spec requires the implementations to always default to application/json. This build item disables the "smart" behavior of RESTEasy Reactive to comply to the spec Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether providers (filters, etc.) annotated with Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
REST Client - OpenID Connect Filter |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Name of the configured OidcClient used by the OidcClientRequestReactiveFilter. You can override this configuration for individual MP RestClients with the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
REST Client - OpenID Connect Token Propagation |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If the OIDC Token Reactive Propagation is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the token propagation is enabled during the For example, you may need to use a REST client from Note, this feature relies on a duplicated context. More information about Vert.x duplicated context can be found in this guide. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Exchange the current token with OpenId Connect Provider for a new token using either "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange" or "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" token grant before propagating it. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of the configured OidcClient. Note this property is only used if the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
REST Clients Config |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If true, the extension will automatically remove the trailing slash in the paths if any. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Mode in which the form data are encoded. Possible values are By default, Rest Client Reactive uses RFC1738. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A string value in the form of Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Proxy username, equivalent to the http.proxy or https.proxy JVM settings. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Proxy password, equivalent to the http.proxyPassword or https.proxyPassword JVM settings. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Hosts to access without proxy, similar to the http.nonProxyHosts or https.nonProxyHosts JVM settings. Please note that unlike the JVM settings, this property is empty by default. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A timeout in milliseconds that REST clients should wait to connect to the remote endpoint. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
A timeout in milliseconds that REST clients should wait for a response from the remote endpoint. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
If true, the REST clients will not provide additional contextual information (like REST client class and method names) when exception occurs during a client invocation. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Default configuration for the HTTP user-agent header to use in all REST clients. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The HTTP headers that should be applied to all requests of the rest client. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The class name of the host name verifier. The class must have a public no-argument constructor. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The time in ms for which a connection remains unused in the connection pool before being evicted and closed. A timeout of Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The size of the connection pool for this client. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If set to false disables the keep alive completely. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of redirection a request can follow. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
A boolean value used to determine whether the client should follow HTTP redirect responses. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Fully-qualified provider classnames to include in the client. The equivalent of the Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The CDI scope to use for injections of REST client instances. Value can be either a fully qualified class name of a CDI scope annotation (such as "jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped") or its simple name (such as"ApplicationScoped"). Default scope for the rest-client extension is "Dependent" (which is the spec-compliant behavior). Default scope for the rest-client-reactive extension is "ApplicationScoped". Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An enumerated type string value with possible values of "MULTI_PAIRS" (default), "COMMA_SEPARATED", or "ARRAY_PAIRS" that specifies the format in which multiple values for the same query parameter is used. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
Set whether hostname verification is enabled. Default is enabled. This setting should not be disabled in production as it makes the client vulnerable to MITM attacks. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The trust store location. Can point to either a classpath resource or a file. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The trust store password. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The type of the trust store. Defaults to "JKS". Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key store location. Can point to either a classpath resource or a file. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key store password. Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The type of the key store. Defaults to "JKS". Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( If no TLS configuration is set, then the keys-tore, trust-store, etc. properties will be used. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this is true then HTTP/2 will be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The max HTTP chunk size (8096 bytes by default). Can be overwritten by client-specific settings. Environment variable: Show more |
If the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation is enabled, the client will negotiate which protocol to use over the protocols exposed by the server. By default, it will try to use HTTP/2 first and if it’s not enabled, it will use HTTP/1.1. When the property Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Scope of logging for the client.
This property is applicable to reactive REST clients only. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
How many characters of the body should be logged. Message body can be large and can easily pollute the logs. By default, set to 100. This property is applicable to reactive REST clients only. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The CDI scope to use for injection. This property can contain either a fully qualified class name of a CDI scope annotation (such as "jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped") or its simple name (such as "ApplicationScoped"). By default, this is not set which means the interface is not registered as a bean unless it is annotated with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true, then Quarkus will ensure that all calls from the REST client go through a local proxy server (that is managed by Quarkus). This can be very useful for capturing network traffic to a service that uses HTTPS. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client, only the Quarkus REST client (formerly RESTEasy Reactive client). This property only applicable to dev and test mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
This setting is used to select which proxy provider to use if there are multiple ones. It only applies if The algorithm for picking between multiple provider is the following:
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If true, the extension will automatically remove the trailing slash in the paths if any. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The base URL to use for this service. This property or the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The base URI to use for this service. This property or the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
This property is only meant to be set by advanced configurations to override whatever value was set for the uri or url. The override is done using the REST Client class name configuration syntax. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client, only the Quarkus Rest client (formerly RESTEasy Reactive client). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Map where keys are fully-qualified provider classnames to include in the client, and values are their integer priorities. The equivalent of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Timeout specified in milliseconds to wait to connect to the remote endpoint. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
Timeout specified in milliseconds to wait for a response from the remote endpoint. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
A boolean value used to determine whether the client should follow HTTP redirect responses. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Mode in which the form data are encoded. Possible values are By default, Rest Client Reactive uses RFC1738. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A string value in the form of Use Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Proxy username. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Proxy password. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Hosts to access without proxy This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
An enumerated type string value with possible values of "MULTI_PAIRS" (default), "COMMA_SEPARATED", or "ARRAY_PAIRS" that specifies the format in which multiple values for the same query parameter is used. Environment variable: Show more |
Set whether hostname verification is enabled. Default is enabled. This setting should not be disabled in production as it makes the client vulnerable to MITM attacks. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The trust store location. Can point to either a classpath resource or a file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The trust store password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The type of the trust store. Defaults to "JKS". Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key store location. Can point to either a classpath resource or a file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key store password. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The type of the key store. Defaults to "JKS". Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The class name of the host name verifier. The class must have a public no-argument constructor. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If not set and the default TLS configuration is configured ( If no TLS configuration is set, then the keys-tore, trust-store, etc. properties will be used. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The time in ms for which a connection remains unused in the connection pool before being evicted and closed. A timeout of Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The size of the connection pool for this client. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If set to false disables the keep alive completely. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of redirection a request can follow. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The HTTP headers that should be applied to all requests of the rest client. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Set to true to share the HTTP client between REST clients. There can be multiple shared clients distinguished by name, when no specific name is set, the name This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the HTTP client name, used when the client is shared, otherwise ignored. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Configure the HTTP user-agent header to use. This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this is true then HTTP/2 will be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The max HTTP chunk size (8096 bytes by default). This property is not applicable to the RESTEasy Client. Environment variable: Show more |
If the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation is enabled, the client will negotiate which protocol to use over the protocols exposed by the server. By default, it will try to use HTTP/2 first and if it’s not enabled, it will use HTTP/1.1. When the property Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Scope of logging for the client.
