Configuring Well-Known OpenID Connect Providers
This document explains how to configure well-known social OIDC and OAuth2 providers.
If you use OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow to protect Quarkus endpoints, then you need to configure Quarkus to tell it how to connect to OpenID Connect providers, how to authenticate to such providers, which scopes to use, and so on.
Sometimes you need to use the configuration to work around the fact that some providers do not implement OpenID Connect completely or when they are in fact OAuth2 providers only.
The configuration of such providers can become complex, very technical and difficult to understand.
configuration property has been introduced to refer to well-known OpenID Connect and OAuth2 providers. This property can be used to refer to a provider such as github
with only a minimum number of customizations required, typically, an account specific client id
, client secret
and some properties have to be set to complete the configuration.
This property can be used in
, in multi-tenant set-ups if more than one provider has to be configured (for example, see Quarkus Renarde security documentation), in custom TenantConfigResolvers if the tenant configurations are created dynamically.
Well Known Providers
In order to set up OIDC for Apple you need to create a developer account, and sign up for the 99$/year program, but you cannot test your application on localhost
like most other OIDC providers:
you will need to run it over HTTPS and make it publicly accessible, so for development purposes
you may want to use a service such as
Go to Create a new identifier and press +

Don’t touch anything, keep App IDs
selected, and press Continue

Don’t touch anything, keep App
selected, and press Continue

Enter a description and a Bundle ID (use your application package name):

Then scroll down to find the Sign in with Apple
Capability, select it, and press Continue

Write down your App ID Prefix, then press Register

Back on the Identifiers
page, press +

Select Service IDs
and press Continue

Enter a description and Bundle ID (use your application package name), then press Continue

Now press Register

Back on the service list, click on your newly created service:

Enable Sign in with Apple
and press Configure

Add your domain and return URL (set to <host>/apple
) and press Next

Now press Done

Now press Continue

And now press Save

Go to the Keys page on the left menu, and press +

Fill in a key name, enable Sign in with Apple
, and press Configure

Select your Primary App ID and press Save

Back on the key page, press Continue

Now press Register

Write down your Key ID
, download your key and save it to your Quarkus application in src/main/resources/AuthKey_<KEYID>.p8

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Bundle ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.jwt.key-file=AuthKey_<Key ID>.p8
quarkus.oidc.credentials.jwt.token-key-id=<Key ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.jwt.issuer=<App ID Prefix>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.jwt.subject=<Bundle ID}
will request Apple to add openid
, email
and name
scopes to issued access tokens. For information about overriding these scopes or requesting more scopes, see the Provider scopes section.
Create a Discord application:

You now can get your client id and secret:

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.client-secret=<Client Secret>
Facebook you will not be let you test your application on localhost
like most other OIDC providers:
you will need to run it over HTTPS and make it publicly accessible, so for development purposes
you may want to use a service such as
In order to set up OIDC for Facebook start by Creating an application, select Other
as an app type, and click Next

Now choose your application type. For this guide choose Consumer
and click Next
until you reach the screen below. Now enter an application name, and contact email, and press Create app

On the app page, click Set up
on the Facebook login

On the Quickstart
page click on Facebook login > Settings
on the left menu:

First click on Get Advanced Access
to switch public_profile
to advanced access.
Then enter your Redirect URIs
(set to <host>/facebook
) and press Save changes

Now go to Settings > Basic
on the left-hand menu, and write down your App ID
and App secret

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<App ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret=<App secret>
will request Facebook to add email
and public_profile
scopes to issued access tokens. For information about overriding these scopes or requesting more scopes, see the Provider scopes section.
In order to set up OIDC for GitHub you need to create a new OAuth application in your GitHub developer settings:

Make sure to fill in the appropriate details, but more importantly the Authorization Callback URL, set to http://localhost:8080/github
(if you intend to test this using the Quarkus dev mode).
Now click on Register application
and you’ll be shown your application page:

You need to click on Generate a new client secret
, confirm your credentials, and write down
your Client ID and Client secret (especially that one, because you will not be able to see it again
later from that page, but you can always recreate one, do don’t worry too much):