This property is applicable to reactive REST clients only. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
How many characters of the body should be logged. Message body can be large and can easily pollute the logs. By default, set to 100. This property is applicable to reactive REST clients only. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
REST Kotlin Serialization |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Removes JSON specification restriction on special floating-point values such as Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables structured objects to be serialized as map keys by changing serialized form of the map from JSON object (key-value pairs) to flat array like Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of the class descriptor property for polymorphic serialization. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables coercing incorrect JSON values to the default property value in the following cases: 1. JSON value is Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies whether default values of Kotlin properties should be encoded. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies whether When this flag is disabled properties with
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies whether encounters of unknown properties in the input JSON should be ignored instead of throwing [SerializationException]. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Removes JSON specification restriction (RFC-4627) and makes parser more liberal to the malformed input. In lenient mode quoted boolean literals, and unquoted string literals are allowed. Its relaxations can be expanded in the future, so that lenient parser becomes even more permissive to invalid value in the input, replacing them with defaults. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies whether resulting JSON should be pretty-printed. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies indent string to use with [prettyPrint] mode Environment variable: Show more |
string |
` ` |
Specifies whether Json instance makes use of [JsonNames] annotation. Disabling this flag when one does not use [JsonNames] at all may sometimes result in better performance, particularly when a large count of fields is skipped with [ignoreUnknownKeys]. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Switches polymorphic serialization to the default array format. This is an option for legacy JSON format and should not be generally used. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies the
This element can be one of two things:
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Specifies if the enum values should be decoded case insensitively. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies if trailing comma is allowed. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Allows parser to accept C/Java-style comments in JSON input. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
RESTEasy Classic |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The size of the output stream response buffer. If a response is larger than this and no content-length is provided then the request will be chunked. Larger values may give slight performance increases for large responses, at the expense of more memory usage. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If gzip is enabled Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Maximum deflated file bytes size If the limit is exceeded, Resteasy will return Response with status 413("Request Entity Too Large") Environment variable: Show more |
If this is true (the default) then JSON is set to the default media type. If a method has no produces/consumes and there is no builtin provider than can handle the type then we will assume the response should be JSON. Note that this will only take effect if a JSON provider has been installed, such as quarkus-resteasy-jsonb or quarkus-resteasy-jackson. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
if set to true, access to all JAX-RS resources will be denied by default Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If no security annotations are affecting a method then they will default to requiring these roles, (equivalent to adding an @RolesAllowed annotation with the roles to every endpoint class). The role of '**' means any authenticated user, which is equivalent to the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
RESTEasy Classic - Server common |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If this is true then JAX-RS will use only a single instance of a resource class to service all requests. If this is false then it will create a new instance of the resource per request. If the resource class has an explicit CDI scope annotation then the value of this annotation will always be used to control the lifecycle of the resource class. IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set this to override the default path for JAX-RS resources if there are no annotated application classes. This path is specified with a leading
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Ignore all explicit JAX-RS Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether annotations such Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
RESTEasy Classic Multipart |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Default charset. Note that the default value is UTF-8 which is different from RESTEasy’s default value US-ASCII. Environment variable: Show more |
The default content-type. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
RESTEasy Client - OpenID Connect Filter |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enable OidcClientRequestFilter for all the injected MP RestClient implementations. If this property is disabled then OidcClientRequestFilter has to be registered as an MP RestClient provider. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of the configured OidcClient used by the OidcClientRequestFilter. You can override this configuration for individual MP RestClient with the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
RESTEasy Client - OpenID Connect Token Propagation |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If the OIDC Token Propagation is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the token propagation is enabled during the For example, you may need to use a REST client from Note, this feature relies on a duplicated context. More information about Vert.x duplicated context can be found in this guide. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable either AccessTokenRequestFilter or JsonWebTokenRequestFilter for all the injected MP RestClient implementations. AccessTokenRequestFilter can propagate both opaque (binary) and JsonWebToken tokens but it can not modify and secure the updated JsonWebToken tokens. JsonWebTokenRequestFilter can only propagate JsonWebToken tokens but it can also modify and secure them again. Enable the 'jsonWebToken' property to have JsonWebTokenRequestFilter registered. Alternatively, instead of using this property for registering these filters with all the injected MP RestClient implementations, both filters can be registered as MP RestClient providers with the specific MP RestClient implementations. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable JsonWebTokenRequestFilter instead of AccessTokenRequestFilter for all the injected MP RestClient implementations. This filter can propagate as well as modify and secure the updated JsonWebToken tokens. Note this property is ignored unless the 'registerFilter' property is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Secure the injected and possibly modified JsonWebToken. For example, a JsonWebToken produced and signed by OpenId Connect provider can be re-signed using a new private key. Note this property is injected into JsonWebTokenRequestFilter. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Exchange the current token with OpenId Connect Provider for a new token using either "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange" or "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" token grant before propagating it. Note this property is injected into AccessTokenRequestFilter. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Name of the configured OidcClient. Note this property is injected into AccessTokenRequestFilter and is only used if the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Scheduler |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The syntax used in CRON expressions. Environment variable: Show more |
Scheduled task metrics will be enabled if a metrics extension is present and this value is true. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Controls whether tracing is enabled. If set to true and the OpenTelemetry extension is present, tracing will be enabled, creating automatic Spans for each scheduled task. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
By default, only one Scheduler implementations will be started depending on the value of Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If schedulers are enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Scheduled task will be flagged as overdue if next execution time is exceeded by this period. Environment variable: Show more |
Scheduler can be started in different modes. By default, the scheduler is not started unless a Environment variable: Show more |
Schema Registry - DevService |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If Dev Services for Apicurio Registry has been explicitly enabled or disabled. Dev Services are generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. For Apicurio Registry, Dev Services starts a registry unless Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The Apicurio Registry image to use. Note that only Apicurio Registry 2.x images are supported. Specifically, the image repository must end with Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Indicates if the Apicurio Registry instance managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Apicurio Registry starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Apicurio Registry instances. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Environment variables that are passed to the container. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Security |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether authorization is enabled in dev mode or not. In other launch modes authorization is always enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
List of security providers to register Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Security provider configuration Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
If set to true, access to all methods of beans that have any security annotations on other members will be denied by default. E.g. if enabled, in the following bean,
Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether security events should be fired. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Security Jakarta Persistence |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Selects the Hibernate ORM persistence unit. Default persistence unit is used when no value is specified. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Security WebAuthn |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If the WebAuthn extension is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The origins of the application. The origin is basically protocol, host and port. If you are calling WebAuthn API while your application is located at Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Authenticator Transports allowed by the application. Authenticators can interact with the user web browser through several transports. Applications may want to restrict the transport protocols for extra security hardening reasons. By default, all transports should be allowed. If your application is to be used by mobile phone users, you may want to restrict only the
Environment variable: Show more |
list of |
The id (or domain name of your server, as obtained from the first entry of Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A user friendly name for your server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Kind of Authenticator Attachment allowed. Authenticators can connect to your device in two forms:
For security reasons your application may choose to restrict to a specific attachment mode. If omitted, then any mode is permitted. Environment variable: Show more |
Load the FIDO metadata for verification. See Only useful for attestations different from Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Resident key required. A resident (private) key, is a key that cannot leave your authenticator device, this means that you cannot reuse the authenticator to log into a second computer. Environment variable: Show more |
User Verification requirements. Webauthn applications may choose
Environment variable: Show more |
User presence requirements. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Non-negative User Verification timeout. Authentication must occur within the timeout, this will prevent the user browser from being blocked with a pop-up required user verification, and the whole ceremony must be completed within the timeout period. After the timeout, any previously issued challenge is automatically invalidated. Environment variable: Show more |
Device Attestation Preference. During registration, applications may want to attest the device. Attestation is a cryptographic verification of the authenticator hardware. Attestation implies that the privacy of the users may be exposed and browsers might override the desired configuration on the user’s behalf. Valid values are:
Environment variable: Show more |
Allowed Public Key Credential algorithms by preference order. Webauthn mandates that all authenticators must support at least the following 2 algorithms: Environment variable: Show more |
list of |
Length of the challenges exchanged between the application and the browser. Challenges must be at least 32 bytes. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The login page Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The inactivity (idle) timeout When inactivity timeout is reached, cookie is not renewed and a new login is enforced. Environment variable: Show more |
How old a cookie can get before it will be replaced with a new cookie with an updated timeout, also referred to as "renewal-timeout". Note that smaller values will result in slightly more server load (as new encrypted cookies will be generated more often); however, larger values affect the inactivity timeout because the timeout is set when a cookie is generated. For example if this is set to 10 minutes, and the inactivity timeout is 30m, if a user’s last request is when the cookie is 9m old then the actual timeout will happen 21m after the last request because the timeout is only refreshed when a new cookie is generated. That is, no timeout is tracked on the server side; the timestamp is encoded and encrypted in the cookie itself, and it is decrypted and parsed with each request. Environment variable: Show more |
The cookie that is used to store the persistent session Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The cookie that is used to store the challenge data during login/registration Environment variable: Show more |
string |
SameSite attribute for the session cookie. Environment variable: Show more |
The cookie path for the session cookies. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Max-Age attribute for the session cookie. This is the amount of time the browser will keep the cookie. The default value is empty, which means the cookie will be kept until the browser is closed. Environment variable: Show more |
Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SmallRye Fault Tolerance |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether fault tolerance strategies are enabled. Note that Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether fault tolerance metrics are enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether SmallRye Fault Tolerance should be compatible with the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the method to call before retrying. The method belongs to the same class as the guarded method. The method must have no parameters and return Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the method to call on fallback. The method belongs to the same class as the guarded method. The method must have a signature matching the signature of the guarded method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The class of the Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of concurrent invocations. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of queued asynchronous invocations. Asynchronous invocations are queued when the number of concurrent invocations in progress has already reached the maximum. Synchronous invocations are not queued at all and are rejected immediately. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The delay after which an open circuit breaker will move to half-open. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
The exception types that are considered failures. Environment variable: Show more |
list of Class |
The ratio of failures within the rolling window that will move a closed circuit breaker to open. Environment variable: Show more |
double |
The size of the circuit breaker rolling window. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The exception types that are not considered failures. Takes priority over Environment variable: Show more |
list of Class |
The number of successful executions that move a half-open circuit breaker to closed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The class of the Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The multiplicative factor used when determining a delay between two retries. A delay is computed as Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum delay between retries. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The exception types that are considered failures and hence should trigger fallback. Environment variable: Show more |
list of Class |
The exception types that are not considered failures and hence should not trigger fallback. Takes priority over Environment variable: Show more |
list of Class |
The class of the Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum delay between retries. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Minimum time between two consecutive invocations. If the time between two consecutive invocations is shorter, the second invocation is rejected. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
The type of type windows used for rate limiting. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of invocations in a time window. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The time window length. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The exception types that are not considered failures and hence should not be retried. Takes priority over Environment variable: Show more |
list of Class |
The delay between retry attempts. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum jitter to apply for the delay between retry attempts. The actual delay will be in the interval Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum duration for which to retry. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum number of retry attempts. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The exception types that are considered failures and hence should be retried. Environment variable: Show more |
list of Class |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Class of the predicate that will be used to determine whether the invocation should be retried if the guarded method has thrown an exception. Environment variable: Show more |
Class of the predicate that will be used to determine whether the invocation should be retried if the guarded method has returned a result. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The unit for Environment variable: Show more |
The timeout to enforce. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
SmallRye GraphQL |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The rootPath under which queries will be served. Default to graphql By default, this value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable Apollo Federation. If this value is unspecified, then federation will be enabled automatically if any GraphQL Federation annotations are detected in the application. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable batch resolving for federation. Disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable metrics. By default, this is false. If set to true, a metrics extension is required. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable tracing. By default, this will be enabled if the tracing extension is added. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable eventing. Allow you to receive events on bootstrap and execution. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable non-blocking support. Default is true. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable GET Requests. Allow queries via HTTP GET. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable Query parameter on POST Requests. Allow POST request to override or supply values in a query parameter. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Change the type naming strategy. All possible strategies are: default, merge-inner-class, full Environment variable: Show more |
string |