Now add the following configuration to your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
will request GitHub to add a user:email
scope to issued access tokens. For information about overriding this scope or requesting more scopes, see the Provider scopes section.
You can also send access tokens issued by GitHub to quarkus.oidc.application-type=service or quarkus.oidc.application-type=hybrid Quarkus applications.
In order to set up OIDC for Google you need to create a new project in your Google Cloud Platform console:
Pick a project name and click on CREATE

Now make sure you select your project in the top selector, and click on the left-hand bar menu on APIs and Services > OAuth consent screen

Select External
to authorise any Google user to log in to your application and press CREATE

Now you can fill in your application name, your support email, your developer contact information and press SAVE AND CONTINUE

Do not add any scopes on the next page, and press SAVE AND CONTINUE

Do not add any test user on the next page, and press SAVE AND CONTINUE

Click on the top menu CREATE CREDENTIALS
> OAuth client ID

Select Web application
as Application type
, and add http://localhost:8080/google
the Authorised redirect URIs
list, then press CREATE

Copy your Client ID and Client Secret:

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
will request Google to add openid
, email
and profile
scopes to issued access tokens. For information about overriding these scopes or requesting more scopes, see the Provider scopes section.
You can also send access tokens issued by Google to quarkus.oidc.application-type=service or quarkus.oidc.application-type=hybrid Quarkus applications.
Create a LinkedIn application:

Add the Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenId Connect

You now can get your client id and secret. Don’t forget to also add the authorized redirect URLs for your application:

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.client-secret=<Client Secret>
Create a Mastodon account. You must pick a server, for example,
Select a Development
option in your account and register an application, for example:

Select the registered application:

and note its client id and client secret properties, use them to configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.client-secret.value=<Client Secret>
By default, quarkus.oidc.provider=mastodon
sets quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url
to the
Mastodon server address.
You can override quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url
if you have created your account in another Mastodon server, for example:
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.client-secret.value=<Client Secret>
In order to set up OIDC for Microsoft you need to go to your Microsoft Azure Portal,
and search for Microsoft Entra ID
formerly known as Azure Active Directory
, then click on it:

Once there, on the left side under Manage
, click on App registrations
then click on New registration

Fill in your application name, select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)
to allow anyone to log in, and add a Web
Redirect URI as http://localhost:8080/microsoft
then click on Register

On that resulting page, copy the Client Id
(under Application (client) ID
, then click on Add a certificate or secret

Now, under Client secrets (0)
, click on New client secret

Click on Add
in that dialog without changing anything:

On the resulting page, copy your Secret Value

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
will request Microsoft to add openid
, email
and profile
scopes to issued access tokens. For information about overriding these scopes or requesting more scopes, see the Provider scopes section.
You can also send access tokens issued by Microsoft to quarkus.oidc.application-type=service or quarkus.oidc.application-type=hybrid Quarkus applications but you may need to set quarkus.oidc.verify-access-token-with-user-info configuration property to true if access tokens issued by Microsoft are not in JWT format.
Some Microsoft services may issue tokens whose signatures can only be verified if the current token’s
Create a Slack application:

Select application name, workspace, and remember it, you will need it later:

Please save client id and secret displayed on the next page, you will need them later:

Configure redirect URLs. Slack provider requires HTTPS protocol, for development purposes, you can use ngrok:

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret=<Client Secret> (1)
1 | Use the team parameter to refer to the workspace you chose during the Slack OIDC application registration. |
Open your browser and navigate to your application https://<your ngrok instance>
Quarkus will redirect you to Slack provider on the first request where you can grant required permissions:

Create a Spotify application:

Don’t forget to add http://localhost:8080
as a redirect URI for testing during development purposes. You should get a client id and secret generated once a Spotify application setup has been complete, for example:

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret=<Client Secret>
will request Spotify to add user-read-private
and user-read-email
scopes to issued access tokens. For information about overriding these scopes or requesting more scopes, see the Provider scopes section.
Create a Strava application:

For example, set Category
to SocialMotivation
, and set ApplicationCallbackDomain
to either localhost
or the domain name provided by Ngrok, see the HTTPS Redirect URI for more information.
You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.client-secret=<Client Secret>
# default value is '/strava'
quarkus.oidc.authentication.redirect-path=/fitness/welcome (1)
1 | Strava does not enforce that the redirect (callback) URI which is provided as an authorization code flow parameter is equal to the URI registered in the Strava application because it only requires configuring ApplicationCallbackDomain . For example, if ApplicationCallbackDomain is set to , Strava will accept redirect URIs such as , , which is not recommended by OAuth2 best security practices, see Insufficient redirect_uri validation for more information.
Therefore you must configure a redirect path when working with the Strava provider and Quarkus will enforce that the current request path matches the configured quarkus.oidc.authentication.redirect-path value before completing the authorization code flow. See the Exact redirect URI match for more information. |
Create a Twitch application:

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.client-secret.value=<Client Secret>
X (formerly Twitter)
You can use X (formerly Twitter) for OIDC login, but at the moment, it restricts access to the user’s email, which means you will have to obtain it and verify it yourself.
In order to set up OIDC for X, start by Creating a project, enter a project name, and press Next

Enter a use case, and press Next

Enter a project description, and press Next

Now enter an application name, and press Next

Write down your keys, because they will not be displayed again, and press App Settings

Navigate down to the User authentication settings
section and press Set up

Check the OAuth 2.0
check box:

Select Web App
as application type, then fill in your application details (use <host>/_renarde/security/twitter-success
for the Callback URI
X doesn’t require https usage in practice, but won’t accept your Website URL without it, so
you can still use ngrok for it.
Now press Save

You can now copy your Client ID
and Client Secret
and press Done

You can now configure your
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret=<Client Secret>
will request X to add offline.access
scopes to issued access tokens. For information about overriding these scopes or requesting more scopes, see the Provider scopes section.
X provider requires Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) which is supported by the You can provide your own secret key for encrypting the PKCE code verifier if you prefer with the |
X is the new name of Twitter. You can continue using |
Provider scopes
Each provider declaration will request one or more token scopes added to access tokens issued by a given provider. For example, quarkus.oidc.provider=google
will request Google
to add openid
, email
and profile
You can override these scopes with quarkus.oidc.authentication.scopes
property, for example, if you work with Google
and would not like to have an email
scope added to access tokens:
You may also want to add one or more scopes in addition to the scopes requested by default. For example, if you would like to use an access token issued by Google
to access Google Calendar
service, you can do it like this:
It is simpler than using quarkus.oidc.authentication.scopes
to add a new scope, because quarkus.oidc.authentication.scopes
overrides the scopes already set by the provider declaration, which is why you need to list all the required scopes in this case:
Support for multiple providers
If you would like to support authenticating users with more than one provider then a provider-specific tenant configuration resolution must be supported.
For more information, see the Quarkus Using OpenID Connect (OIDC) Multi-Tenancy guide.
Access provider services with token propagation
Sometimes, only authenticating users with a social provider is not enough.
A provider-specific service also needs to be accessed for the Quarkus OIDC web-app
application to fetch or update data from the provider service on behalf of the currently authenticated user.
As mentioned in the OIDC code flow mechanism for protecting web applications guide, ID and access tokens are returned after the authorization code flow has been completed, with some providers like GitHub
returning an access token only.
It is this access token that has to be propagated to services such as Google Calendar
, or Spotify Playlists
for the currently authenticated user to be able to use such services.
You do not have to bring provider-specific libraries in order to achieve this, but instead you can use a reactive Token Propagation
filter, which can be bound to a given REST client with a simple annotation.
For more information, see the Quarkus Access token propagation guide.
For example, after you have configured the Google provider, you can have events added to the user’s Google Calendar by using a REST client as shown in the following example:
package org.acme.calendar;
import io.quarkus.oidc.token.propagation.common.AccessToken;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
@AccessToken (1)
public interface GoogleCalendarClient {
Uni<String> addEvent(Event event);
public static class Event {
public String summary;
public String kind = "calendar#event";
public Time start;
public Time end
public static class Time {
public String dateTime;
public String timeZone = "Europe/CET";
public Time() {
public Time(String value) {
dateTime = value;
1 | The @AccessToken annotation enables an access token propagation to the target service. |
Finally, you need to configure the Google Calendar address and request the Google Calendar scope for an access token, as outlined in the following example:
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
# Add a required calendar scope
# Point REST client to Google Calendar endpoint
Now you are ready to have users authenticated with Google and support updating their Google
calendars on their behalf, for example:
package org.acme.calendar;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken;
import io.quarkus.oidc.IdToken;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
public class CalendarService {
JsonWebToken jwt;
GoogleCalendarClient calendarClient;
public Uni<String> get() {
return calendarClient.addEvent(new Event()).onItem()
.transform(c -> ("Hello " + jwt.getName() + ", new event: " + c));
You must update the application registered with the Google provider to list http://localhost:8080/calendar/event
as one of the authorized redirect URIs if you would like to test this endpoint on the local host, for example:

You might also have to register one or more test users:

Follow the same approach if the endpoint must access other Google services.
The pattern of authenticating with a given provider, where the endpoint uses either an ID token or UserInfo (especially if an OAuth2-only provider such as GitHub
is used) to get some information about the currently authenticated user and using an access token to access some downstream services (provider or application specific ones) on behalf of this user can be universally applied, irrespectively of which provider is used to secure the application.
Exact redirect URI match
Most OIDC and OAuth2 providers with the exception of Strava will enforce that the authorization code flow can be completed only if the redirect URI matches precisely the redirect URI configured in a given provider’s dashboard.
From the practical point of view, your Quarkus endpoint will most likely need to have the quarkus.oidc.authentication.redirect-path
relative path property set to an initial entry path for all the authenticated users, for example, quarkus.oidc.authentication.redirect-path=/authenticated
, which means that newly authenticated users will land on the /authenticated
page, irrespectively of how many secured entry points your application has and which secured resource they initially accessed.
It is a typical flow for many OIDC web-app
applications. Once the user lands on the initial secured page, your application can return an HTML page which uses links to guide users to other parts of the application or users can be immediately redirected to other application resources with the help of JAX-RS API.
If necessary, you can configure Quarkus to restore the original request URI after the authentication has been completed. For example:
quarkus.oidc.provider=strava (1)
quarkus.oidc.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.authentication.restore-path-after-redirect=true (2)
1 | strava provider configuration is the only supported configuration which enforces the quarkus.oidc.authentication.redirect-path property with the /strava path which you can override with another path such as /fitness . |
2 | If the users access the /run endpoint before the authentication, then, once they have authenticated and been redirected to the configured redirect path such as /strava , they will land on the original request /run path. |
You do not have to set quarkus.oidc.authentication.redirect-path
immediately because Quarkus assumes the current request URL is an authorization code flow redirect URL if no quarkus.oidc.authentication.redirect-path
is configured. For example, to test that a Google authentication is working, you can have a Quarkus endpoint listening on /google
and update the Google dashboard that http://localhost:8080/google
redirect URI is supported. Setting quarkus.oidc.authentication.redirect-path
property will be required once your secured application URL space grows.
HTTPS Redirect URI
Some providers will only accept HTTPS-based redirect URIs. Tools such as ngrok can be set up to help testing such providers with Quarkus endpoints running on localhost in dev mode.
Rate Limiting
Depending on your developer API subscription level, some providers may enforce a rather strict request rate limiting policy.
It may not be a problem when Quarkus fetches public verification keys from OIDC-compliant providers like the Google provider and keeps verifying the user session with these keys locally. However, for pure OAuth2 providers where only an access token is available and which has to be verified indirectly by requesting UserInfo from the provider endpoint on every request done by an already authenticated user, it can become a problem.
Therefore, UserInfo is embedded in an internally generated ID token and is encrypted in the session cookie. You can disable it with quarkus.oidc.cache-user-info-in-idtoken=false
Alternatively, use a default or custom UserInfo cache provider, please see the Token Introspection and UserInfo cache section of the "OpenID Connect (OIDC) Bearer token authentication" guide.