List of extension fields that should be included in the error response. By default, none will be included. Examples of valid values include [exception,classification,code,description,validationErrorType,queryPath] Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The default error message that will be used for hidden exception messages. Defaults to "Server Error" Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Print the data fetcher exception to the log file. Default Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Make the schema available over HTTP. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Include the Scalar definitions in the schema. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Include the schema internal definition in the schema. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Include Directives in the schema. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Include Introspection Types in the schema. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Log the payload (and optionally variables) to System out. Environment variable: Show more |
Exceptions that should be unwrapped (class names). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Subprotocols that should be supported by the server for graphql-over-websocket use cases. Allowed subprotocols are "graphql-ws" and "graphql-transport-ws". By default, both are enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Set to true if ignored chars should be captured as AST nodes. Default to false Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set to true if `graphql.language.Comment`s should be captured as AST nodes Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set to true true if `graphql.language.SourceLocation`s should be captured as AST nodes. Default to true Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of raw tokens the parser will accept, after which an exception will be thrown. Default to 15000 Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of raw whitespace tokens the parser will accept, after which an exception will be thrown. Default to 200000 Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Abort a query if the total number of data fields queried exceeds the defined limit. Default to no limit Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Abort a query if the total depth of the query exceeds the defined limit. Default to no limit Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Additional scalars to register in the schema. These are taken from the Environment variable: Show more |
list of |
If GraphQL UI should be enabled. By default, GraphQL UI is enabled if it is included (see Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specifies the field visibility for the GraphQL schema. This configuration item allows you to define comma-separated list of patterns (GraphQLType.GraphQLField). These patterns are used to determine which fields should be excluded from the schema. Special value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Excludes all the 'null' fields in the GraphQL response’s Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
List of Runtime Exceptions class names that should show the error message. By default, Runtime Exception messages will be hidden and a generic Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
List of Checked Exceptions class names that should hide the error message. By default, Checked Exception messages will show the exception message. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The path where GraphQL UI is available. The value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Always include the UI. By default, this will only be included in dev and test. Setting this to true will also include the UI in Prod Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SmallRye GraphQL Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Configuration item to enable build-time scanning in Quarkus for generating typesafe GraphQL client models. If true, build-time scanning is enabled. By default, it is true. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The URL location of the target GraphQL service. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
HTTP headers to add when communicating with the target GraphQL service. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
WebSocket subprotocols that should be supported by this client for running GraphQL operations over websockets. Allowed values are: - Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
If true, then queries and mutations will run over the websocket transport rather than pure HTTP. Off by default, because it has higher overhead. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Maximum time in milliseconds that will be allowed to wait for the server to acknowledge a websocket connection (send a subprotocol-specific ACK message). Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Hostname of the proxy to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Port number of the proxy to use. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Username for the proxy to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password for the proxy to use. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Maximum number of redirects to follow. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Additional payload sent on websocket initialization. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Allowing unexpected fields in response. If true, there will be warning log of an unexpected field. Else it throws an error. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the TLS configuration (bucket) used for client authentication in the TLS registry. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
SmallRye Health |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Activate or disable this extension. Disabling this extension means that no health related information is exposed. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether extensions published health check should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to include the Liveness and Readiness Health endpoints in the generated OpenAPI document Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Root path for health-checking endpoints. By default, this value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path of the liveness health-checking endpoint. By default, this value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path of the readiness health-checking endpoint. By default, this value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path of the health group endpoint. By default, this value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path of the wellness health-checking endpoint. By default, this value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The relative path of the startup health-checking endpoint. By default, this value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether the context should be propagated to each health check invocation. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The number of the maximum health groups that can be created. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The name of the default health group used when no other health group is defined on the health check. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If management interface is turned on the health endpoints and ui will be published under the management interface. This allows you to exclude Health from management by setting the value to false Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specify the reported DOWN responses should be aligned with RFC 9457 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Health UI should be enabled. By default, Health UI is enabled if it is included (see Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Additional top-level properties to be included in the resulting JSON object. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Whether the HealthCheck should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The path where Health UI is available. The value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Always include the UI. By default, this will only be included in dev and test. Setting this to true will also include the UI in Prod Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SmallRye JWT |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The MP-JWT configuration object Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enable this property if fetching the remote keys can be a time-consuming operation. Do not enable it if you use the local keys. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Always create HTTP 401 challenge, even for requests containing no authentication credentials. JWT authentication mechanism will return HTTP 401 when an authentication challenge is required. However if it is used alongside one of the interactive authentication mechanisms then returning HTTP 401 to the users accessing the application from a browser may not be desired. If you prefer you can request that JWT authentication mechanism does not create a challenge in such cases by setting this property to 'true'. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SmallRye Metrics |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The path to the metrics handler. By default, this value will be resolved as a path relative to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Whether metrics published by Quarkus extensions should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Apply Micrometer compatibility mode, where instead of regular 'base' and 'vendor' metrics, Quarkus exposes the same 'jvm' metrics that Micrometer does. Application metrics are unaffected by this mode. The use case is to facilitate migration from Micrometer-based metrics, because original dashboards for JVM metrics will continue working without having to rewrite them. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether detailed JAX-RS metrics should be enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
SmallRye OpenAPI |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The path at which to register the OpenAPI Servlet. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, the generated OpenAPI schema documents will be stored here on build. Both openapi.json and openapi.yaml will be stored here if this is set. Environment variable: Show more |
path |
The name of the file in case it is being stored. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Do not run the filter only at startup, but every time the document is requested (dynamic). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Do not include the provided static openapi document (eg. META-INF/openapi.yaml) Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If management interface is turned on the openapi schema document will be published under the management interface. This allows you to exclude OpenAPI from management by setting the value to false Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
A list of local directories that should be scanned for yaml and/or json files to be included in the static model. Example: Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
Add a certain SecurityScheme with config Environment variable: Show more |
Add a Security Scheme name to the generated OpenAPI document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add a description to the Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add one or more extensions to the security scheme Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
This will automatically add the security requirement to all methods/classes that has a Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
This will automatically add tags to operations based on the Java class name. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
This will automatically add a summary to operations based on the Java method name. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Setting it to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
This will automatically add security based on the security extension included (if any). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Required when using Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Required when using Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add a scheme value to the Basic HTTP Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add a scheme value to the JWT Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add a bearer format the JWT Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add a scheme value to the OAuth2 opaque token Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add a scheme value to OAuth2 opaque token Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add a openIdConnectUrl value to the OIDC Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add a implicit flow refreshUrl value to the OAuth2 Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add an implicit flow authorizationUrl value to the OAuth2 Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Add an implicit flow tokenUrl value to the OAuth2 Security Scheme Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Override the openapi version in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the title in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the version in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the description in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the terms of the service in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the contact email in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the contact name in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the contact url in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the license name in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the license url in Info tag in the Schema document Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the strategy to automatically create an operation Id Environment variable: Show more |
Enable the openapi endpoint. By default it’s enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Specify the list of global servers that provide connectivity information Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
SmallRye Stork |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Configures the service discovery type, e.g. "consul". ServiceDiscoveryProvider for the type has to be available Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
ServiceDiscovery parameters. Check the documentation of the selected service discovery type for available parameters. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Configures load balancer type, e.g. "round-robin". A LoadBalancerProvider for the type has to be available Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Load Balancer parameters. Check the documentation of the selected load balancer type for available parameters Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Configures service registrar type, e.g. "consul". A ServiceRegistrarProvider for the type has to be available Environment variable: Show more |
string |
required |
Service Registrar parameters. Check the documentation of the selected registrar type for available parameters Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
Spring - DI |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Whether Spring DI is enabled **during the build**. Turning this setting off will result in Quarkus completely ignoring beans annotated with Spring annotations Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Spring Boot - Properties |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The naming strategy used for Environment variable: Show more |
Swagger UI |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The path where Swagger UI is available. The value Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If this should be included every time. By default, this is only included when the application is running in dev mode. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The urls that will be included as options. By default, the OpenAPI path will be used. Here you can override that and supply multiple urls that will appear in the TopBar plugin. Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
If urls option is used, this will be the name of the default selection. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The html title for the page. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Swagger UI theme to be used. Environment variable: Show more |
A footer for the html page. Nothing by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true, enables deep linking for tags and operations. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Controls the display of operationId in operations list. The default is false. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The default expansion depth for models (set to -1 completely hide the models). Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The default expansion depth for the model on the model-example section. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Controls how the model is shown when the API is first rendered. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Controls the display of the request duration (in milliseconds) for "Try it out" requests. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Controls the default expansion setting for the operations and tags. Environment variable: Show more |
If set, enables filtering. The top bar will show an edit box that you can use to filter the tagged operations that are shown. Can be Boolean to enable or disable, or a string, in which case filtering will be enabled using that string as the filter expression. Filtering is case-sensitive matching the filter expression anywhere inside the tag. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, limits the number of tagged operations displayed to at most this many. The default is to show all operations. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Apply a sort to the operation list of each API. It can be 'alpha' (sort by paths alphanumerically), 'method' (sort by HTTP method) or a function (see Array.prototype.sort() to know how sort function works). Default is the order returned by the server unchanged. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Controls the display of vendor extension (x-) fields and values for Operations, Parameters, and Schema. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Controls the display of extensions (pattern, maxLength, minLength, maximum, minimum) fields and values for Parameters. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Apply a sort to the tag list of each API. It can be 'alpha' (sort by paths alphanumerically) or a function (see Array.prototype.sort() to learn how to write a sort function). Two tag name strings are passed to the sorter for each pass. Default is the order determined by Swagger UI. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provides a mechanism to be notified when Swagger UI has finished rendering a newly provided definition. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set to Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth redirect URL. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
MUST be a function. Function to intercept remote definition, "Try it out", and OAuth 2.0 requests. Accepts one argument requestInterceptor(request) and must return the modified request, or a Promise that resolves to the modified request. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set, MUST be an array of command line options available to the curl command. This can be set on the mutated request in the requestInterceptor function. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
MUST be a function. Function to intercept remote definition, "Try it out", and OAuth 2.0 responses. Accepts one argument responseInterceptor(response) and must return the modified response, or a Promise that resolves to the modified response. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true, uses the mutated request returned from a requestInterceptor to produce the curl command in the UI, otherwise the request before the requestInterceptor was applied is used. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
List of HTTP methods that have the "Try it out" feature enabled. An empty array disables "Try it out" for all operations. This does not filter the operations from the display. Environment variable: Show more |
list of |
By default, Swagger UI attempts to validate specs against’s online validator. You can use this parameter to set a different validator URL, for example for locally deployed validators (Validator Badge). Setting it to either none, or localhost will disable validation. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true, enables passing credentials, as defined in the Fetch standard, in CORS requests that are sent by the browser. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Function to set default values to each property in model. Accepts one argument modelPropertyMacro(property), property is immutable Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Function to set default value to parameters. Accepts two arguments parameterMacro(operation, parameter). Operation and parameter are objects passed for context, both remain immutable Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true, it persists authorization data and it would not be lost on browser close/refresh Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of a component available via the plugin system to use as the top-level layout for Swagger UI. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
A list of plugin functions to use in Swagger UI. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
A list of external scripts (usually plugins) to use in Swagger UI. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
A list of presets to use in Swagger UI. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
OAuth default clientId - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth default clientSecret - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth1 Realm query parameter added to authorizationUrl and tokenUrl - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth application name, displayed in authorization popup - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth scope separator for passing scopes - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth Scopes, separated using the oauthScopeSeparator - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth additional query parameters added to authorizationUrl and tokenUrl - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
OAuth only activated for the accessCode flow. During the authorization_code request to the tokenUrl, pass the Client Password using the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
OAuth only applies to authorization code flows. Proof Key for Code Exchange brings enhanced security for OAuth public clients - Used in the initOAuth method. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Pre-authorize Basic Auth, programmatically set DefinitionKey for a Basic authorization scheme - Used in the preauthorizeBasic method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Pre-authorize Basic Auth, programmatically set Username for a Basic authorization scheme - Used in the preauthorizeBasic method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Pre-authorize Basic Auth, programmatically set Password for a Basic authorization scheme - Used in the preauthorizeBasic method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Pre-authorize ApiKey Auth, programmatically set DefinitionKey for an API key or Bearer authorization scheme - Used in the preauthorizeApiKey method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Pre-authorize ApiKey Auth, programmatically set ApiKeyValue for an API key or Bearer authorization scheme - Used in the preauthorizeApiKey method. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true, this allows the user to modify and test different query parameters in the API request Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If try it out should be enabled by default Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If Swagger UI is included, it should be enabled/disabled. By default, Swagger UI is enabled if it is included (see Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
TLS Registry |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The order of the key/cert files, based on the names in the By default, Quarkus sorts the key using a lexicographical order. This property allows you to specify the order of the key/cert files. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Path to the key store file (P12 / PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
Password of the key store. When not set, the password must be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Alias of the private key and certificate in the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the alias in the key store. If not set, the password will be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provider of the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to the keystore file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
Password of the key store. When not set, the password must be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Alias of the private key and certificate in the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the alias in the key store. When not set, the password may be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provider of the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables Server Name Indication (SNI). Server Name Indication (SNI) is a TLS extension that allows a client to specify the hostname it is attempting to connect to during the TLS handshake. This enables a server to present different SSL certificates for multiple domains on a single IP address, facilitating secure communication for virtual hosting scenarios. With this setting enabled, the client indicate the server name during the TLS handshake, allowing the server to select the right certificate. When configuring the keystore with PEM files, multiple CRT/Key must be given. When configuring the keystore with a JKS or a P12 file, it selects one alias based on the SNI hostname. In this case, all the keystore password and alias password must be the same (configured with the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the "credential" bucket (map key → passwords) to retrieve from the A credential provider offers a way to retrieve the key store password as well as alias password. Note that the credential provider is only used if the passwords are not set in the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the bean providing the credential provider. The name is used to select the credential provider to use. The credential provider must be exposed as a CDI bean and with the If not set, the default credential provider is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key used to retrieve the key store password. If the selected credential provider does not support the key, the password is not retrieved. Otherwise, the retrieved value is used to open the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key used to retrieve the key store alias password. If the selected credential provider does not contain the key, the alias password is not retrieved. Otherwise, the retrieved value is used to access the alias Environment variable: Show more |
string |
List of the trusted cert paths (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
Path to the trust store file (P12 / PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
Password of the trust store. If not set, the password must be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Alias of the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provider of the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to the trust store file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
Password of the trust store. If not set, the password must be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Alias of the key in the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provider of the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enforce certificate expiration. When enabled, the certificate expiration date is verified and the certificate (or any certificate in the chain) is rejected if it is expired. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the "credential" bucket (map key → passwords) to retrieve from the A credential provider offers a way to retrieve the key store password as well as alias password. Note that the credential provider is only used if the passwords are not set in the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the bean providing the credential provider. The name is used to select the credential provider to use. The credential provider must be exposed as a CDI bean and with the If not set, the default credential provider is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key used to retrieve the trust store password. If the selected credential provider does not contain the configured key, the password is not retrieved. Otherwise, the retrieved value is used to open the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the ordered list of enabled cipher suites. If none is given, a reasonable default is selected from the built-in ciphers. When suites are set, it takes precedence over the default suite defined by the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the ordered list of enabled TLS protocols. If not set, it defaults to Note that setting an empty list, and enabling TLS is invalid. You must at least have one protocol. Also, setting this replaces the default list of protocols. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The timeout for the TLS handshake phase. If not set, it defaults to 10 seconds. Environment variable: Show more |
Enables the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN). Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation is a TLS extension that allows the client and server during the TLS handshake to negotiate which protocol they will use for communication. ALPN enables more efficient communication by allowing the client to indicate its preferred application protocol to the server before the TLS connection is established. This helps in scenarios such as HTTP/2 where multiple protocols may be available, allowing for faster protocol selection. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the list of revoked certificates (paths to files). A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a list of digital certificates that have been revoked by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) before their scheduled expiration date. When a certificate is compromised, no longer needed, or deemed invalid for any reason, the CA adds it to the CRL to inform relying parties not to trust the certificate anymore. Two formats are allowed: DER and PKCS#7 (also known as P7B). When using the DER format, you must pass DER-encoded CRLs. When using the PKCS#7 format, you must pass PKCS#7 Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
If set to This is useful for testing, but should not be used in production. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The hostname verification algorithm to use in case the server’s identity should be checked. Should be If set to If not set, the configured extension decides the default algorithm to use. For example, for HTTP, it will be "HTTPS". For TCP, it can depend on the protocol. Nevertheless, it is recommended to set it to "HTTPS" or "LDAPS". Environment variable: Show more |
string |
When configured, the server will reload the certificates (from the file system for example) and fires a This property configures the period to reload the certificates. IF not set, the certificates won’t be reloaded automatically. However, the application can still trigger the reload manually using the The fired event is used to notify the application that the certificates have been updated, and thus proceed with the actual switch of certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
The path to the key file (in PEM format: PKCS#8, PKCS#1 or encrypted PKCS#8). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
The path to the certificate file (in PEM format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
When the key is encrypted (encrypted PKCS#8), the password to decrypt it. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The path to the key file (in PEM format: PKCS#8, PKCS#1 or encrypted PKCS#8). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
The path to the certificate file (in PEM format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
When the key is encrypted (encrypted PKCS#8), the password to decrypt it. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The order of the key/cert files, based on the names in the By default, Quarkus sorts the key using a lexicographical order. This property allows you to specify the order of the key/cert files. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Path to the key store file (P12 / PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
Password of the key store. When not set, the password must be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Alias of the private key and certificate in the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the alias in the key store. If not set, the password will be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provider of the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to the keystore file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
Password of the key store. When not set, the password must be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Alias of the private key and certificate in the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the alias in the key store. When not set, the password may be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provider of the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables Server Name Indication (SNI). Server Name Indication (SNI) is a TLS extension that allows a client to specify the hostname it is attempting to connect to during the TLS handshake. This enables a server to present different SSL certificates for multiple domains on a single IP address, facilitating secure communication for virtual hosting scenarios. With this setting enabled, the client indicate the server name during the TLS handshake, allowing the server to select the right certificate. When configuring the keystore with PEM files, multiple CRT/Key must be given. When configuring the keystore with a JKS or a P12 file, it selects one alias based on the SNI hostname. In this case, all the keystore password and alias password must be the same (configured with the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The name of the "credential" bucket (map key → passwords) to retrieve from the A credential provider offers a way to retrieve the key store password as well as alias password. Note that the credential provider is only used if the passwords are not set in the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the bean providing the credential provider. The name is used to select the credential provider to use. The credential provider must be exposed as a CDI bean and with the If not set, the default credential provider is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key used to retrieve the key store password. If the selected credential provider does not support the key, the password is not retrieved. Otherwise, the retrieved value is used to open the key store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key used to retrieve the key store alias password. If the selected credential provider does not contain the key, the alias password is not retrieved. Otherwise, the retrieved value is used to access the alias Environment variable: Show more |
string |
List of the trusted cert paths (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
Path to the trust store file (P12 / PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
Password of the trust store. If not set, the password must be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Alias of the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provider of the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Path to the trust store file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
path |
required |
Password of the trust store. If not set, the password must be retrieved from the credential provider. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Alias of the key in the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Provider of the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enforce certificate expiration. When enabled, the certificate expiration date is verified and the certificate (or any certificate in the chain) is rejected if it is expired. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the "credential" bucket (map key → passwords) to retrieve from the A credential provider offers a way to retrieve the key store password as well as alias password. Note that the credential provider is only used if the passwords are not set in the configuration. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The name of the bean providing the credential provider. The name is used to select the credential provider to use. The credential provider must be exposed as a CDI bean and with the If not set, the default credential provider is used. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The key used to retrieve the trust store password. If the selected credential provider does not contain the configured key, the password is not retrieved. Otherwise, the retrieved value is used to open the trust store. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Sets the ordered list of enabled cipher suites. If none is given, a reasonable default is selected from the built-in ciphers. When suites are set, it takes precedence over the default suite defined by the Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Sets the ordered list of enabled TLS protocols. If not set, it defaults to Note that setting an empty list, and enabling TLS is invalid. You must at least have one protocol. Also, setting this replaces the default list of protocols. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
The timeout for the TLS handshake phase. If not set, it defaults to 10 seconds. Environment variable: Show more |
Enables the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN). Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation is a TLS extension that allows the client and server during the TLS handshake to negotiate which protocol they will use for communication. ALPN enables more efficient communication by allowing the client to indicate its preferred application protocol to the server before the TLS connection is established. This helps in scenarios such as HTTP/2 where multiple protocols may be available, allowing for faster protocol selection. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Sets the list of revoked certificates (paths to files). A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a list of digital certificates that have been revoked by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) before their scheduled expiration date. When a certificate is compromised, no longer needed, or deemed invalid for any reason, the CA adds it to the CRL to inform relying parties not to trust the certificate anymore. Two formats are allowed: DER and PKCS#7 (also known as P7B). When using the DER format, you must pass DER-encoded CRLs. When using the PKCS#7 format, you must pass PKCS#7 Environment variable: Show more |
list of path |
If set to This is useful for testing, but should not be used in production. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The hostname verification algorithm to use in case the server’s identity should be checked. Should be If set to If not set, the configured extension decides the default algorithm to use. For example, for HTTP, it will be "HTTPS". For TCP, it can depend on the protocol. Nevertheless, it is recommended to set it to "HTTPS" or "LDAPS". Environment variable: Show more |
string |
When configured, the server will reload the certificates (from the file system for example) and fires a This property configures the period to reload the certificates. IF not set, the certificates won’t be reloaded automatically. However, the application can still trigger the reload manually using the The fired event is used to notify the application that the certificates have been updated, and thus proceed with the actual switch of certificates. Environment variable: Show more |
Undertow |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The context path for Servlet content. This will determine the path used to resolve all Servlet-based resources, including JAX-RS resources - when using the Undertow extension in conjunction with RESTEasy. This path is specified with a leading
Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The default charset to use for reading and writing requests Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The buffer size to use for Servlet. If this is not specified the default will depend on the amount of available memory. If there is less than 64mb it will default to 512b heap buffer, less that 128mb 1k direct buffer and otherwise 16k direct buffers. Environment variable: Show more |
If Servlet should use direct buffers, this gives maximum performance but can be problematic in memory constrained environments Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The maximum number of HTTP request parameters permitted for Servlet requests. If a client sends more than this number of parameters in a request, the connection is closed. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Vert.x |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Enables or disables the Vert.x cache. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the file cache directory. When not set, the cache is stored in the system temporary directory (read from the Note that this property is ignored if the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Enables or disabled the Vert.x classpath resource resolver. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The number of event loops. By default, it matches the number of CPUs detected on the system. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum amount of time the event loop can be blocked. Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time before a warning is displayed if the event loop is blocked. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum amount of time the worker thread can be blocked. Environment variable: Show more |
The size of the internal thread pool (used for the file system). Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The queue size. For most applications this should be unbounded Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The executor growth resistance. A resistance factor applied after the core pool is full; values applied here will cause that fraction of submissions to create new threads when no idle thread is available. A value of Environment variable: Show more |
float |
The amount of time a thread will stay alive with no work. Environment variable: Show more |
Prefill thread pool when creating a new Executor. When Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enables the async DNS resolver. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
PEM Key/cert config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
JKS config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PFX config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PEM Trust config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format). Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
JKS config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path of the key file (JKS format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key file. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
PFX config is disabled by default. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Path to the key file (PFX format). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password of the key. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The accept backlog. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The client authentication. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The connect timeout. Environment variable: Show more |
The idle timeout in milliseconds. Environment variable: Show more |
The receive buffer size. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The number of reconnection attempts. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The reconnection interval in milliseconds. Environment variable: Show more |
Whether to reuse the address. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to reuse the port. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The send buffer size. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The so linger. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Enables or Disabled SSL. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Whether to keep the TCP connection opened (keep-alive). Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the TCP no delay. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Configure the traffic class. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Enables or disables the trust all parameter. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The host name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
int |
The public host name. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The public port. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Enables or disables the clustering. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The ping interval. Environment variable: Show more |
The ping reply interval. Environment variable: Show more |
The maximum amount of time in seconds that a successfully resolved address will be cached. If not set explicitly, resolved addresses may be cached forever. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The minimum amount of time in seconds that a successfully resolved address will be cached. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The amount of time in seconds that an unsuccessful attempt to resolve an address will be cached. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum number of queries to be sent during a resolution. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The duration after which a DNS query is considered to be failed. Environment variable: Show more |
Set the path of an alternate hosts configuration file to use instead of the one provided by the os. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Set the hosts configuration refresh period in millis, The resolver caches the hosts configuration (configured using Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set the list of DNS server addresses, an address is the IP of the dns server, followed by an optional colon and a port, e.g Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Set to true to enable the automatic inclusion in DNS queries of an optional record that hints the remote DNS server about how much data the resolver can read per response. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the DNS queries Recursion Desired flag value. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set the lists of DNS search domains. When the search domain list is null, the effective search domain list will be populated using the system DNS search domains. Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Set the ndots value used when resolving using search domains, the default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Set to Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Enable or disable native transport Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Virtual Threads Support |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Virtual thread name prefix. If left blank virtual threads will be unnamed. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The shutdown timeout. If all pending work has not been completed by this time then any pending tasks will be interrupted, and the shutdown process will continue Environment variable: Show more |
The frequency at which the status of the executor service should be checked during shutdown. Setting this key to an empty value disables the shutdown check interval. Environment variable: Show more |
A flag to explicitly disabled virtual threads, even if the JVM support them. In this case, methods annotated with This flag is intended to be used when running with virtual threads become more expensive than plain worker threads, because of pinning, monopolization or thread-based object pool. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Web Dependency Locator |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
If the version reroute is enabled. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
User defined import mappings Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The directory in the resources which serves as root for the web assets Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The directory in the resources which serves as root for the app assets Environment variable: Show more |
string |
WebSockets Client |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
The maximum amount of data that can be sent in a single frame. Messages larger than this must be broken up into continuation frames. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If the websocket methods should be run in a worker thread. This allows them to run blocking tasks, however it will not be as fast as running directly in the IO thread. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
WebSockets Next |
Tipo |
Por defecto |
Specifies the activation strategy for the CDI request context during endpoint callback invocation. By default, the request context is only activated if needed, i.e. if there is a bean with the given scope, or a bean annotated with a security annotation (such as Environment variable: Show more |
Specifies the activation strategy for the CDI session context during endpoint callback invocation. By default, the session context is only activated if needed, i.e. if there is a bean with the given scope in the dependency tree of the endpoint. Environment variable: Show more |
Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Compression Extensions for WebSocket are supported by default. See also RFC 7692 Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The compression level must be a value between 0 and 9. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum size of a message in bytes. The default values is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The interval after which, when set, the server sends a ping message to a connected client automatically. Ping messages are not sent automatically by default. Environment variable: Show more |
The strategy used when an error occurs but no error handler can handle the failure. By default, the error message is logged and the connection is closed when an unhandled failure occurs. Environment variable: Show more |
Quarkus redirects HTTP handshake request to this URL if an HTTP upgrade is rejected due to the authorization failure. This configuration property takes effect when you secure endpoint with a standard security annotation. For example, the HTTP upgrade is secured if an endpoint class is annotated with the Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The limit of messages kept for a Dev UI connection. If less than zero then no messages are stored and sent to the Dev UI view. Environment variable: Show more |
long |
If set to true then binary/text messages received/sent are logged if the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The number of characters of a text message which will be logged if traffic logging is enabled. The payload of a binary message is never logged. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If collection of WebSocket traces is enabled. Only applicable when the OpenTelemetry extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If collection of WebSocket metrics is enabled. Only applicable when the Micrometer extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Compression Extensions for WebSocket are supported by default. See also RFC 7692 Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The compression level must be a value between 0 and 9. The default value is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The maximum size of a message in bytes. The default values is Environment variable: Show more |
int |
The interval after which, when set, the client sends a ping message to a connected server automatically. Ping messages are not sent automatically by default. Environment variable: Show more |
The strategy used when an error occurs but no error handler can handle the failure. By default, the error message is logged when an unhandled failure occurs. Note that clients should not close the WebSocket connection arbitrarily. See also RFC-6455 section 7.3. Environment variable: Show more |
The name of the TLS configuration to use. If a name is configured, it uses the configuration from The default TLS configuration is not used by default. Environment variable: Show more |
string |
If set to true then binary/text messages received/sent are logged if the Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The number of characters of a text message which will be logged if traffic logging is enabled. The payload of a binary message is never logged. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
If collection of WebSocket traces is enabled. Only applicable when the OpenTelemetry extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If collection of WebSocket metrics is enabled. Only applicable when the Micrometer extension is present. Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
About the Duration format
To write duration values, use the standard You can also use a simplified format, starting with a number:
In other cases, the simplified format is translated to the
About the MemorySize format
A size configuration option recognizes strings in this format (shown as a regular expression): If no suffix is given, assume bytes. |